Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 132: Chifeng

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Sure enough, exactly the same as Lin Feng's guess, the ability displayed by Xiaohei is too extraordinary. This ability shocked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is not particularly clear about the kind of energy that flows out of the body. However, Lin Feng knows that this kind of energy can restrain the power of fate.

All forces between heaven and earth cannot be invincible, and have their own nemesis, except that the power of fate is too strong. For so long, Lin Feng has not discovered what kind of power can be restrained. The power of fate.

And now Lin Feng has finally found a power that can restrain the power of fate, which is the power that Xiao Hei holds. If it is possible, Lin Feng really wants to master the power that Xiao Hei holds.

If Lin Feng also mastered this power, then Lin Feng not only mastered the way of fate, he also mastered the means of restraining the way of fate. At this time, Lin Feng could even combine two different ways and two different forces. Combined.

When a tight bond is formed, the power that can be exhibited is bound to be more terrifying.

But Lin Feng thought about it and thought that this matter is still okay. In terms of the relationship between him and Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei does not necessarily impart this method to him, and if Lin Feng did not guess wrong, this kind of thing The method should be a special method inherited by the little black race. Since it is a special method inherited by the race, will it be related to the bloodline?

If it is related to the bloodline, even if Xiaohei is willing to teach Lin Feng, Linfeng does not have the bloodline that Xiaohei has, and he has no way to cultivate this powerful method.

But anyway, from the fact that Xiaohei can suppress the power of destiny, Xiaohei is really too extraordinary.

Xiaohei accelerated slightly and continued to walk towards the Destiny Gem. Although the Destiny Gem is no longer spiritual, the Destiny Gem is still a very special thing. He seems to know that someone wants to clean it up, so it is released. A more powerful force of destiny was used to deal with Xiao Hei.

Even when Lin Feng feels the power of fate, there are some worries, so the powerful force of fate, it is not an easy thing to want to resist, I do n’t know what kind of resistance Xiaohe will resist. Happening?

Soon, Lin Feng knew the specific situation. When so many powerful forces of fate came, these forces of fate were still rebounded back by the black energy outside the little black body.

This force of destiny has no way to hurt Xiaohei. This situation makes Lin Feng completely relieved, because Lin Feng feels that the gem of destiny should be unable to do anything with Xiaohei. Black is charged.

And what happened next is indeed the same as Lin Feng guessed.

Although the power released by Destiny Gem is extremely terrifying, there is no way to cause any influence on Xiaohei. Xiaohei came to Destiny Gem smoothly and tried to collect Destiny Gem. Destiny Gem had no way to resist and was eventually charged by Xiaohei Too.

Xiao Hei played out the extremely special power to seal the gem of destiny, because he was worried that other people might not be able to bear the erosion of the power released by the gem of destiny, so he temporarily sealed the gem of destiny first and sealed the gem of destiny. Turn it over to Lin Feng, and the rest will have nothing to do with him.

Xiaohei returned with the gem of destiny, and then gave it to Lin Feng. Lin Feng touched Xiaohe ’s head. Xiaohe stared at Lin Feng. Obviously, he did not like to have such close contact with Lin Feng. He and Babe are different after all. Babe treats Lin Feng as a loved one. He also likes being more intimate with Lin Feng.

But Xiaohe couldn't do it.

How did Xiaohei treat Lin Feng, in fact Lin Feng himself did not know.

Xiaohei did not continue to stay outside. After handing the Destiny Gems to Lin Feng, he returned to the time and space. Lin Feng put the Destiny Gems in the groove of the World Destruction Gloves inlaid with Destiny Gems.

When the groove and the gem of fate were combined, a special connection was suddenly formed between the two sides. Lin Feng found that all the runes on the groove were actively recovered.

After all the runes on the groove were recovered, the connection with the gem of destiny became closer.

And this extremely close connection, Lin Feng is really too familiar, just like the other gems, when they are set on the World Extinguishing Gloves, the connection after the perfect fusion with the World Extinguishing Gloves is exactly the same.

Although the Destiny Gem has shown a terrible power before, and even attacked all people close to it, when the Destiny Gem was embedded in the groove of the World Extermination Gloves, the Destiny Gem did not continue to attack others.

Over time, the gem of destiny will be completely fused with the World Extermination Gloves, but Lin Feng feels that if he wants to form a perfect fusion, it will still take some time.

He is not in a hurry, he is slowly waiting for the perfect fusion of the World Extermination Gloves and the Destiny Gem. After this perfect integration is formed, it will be time to check the power of the World Extermination Gloves. Presumably, at that time, the power formed by the World Extermination Gloves will inevitably surprise Lin Feng.

Chi Fang said, "Congratulations on your possession of Destiny Gems. Now you have collected all five gems. After the Destiny Gems and World Extermination Gloves are fully fused, the power of this baby will definitely shock you."

Lin Feng said, "It seems that you know the baby better?".

Chi Fang said, "Actually, before this, I did hear many rumors about this baby, what is the power of this baby, you should soon be able to know, this baby will definitely become a top killer of".

It seems that this person Chi Chi should have a deeper understanding of the World Extermination Gloves, so he would respect the treasure of World Extermination Gloves this way, but Lin Feng did not further ask about the various things about Chi Xing about World Extermination Gloves. .

After all, this baby is his own, Lin Feng has now collected all the gems of the World Extermination Gloves, then Lin Feng hopes that through his own efforts, he will step by step to reveal the treasure of World Extermination Gloves. How terrible power can help him? Exactly how much combat power can be blessed for him, rather than dictating by others, to illustrate these.

Lin Feng said, "You have worked hard to guard here for many years now, and you can leave this place now, but I really want to invite you to join the Longteng Pavilion I created. I don't know what you meant?".

Chi Feng said, "Heaven and the earth are big, I have a lot of places I want to go to, I don't have to join your Dragon Pavilion."

Lin Feng said, "It is indeed said that way, but you have been staying in this lake all the time. You haven't gone out for a long time, and you don't have a special understanding of many things in the outside world. Now you also lack pre-judgment about some dangers of the outside world, and you also lack understanding of many top strongmen. "

"You should know that this world is a world where people eat and don't spit bones. When you don't have enough understanding of the outside world, you may encounter other people's pits when walking outside, so at this time, it is still necessary to take good care of it. Analyze the human nature, more contact with the outside world, increase your own experience is more conducive to you walking in the heavens and the world in the future, my Dragon Pavilion is equivalent to a small world, enough for you to learn many things. " .

"Crooked evil reason."

Chi Feng said with a sneer, "Don't you think I don't know, do you want me to go back to Longteng Pavilion with you, do you actually want to recruit me?".

"But there is one thing that you said is quite correct. That is, I have not been in contact with the outside world for a long time. I do n’t know much about the outside world. Although my strength is strong, but this In the world, there are too many powerful monks. It is indeed possible to lose money if you venture out, and it is not impossible to stay in your Dragon Pavilion for a while. "

"But there is one thing I will tell you in advance, no matter what happens to your Longteng Pavilion in the future, if you want to ask me to help, it is completely impossible, because the friendship between the two of us has not yet arrived. I ’m selling my life for you. Of course, I always like to trade with others. If you can come up with something that will make me thrilled, I ’m not incapable of doing it. ”

Lin Feng said with a smile, "It's too early to talk about these, and it's not too late to say this. Since you have decided to leave here with me, then take a look at this place. Is there anything to clean up? If there is nothing If things need to be cleaned up, then let ’s go now. "

Chi Fang said, "The real valuable things are carried on me, and the rest of the things are also things that I can't look down on. I will stay in this place, and I should leave it to others."

Lin Feng nodded, and then he left the lake together with Chifeng.

They flew quickly in the direction of the barbarian tribe, and their speed was extremely fast.

Almost an hour or so, I came to the barbarian tribe.

If Lin Feng himself returned to the barbarian tribe.

It's nothing.

But this time Chifeng also came together, and it caused some attention among the barbarian tribes.

Although the relationship between the barbarian tribe and the red tumbler belongs to such a relationship that the well water does not violate the river, but the real thing is that the red tumbler is an extremely terrifying existence after all. When they came to their barbarian tribe, what happened?

Therefore, these high-level Manchu tribes looked at Chifeng coldly.

Chi Ling said, "You don't have to be so arrogant, right? I came with Lin Feng, not for the trouble of your barbarian tribe."

After hearing the words of Chi Ling, these people in the barbarian tribe are quite surprised.

Before, they thought Lin Feng was defeated in the hands of Chifeng, and then they were coerced by Chifeng. Then they came with Chifeng, and now it seems that this is not the case. This guy from Chifeng did not leave the seat Lake? Why did you come out with Lin Feng?

This matter made them extremely puzzled.

However, this kind of thing has nothing to do with them. This matter may still be the privacy of others. Therefore, the seniors of the barbarian tribe did not ask about this matter.

At this time, Lin Feng said, "Yes! Chifeng did come with me. He had already planned to leave the lake and would follow me to Longteng Pavilion for a while."

The misunderstanding was resolved, and the atmosphere became cheerful.

Things here are basically over, what Lin Feng wants to get is also obtained, and some things he wants to know are already known, so Lin Feng intends to leave, there is no need to continue to stay here.

Besides, did Lin Feng have an appointment with Ruyi Fairy to meet in the Dragon Pavilion?

On this return, Lin Feng intends to retreat for a while, while waiting for Ruyi Fairy to find him in the Longteng Pavilion.

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