Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 149: Lin Feng's last resort!

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The current situation is a bit uncomfortable for Lin Feng. After all, his body has been entangled with this powerful vine. When this powerful vine is wrapped around Lin Feng's body, it is extremely difficult for Lin Feng to struggle.

Then he can only resist the attacks of those stones and leaves, but the power contained in these stones and leaves is extremely terrifying. Lin Feng is also very clear. How can so many stones and leaves contend?

If you want to completely eliminate all the attacks of stones and leaves, it is simply impossible. This kind of defense system outside will definitely be broken. Once this defense system is broken, then it will be dangerous.

But how to resolve the situation in front of him, it did make Lin Feng feel a terrible headache.

Is it possible to use Skyfire?

Lin Feng hurriedly offered Tianhuo sacrifice, he tried to use Tianhuo to resolve this attack, but after the fire was released that day.

There is still no way to destroy these vines.

Lin Feng knew that if he wanted to use Tianhuo to deal with these vines, it seemed that it could no longer be achieved.

These vines are indeed very special and terrible in themselves.

And there seem to be other attributes.

Therefore, Tianhuo, a treasure that specializes in restraining wooden attributes, has no way to restrain the vines formed in the chessboard of heaven and earth.

If Skyfire can't deal with these vines, what methods should be used to deal with them?

Lin Feng hadn't thought of a way yet. Countless stones and leaves killed him.

The powerful force formed by these stones and leaves directly destroyed the energy armor outside Lin Feng's body.

More stones and leaves came quickly.

At this time Lin Feng felt the breath of death.

These attacks are really terrible.

The situation is getting worse.

But at this very moment.

Babe flew out of time and space.

Beibei's two small paws waved lightly, and the seven-colored fairy light burst forth.

These seven-color fairy lights form a seven-color energy mask, and this seven-color energy mask covers them all.

The defense power contained in this seven-color energy mask is extremely powerful.

When those stones and leaves bombarded, there was no quick way to break the seven-color energy mask formed by Bebe.

Lin Feng knew that the seven-color fairy light that condenses the seven-color energy mask is a powerful force inherited from the Babe race.

Lin Feng remembered that when Babe was very young, he sacrificed the seven-color fairy lights. These seven-color fairy lights could play an extremely amazing role, not to mention now?

The current strength of Beibei is extremely powerful. Although there may be a slight gap between Lin Feng and Lin Feng, his racial supernatural powers are too terrifying. Therefore, the fighting power displayed by Beibei is absolutely terrible. Not too far away.

The only thing he lacks is actual combat experience.

But Babe, who has experienced a Santa battle, has also increased a lot in actual combat experience, which is no longer a short board.

His growth rate is also very shocking. For example, now Beibei has shown amazing ability, and Beibei has given Lin Feng a certain amount of time.

Lin Feng thought of another way to deal with these extremely special vines.

Are these extremely special vines incapable of being burned by skyfire?

Lin Feng decided to attack the virus, why did he choose this method?

This is because Lin Feng feels that this vine contains an extremely terrible giant poison. When these vines are wrapped around Lin Feng, these vines try to pierce Lin Feng's body, and then inject the poison into Lin Feng's body.

But Lin Feng's skin is extremely tough, and these vines have not yet punctured his skin, nor have they been able to enter Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng wondered, since this kind of vine is full of a lot of poisonous poison, would such a strange vine have something to do with this poisonous poison?

If this poison is restrained, then the weakness of this vine may also appear.

Lin Feng is not particularly clear about whether this is the case, but Lin Feng feels that he can try it.

Let's look at the specific situation.

Lin Feng has a lot of powerful poisons here. Some of them were collected by him over the years. Some of them were handed over to him by poisonous ancestors. Baiyu toads have devoured so many poisons over the years.

Those highly toxic substances formed precipitates, and the highly toxic substances that precipitated together were even more terrible.

Bai Yu Toad also gave Lin Feng some highly toxic.

These poisons are all available to Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng summoned all these poisons. These poisons enveloped many vines, and soon these poisons merged into the vines.

When these highly toxic and vines merged together, Lin Feng was able to clearly discover the changes in these vines.

The vines were shaking violently. Lin Feng felt that the power of these vines was rapidly fading away. Lin Feng's eyes could not help but suddenly felt this situation.

The situation in front of him was just as he had expected before. When these poisons were released, they had a strong impact on the poison inside the vines. This strong impact would have an extremely serious impact on the vines.

This is probably what is called attacking poison with poison.

The actual situation is indeed the same. After being so seriously affected, these vines quickly contracted back, and even the vines that entangled Lin Feng's five swords were released.

Lin Feng quickly put his sword into Taishang Jianzuo, and then he took Taishang Jianzuo into time and space.

At this time, the vines could no longer pose a threat to Lin Feng. The stones and leaves flying fast outside were temporarily blocked by the seven-color energy light masks offered by Beibei.

Lin Feng is very clear that the defensive mask formed by Beibei can withstand a period of time, but this time will not be particularly long. Lin Feng must find a solution in this period of time, otherwise, he will still face Extremely terrible danger.

Since the eyes of the original source could not see the reality of this place, Lin Feng decided to adopt another method.

The method adopted by Lin Feng. It is an extremely ancient method, which is a method studied from the book of Hetu Luo.

Did n’t Lin Feng get the Hetu Luoshu before? The Hetu Luoshu is extremely simple. The Hetu Luoshu has deduction technique on it, and the deduction technique above is extremely magical. Lin Feng intends to base on the Hetu Luoshu, and then use the great destiny technique, Nine Palace Arithmetic, innate Use gossip and other means to perform deduction.

If so many means fail to deduce a correct path.


By then, Lin Feng really had no other choice.

Lin Feng asked Babe to give him some time first, then he squatted on the ground and drew a picture of Hetu Luoshu with branches, and then Lin Feng used Grand Destiny, Nine Palace Arithmetic, Innate Gossip and other methods to perform deduction together.

Lin Feng's deduction is extremely huge for his own consumption, because each means is a means against the sky, and Lin Feng wants to exert multiple means at the same time, can imagine how huge the consumption he is facing.

Of course.

Although Lin Feng's consumption is very huge, the effect is often proportional to his own efforts. Lin Feng hopes that this time it will also be such a situation.

After receiving the orders from Lin Feng, Beibei urged the defensive mask to resist the attacks of the stones and leaves.

Beibei's seven-color defense mask played an amazing role at this time.

Although there were so many stones and all the leaves were killed, sometimes there will be dense cracks on the defensive mask, and it looks like it is going to be destroyed, but I do n’t know what kind of means Babe exhibited. The defensive mask can be quickly repaired.

In this way, I can persist for a while.

This ability shocked Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng ’s progress was quite smooth. With these powerful means, Lin Feng successfully promoted something he wanted to know. For example, there should be a way to go out in the place of the world chess board. After all, the avenue is lacking.

Even the perfect Tao has flaws.

This is true even on the world chess board.

And Lin Feng pushed a way to perform.

After Lin Feng carefully observed it, he quickly got up and ran quickly along with Beibei towards the depths. The route that Lin Feng walked was extremely special, sometimes walking forward and sometimes going back and forth. , Sometimes swept towards the left, sometimes swept towards the right.

Not all the way.

What surprised Lin Feng was that the road he used to perform by many means seemed to be really the right way, because Lin Feng felt that he seemed to be leaving the place on the chessboard.

This feeling is very strong, and Lin Feng has always believed in his intuition.

He felt that it might not take long to leave the world chess board.

But at this time something terrible happened. In the area shrouded in a chess board, a monk appeared. These monks were all monks made of stone.

Seeing these monks, Lin Feng's complexion could not be changed slightly.


These stone men are very special. They may not be the Holy Spirit, or they may just be stone men, but when they are enveloped in the world chess board, they have completed an extraordinary transformation.

They are no longer pure stone men. They have extremely terrible power. Lin Feng carefully counted a total of twenty or thirty stone men. These stone men quickly surrounded them.

Seeing so many stone men kill.

Lin Feng's expression was gloomy.

These stone men should be more terrible than expected.

Soon Lin Feng and Beibei fought with these stone men. They were suppressed by these stone men. Lin Feng summoned the book of the undead. These powerful undead flew out to deal with them together. These stone men.

This is Lin Feng's method of suppressing the bottom of the box.

Lin Feng feels that he has already exerted even the means of pressing the bottom of the box, shouldn't it be a problem to solve these stones?

But what made Lin Feng feel depressed was that a respected stone man came out of the depths, adding up to four or five hundred stone men, which is about the same as the number of powerful undead in Lin Feng's Book of Undead.

But the strength of these undead is not as good as these stone men.

This situation in front of Lin Feng can be extremely unfavorable.

The war broke out, and a respected undead was killed. After the death of these undead, they were resurrected inside the book of undead, and there was no way to shoot in a short time.

As the undead gradually decreased, Lin Feng was under increasing pressure, Lin Feng tried to break out, and then find a way to get fairy fruit.

But Lin Feng found that now he can't break through if he wants to break through.

He has been completely surrounded by these stone men.

There is simply no way to break out of the encirclement of these stone men.

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing, but he didn't expect the world chess game to be so terrible.

But Lin Feng is not without other methods.

Lin Feng has another method that is not used yet.

That is the power of the Creator's Law.

Lin Feng hadn't used the power of the Creator's Law before because Lin Feng didn't know what kind of dangers would follow.

And urging the Creator's Law to consume itself is incomparably huge.

Even if Lin Feng ’s current strength urges the Creator ’s Law, his body is unbearable.

So this is the last resort.

But now Lin Feng can't care about so much.

The Creator ’s Law must be used, otherwise, it is possible to die in this place.

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