Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 127: Where is Lynch determined!

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At this time, quite vigorous father continued, "He just said that he would go to the Time Universe, but he didn't say what to do to the Time Universe!".

"Hmm!" Lin Feng nodded.

The two sides chatted for a while, and Lin Feng left.

Mandali took Lin Feng to the residence, saying that at night, a campfire party would be held to welcome Lin Feng and others.

This is the highest level of treatment of the barbarian tribe, but not everyone is eligible for the barbarian tribe to hold a campfire party.

Barbarian tribes generally hold bonfire parties only when the most distinguished guests arrive.

After returning to the residence, she vigorously left and left.

Su Yi went to meet Ruyi Fairy.

After seeing Lin Feng, Ruyi Fairy smiled and said, "How are you talking?".

Lin Feng said, "I heard many things about the ancestors. Whenever I try to understand the ancestors, I know how extraordinary the ancestors are!"

Lin Qi is really different from Lin Feng. Lin Feng ’s talent is so powerful. He has so many powerful bloodlines. In addition to his era, although it was a declining period of cultivation at the beginning, but the world changed greatly and became cultivation The prosperous age, such a powerful talent, coupled with the advent of the prosperous age, Lin Feng ’s cultivation is difficult to improve.

What about Lynch?

How was he rejected by his family?

Isn't it because the talent is mediocre?

His bloodline is very general, and his talent is very general, so he was extremely mediocre in his youth.

And that era was not suitable for cultivation.

It was precisely because of various constraints that Lynch made even more remarkable achievements afterwards.

Ruyi Fairy said, "He is indeed an extraordinary person. If he had been intercepted by Taishanfu Jun, he would have already become a strong creator!"

"Has been intercepted by Taishan Fujun?". Lin Feng's eyes suddenly squinted.

He had guessed before that the ancestor Lynch should have been robbed on the way to the Kunlun Cosmic Aqua Blue Planet or on the Aqua Blue Planet before he fell into the Nether Realm, and even at that time, he was lost Some things, such as the wordless book that Lin Feng now receives, may have been lost at that time. Lin Feng also speculated that it may have been shot by a strong creator.

Because in Lin Feng's view, only the strong man of this level can really threaten Lynch, but Lin Feng never thought that the person who shot was the Taishanfujun, although the person of Taishanfujun was not a good thing, but he shot There are only a handful of times. He prefers to manipulate everything behind the scenes. Even behind the scenes, he watched some of the other creator masters to obliterate some top-level existences.

Instead of doing it yourself.

But this time, he personally dealt with the ancestor Lynch, Lin Feng felt that there might be some hidden feelings behind this thing that he did not know.

So what will this hidden feeling be?

Perhaps, there was something that touched the princes of Mount Tai on the ancestors of Lynch?

Ruyi Fairy said, "My family still has some status in the Kunlun universe, and I know a lot of things, so I have a certain understanding of this matter. In the starry sky world, the two sides broke out in a peak battle, you His ancestors fought for thousands of rounds with the power of Taishan Prefecture, but in the end, because he did not break through the realm of the creator, the mana was far less powerful than the creator, and he was exhausted! "

Hearing the words of Ruyi Fairy, Lin Feng seemed to see an ancient battlefield, an arrogant figure, fighting a strong power of the creator level, until the last mana was exhausted, how tragic?

Taishanfujun, **** it!

Ruyi Fairy continued, "Why is this person in Taishan Fujun always low-key? Why is he proactively dealing with your ancestor? This is a bit confusing, but he still hasn't been able to destroy your ancestor's body. Return from robbery! ".

"Tell me where my ancestors are, if I get a definite answer, I can enter the Nether Kingdom".

Lin Feng said.

Ruyi Fairy said, "He appeared before in Kunlun Mountain, the sacred place of the Kunlun universe!"

"Kunlun Mountains?". Lin Feng's eyebrows could not help but slightly raised.

The mountain named after the Kunlun universe can be imagined how extraordinary this mountain is.

I dare to name it that way.

Ruyi Fairy said, "Kunlun Mountain is empty and real, making it difficult to tell what kind of world it is, but that place is really special. It is rumored that the place hides some of the oldest secrets among the heavens, even if the creator is strong. Also, it is very difficult to enter that place. You need to see if you have fate. If there is no fate, even the strong level of the creator level cannot enter it. "

Lin Feng said, "So according to the meaning of the fairy, if I want to find my ancestor Lin Qi, do I need to go to the Kunlun Mountain Kunlun Mountain?".

Ruyi Fairy nodded and said, "Yes, that's what it means, but now there are some very special changes in the Kunlun Mountain area. It is more difficult to enter the Kunlun Mountain boundary, but my family has some tokens. The monks get the chance to enter the Kunlun Mountains! ".

Lin Feng said, "Since we want to talk about cooperation, now the fairy can give me the tokens your family has!"

Ruyi Fairy said, "I'm sorry, the token is not on me. The preciousness of this token is unimaginable, but since Lin Gongzi promised to cooperate with me, then, it is worth it for me to give everything here. The son can give it to me with confidence, and I will return to the Kunlun universe, and then explain this matter to the elders in the family, and then I can bring the token with me. At that time, I will give the token to the son, I do n’t know. What did your son think? ".

Lin Feng said, "Return between the Kunlun universe and the wasteland world? How much time will it take?"

Ruyi Fairy said, "Sonson may have some things that are not very clear. For ordinary monks, they take giant ancient ships and travel between the wasteland world and the Kunlun universe. Of course it takes a long time. A few years, It ’s even possible for more than a decade, but for some of the top races, it ’s another situation! ”.

"This is because ... some top races have some secret passages, and this kind of secret passages can greatly shorten the time for the monks to travel. For example, the secret passages controlled by my family only take three months. , You can go back and forth between the Kunlun universe and the wasteland world, and this speed is only the speed of normal flight. If you choose to jump into the void, this time can be greatly reduced by a lot! ".

It is said that Lin Feng couldn't help but feel some emotions. These ancient races are really not simple. They are far more extraordinary than they imagined. Some of the methods mastered by the other party are simply not imaginable by other monks.

Lin Feng is thinking about another question. If he can establish a better relationship with the Kaitian clan where Ruyi Fairy is, then when he travels to the Kunlun Universe in the future, can he go to the Kunlun Universe through the secret road mastered by the Ruyi fairy family?

If it is possible, the time for Lin Feng ’s journey to the Kunlun universe will be greatly shortened.

What is the most missing thing for every monk today?

The most lacking is time, less than a hundred years before the reincarnation.

After one day and one day, everyone has an extremely strong sense of urgency.

Especially Lin Feng, he has too many responsibilities.

And as the so-called responsibility is greater, the pressure is greater, Lin Feng's current pressure, it makes him feel a suffocation.

I wish I could borrow another 100,000 years from heaven.

Lin Feng said, "Then this matter is finalized, and I will be waiting for a fairy in the Dragon Pavilion!"

"Okay, since that's the case, I won't continue to delay, I will go!". Ruyi Fairy said.

She was quite satisfied with this trip and got the result she wanted. As for whether Lin Feng can really find the corpses of the Kaitian clan's ancestor or the special things needed by their family, that will be the future. For the time being, I don't care about this. Ruyi Fairy is now concerned about returning to the family, how to talk about this matter with the elders in the family, and asking them to take out the letter and give it to Lin Feng.

Should n’t it be too difficult?

Lin Feng said, "It's not too late to go for a night's rest, and we are not far behind this day or two!".

Ruyi Fairy said, "Still don't stay any longer, get this thing done earlier, and feel at ease! Actually, I don't hide the fact that Lin Gongzi said that the ancestor who entered the Nether Realm is the heir to our family. In one vein, it is too important! ".


Lin Feng said.

He and the Ruyi fairy came out together. Lin Feng called a barbarian monk to come over, and then told him that someone on his side had an urgent matter to leave, hoping that Bruce would come and send someone to send Ruyi fairy out.

This barbarian monk went to inform Brute Force, and it didn't take long for Brute Force to arrive.

Very vigorously and politely retained some Ruyi fairy, Ruyi fairy's mind has been decided, will not change.

Very vigorously, he sent someone to send out Ruyi Fairy.

In the evening, Lin Feng and they participated in the campfire party organized by the barbarian tribe.

The party was very lively. When the party ended, everyone went back to rest.

And late that night, Lin Feng discovered that his annihilation gloves fluctuated violently.

The World Extermination Gloves are the ultimate treasure, once activated, it is terrifying.

It is one of Lin Feng's strongest treasures.

Only five gems of the World Extermination Gloves, Lin Feng has only found four now.

Another gem of fate was not found.

This is also the most important gem among all gems.

Therefore, the greatest power of the World Extermination Gloves has never been released.

Now, the World Extermination Gloves have made a change, what's going on?

Is it related to the gem of fate?


PS: Continue to beg the brothers in the "Starting Point Reading" collection, and read the old mantou new book "Confucianism and God is on".

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