Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 116: The original message left by the pioneers

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What surprised Lin Feng was that the guardian of the holy pagoda was here. Lin Feng had been in the world inside the Tongtian Temple for some time. Lin Feng thought that the guardian of the holy pagoda would leave. Send a few people to guard here. When you come out, the following people will inform you.

But the guardians of the holy tower did not do this, but waited for their own here. It seems that the guardians of the holy tower are too much for themselves to bring out the real body of the stone man. Concerned, so much that she has always been here.

After seeing Lin Feng out, the guardian of the holy tower showed a happy look. She can't wait to know whether Lin Feng succeeded or not.

"How is it all going?", The guardian of the holy tower looked at Lin Feng and asked.

Of course, Lin Feng knows whether the question of the guardians of the holy tower is smooth. It is not asking him whether he has got any amazing chances or something, but asking him if he succeeded in bringing out the real stone man.

Lin Feng showed a very regretful expression and said, "I'm really sorry, that place is too dangerous. Even me, there is no way to bring the real man out of the stone!".

After hearing Lin Feng ’s remarks, the heart of the guardian of the holy tower sank to the bottom of the valley. This is the last era of this reincarnation. Lin Feng has no way to bring the real man out, so it seems that she has not left The hope of the holy tower has made the guardian of the holy tower a bit worse.

But actually ... wasn't this expected before?

So many failures, do you expect to succeed this time?

It's not realistic.

Seeing the ugly expression of the holy guardian, Lin Feng couldn't help but ridicule the holy guardian and let the holy guardian's mood fall to the bottom. This kind of thing is quite fun.

Probably only he dares to do such a thing, who dares to play with the guardians of the holy tower?

"The guy who has no sympathy is still gloating, and I should throw you out now!". The guardian of the holy tower said angrily, it seemed to be stimulated by Lin Feng's smile.

Don't look at her as a little girl, but her temper is not particularly good. In fact, her temper is not very good is understandable. After all, she has always been the superior.

Such characters are naturally arbitrary.

How many of you have good tempers?

Lin Feng said, "Of course you can throw me out, but if you throw me out, then the stone man's true body, I can only be refined into my own incarnation!".

"Ah? Shiren real body? You said Shiren real body? Did you get Shiren real body?". The guardian of the horror exclaimed suddenly.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "Of course, it was just a joke with you. I didn't expect you to react so badly, and even expelled me. It was really sad for me!".

The guardian of the Santa Claus immediately changed a smiling face, revealing the innocent expression that only the little girl had, and said, "Well, people are just in a bad mood. Big brother, don't care about others, they are still children!"

Lin Feng, "...".

"Big Brother forgive others, they can care about the mood of Big Brother, Big Brother is one of the most important people in his life!". The guardian of the holy tower continued to speak pitifully.

Lin Feng, "...".

She wanted to continue pretending to be pitiful, but was interrupted by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is still very clear about the kind of person who is the guardian of the holy tower. People like the guardian of the holy tower, it is best to listen to what she said. It is better to play a little girl now. This kind of thing she does is not that small, she is not really a little girl.

In fact, Lin Feng can also understand the mood of the guardians of the holy tower.

She was desperate to get the real body of Shiren and carry out her destiny.

But she was also worried that Lin Feng would leave with Shiren in person. This kind of thing is unclear, and Lin Feng ’s strength is strong. If she really wants to leave, even if she is the guardian of the holy tower, Lin Feng may not be able to stay .

So at this time, pretending to be pitiful is indeed a pretty good method.

Of course, Lin Feng is only a little joke with the guardian of the holy tower. He never thought about being a guardian of the holy tower. Lin Feng is a man of faith and faith. After the transaction, it will definitely fulfill the transaction, instead of placing obstacles to the guardians of the holy tower.

This kind of thing, this kind of behavior, is not Lin Feng's style of work.

Lin Feng summoned the stone body, he looked at the guardian of the holy tower and said, "This is the stone body that I brought out. I don't know if it is the one you need?".

When I saw the real body of the stone man, the heart of the guardian of the holy tower was suddenly filled with great joy. This is indeed the real body of the stone man she needs.

She nodded quickly and said, "That's right, this is exactly what I needed for the real stone man!".

The guardian of the holy tower quickly put away the stone man.

Lin Feng said, "You said that you have to tell some secrets!".

"Of course, but this is not the place to speak. Let's talk about this matter elsewhere!". Said the guardian of the holy tower.

"it is good!". Lin Feng nodded.

He followed the guardian of the holy tower and quickly left the place.

It didn't take long for them to come to the residence where the guardians of the holy tower live and practice. After coming here, the guardians of the holy tower just said, "This secret I want to tell has something to do with the pioneers!".

"Oh? Has something to do with the pioneers?".

Lin Feng's face suddenly showed great interest. It is needless to say how powerful the pioneer is, and any of his secrets are extremely amazing, enough to make countless monks crazy.

The guardian of the holy tower said, "You should have heard of how creators like Taishanfu Jun broke through?"

Lin Feng pondered for a moment, then said, "After hearing that the pioneers fell, these people got some of the origins left by the pioneers, and then with the help of the origins left by the pioneers, they made a breakthrough and became a strong level of the creator level. ! "

"Yes, this is the reason. In fact, it is too difficult to break through the creator. There is no chance to go against the sky. Breaking through is really as difficult as going to the sky. So many amazing ancient existences were trapped. The realm of the quasi-creator has no way to break through, and the creators who finally broke through are not particularly top-notch among the powerful ones of that year. They are not the top-level existence of that era, but their luck is too good! ".

"Sometimes this is really enviable. Of course, it does not mean that if you get part of the pioneer's source, you can break through to the creator's level. As far as I know, there were some monks who got the part of the pioneer's source, but They have not been able to make a breakthrough! ".

Lin Feng couldn't help but move slightly. At this time, the guardian of the holy tower talked to him about the origins of the pioneers. What was his intention? It ’s never going to be a gossip. Even if it ’s really a gossip, there are so many things to talk about, why talk about this alone?

Could it be?

Lin Feng thought of a certain possibility, and when he thought of that possibility, Lin Feng's heart suddenly jumped.

Wouldn't it be exactly what he guessed?

If this is the case.

That's not easy.

The guardian of the holy tower said, "The reason why I mentioned the pioneer's origin with you, and the reason why some monks broke through the creator at that time, is because this thing I want to say is related to the pioneer's origin. Knowing where the origins of the pioneers are, some of the powerful creators are estimated to know, but only these people know it! ".

Lin Feng took a breath.

This is indeed a shattering news.

That's the source left by the pioneers. How powerful and precious the creator's source is. It's unimaginable. What's more, the source left by the pioneers at the level of the pioneers?

The source left by this level of powerhouse is absolutely enough to shake the world, and to make those powerhouses of the creator level crazy and desperate.

But Lin Feng thought about it for a while, and it was wrong, since some of the creator-level powerhouses also knew about it.

How can the strong ones of the creator level not rob the pioneers of the original source?

Between heaven and earth, they are the most powerful. They should have the ability to get the origin of the pioneers.

Do you still get yourself a turn?

"These sources have probably been gone by those strong creators?", Said Lin Feng.

The guardian of the holy tower said, "Relax, these sources have not yet been given to those creators, because these sources have not yet been born!".

"Not yet born?". Lin Feng suddenly showed an extremely surprised expression.

If the origins left by the pioneers are not born, then it is indeed possible to preserve them to the present.

But since they were not born, how do these creators and the guardians of the holy tower know where this source exists?

Lin Feng asked, "Is the source reliable?"

The guardian of the holy tower said, "You can rest assured that the source is absolutely reliable!".

"So, where is this part of the source left by the pioneers?". Lin Feng couldn't help asking.

This is the topic he is most concerned about, because the origins left by the pioneers can definitely help the monks to greatly improve their cultivation.

It can even help the strong level of the creator level, so that they have infinite power close to the pioneers.

"Have Blue Star ever heard of it?". Asked the guardian of the holy tower.

Hearing the three words of water blue star, Lin Feng showed a surprised color. He did hear of a water blue star, but the water blue star mentioned by the guardian of the holy star is the same as the water blue star he knew. Planet?

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