Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 161: The situation is not good!

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The reincarnation axe is indeed the most top-notch, the most anti-nature baby. The fluctuations and breath that this baby exudes make Lin Feng feel a creepy feeling.

The treasure of the creator level is too rare. The world clearly lacks understanding of the power of this treasure, including Lin Feng.

Now that I can see the power of the creator-level treasure, Lin Feng does not dare to have any negligence, mainly because it can't be neglected. At this time, if you dare to neglect, you will definitely die.

There is nothing to say, now the only thing Lin Feng can do is to urge all eight Zhentian Stone Tablets to deal with the reincarnation axe of the pioneers.

Reincarnation axe is really powerful, this is not false, Lin Feng also knows, but his stone monument is not bad.

The powerful mana is still pouring into the Zhentian Stone Stele, and the power of the eight Zhentian Stone Steles is more powerful.

This power makes Lin Feng feel a shock.

Under Lin Feng's manipulation, the celestial stone in front of him bombarded towards the light of the axe slashed by the reincarnation axe.

Although it was a Zhentian stone monument that collided with the attack of the reincarnation axe, in fact, the strength of the eight Zhentian stone monuments has been united. This connection is very special. It is not simply to concentrate the force on a Zhentian stone monument. Each of the Zhentian Stone Tablets has the power of eight Zhentian Stone Tablets fused together.

This is the most terrible.


With the sound of the tremendous sound of the trembling sound, the celestial stone monument collided fiercely with the axe light of the reincarnation axe, and the powerful force swayed the void.

Everyone saw that the void in the war area had begun to collapse on a large scale. This scene was really shocking enough.

Such destructive power is terrifying.

"Huh? A little interesting ...".

The pioneer's evil eye suddenly froze, and then he increased the speed of the shot. After the previous axe was hacked, the second axe was not hacked, but now, after the first axe is hacked, then it is hacked. The second axe, followed by the third axe, the fourth axe, the fifth axe, the sixth axe.

An axe followed by an axe's assassination, and there was hardly any stay in the middle. One after another, the axe of light came to kill. It was overwhelming, but it was a creator-level treasure. It was difficult to urge it, but the pioneer But evil thoughts can kill so many axes one after another. It can be seen how strong the mana of the pioneers' evil thoughts is. It is absolutely shocking.

Lin Feng still urged the Zhentian Stone Tablet to resist the samurai attack.

Clang clang ...

A series of collision sounds came out.

This time was not the same as the previous collision. The previous collision was only one, but this time, the attacks continued. When the other party's attacks continued, Lin Feng hardly gave any breathing time. Lin Feng could only resist the other side. For Lin Feng, this kind of attack is naturally quite a bad situation.

In the continuous collision, the Zhentian Stone Tablet could not completely resolve the attack of the Pioneer's evil thoughts and axe. There was a part of powerful force that vented out and was bombarded on Lin Feng's body. Lin Feng relied on the magic weapon to resist Most of the power, only a small part of the power is left on his deity, but Lin Feng's defensive power is strong. This small part of the force is on him, and he has not been able to cause too much damage to him.

Lin Feng only knows one thing, this situation will change over time, because he is suppressed, the attack of the reincarnation axe is so powerful, can the Zhentian Stele be able to resist the attack of the reincarnation axe all the time?

Lin Feng feels that this should not be possible?

If the system of Zhentian Stele is destroyed by the pioneer's evil intentions with the aid of the reincarnation axe, then this battle will be extremely passive for Lin Feng. Although Lin Feng is now in a certain disadvantage, but at least, Lin Feng It has not yet revealed its state of failure.

So during this time, Lin Feng needs to think of ways to deal with the pioneers 'evil thoughts. It is impossible to forcibly attack the pioneers' evil thoughts, because the pioneer's evil thoughts are too powerful. The key is that this guy also holds a treasure of the creator level. The strength is so powerful, and he still holds such a treasure of the sky, is it not uncomfortable to fight against him?

If it is not possible to attack, what kind of method is better?

Lin Feng felt that he had to start with the weakness of the pioneer's evil thoughts. The pioneer's evil thoughts had basically no great weaknesses and flaws. If the weaknesses were mentioned, the weakness of the pioneer's evil thoughts was the soul, but before the pioneers' evil thoughts had dealt with Lin Feng At that time, Lin Feng once used the technique of soul attack to deal with the evil ideas of the pioneers. At this time, he wanted to continue to use the technique of soul attack to deal with the evil ideas of the pioneers. Lin Feng felt that it was no longer a realistic thing.

The situation in front of him really made Lin Feng feel very headache.

The battles in other places are also very fierce. For example, although their strength is very strong, but because their opponents are too powerful, after a period of war, they are gradually in the wind. For a while, Dangerous.

At this time, they remembered the mecha that Lin Feng had given them before.

So Beibei sacrificed the mecha, they entered the mecha, this kind of mecha is a special thing, the man and the machine are one, and they can often exert their terrible attack and combat power.

Previously, Babe and they actually disagreed with mechas.

I feel that there is nothing commendable about this thing except selling it.

But when they activated Mecha, they realized how wrong this idea was.

The ability of the mecha is really extraordinary, and the person who designed the mecha clearly took into account the various problems of combining mecha and monk, so it is not difficult for the monk to manipulate the mecha.

Babe they manipulated the mecha, and then with their strong strength as an auxiliary, they immediately moved their disadvantages back.

"Oh, mech ..."

Seeing the battle here, Lin Feng's eyes could not help but light up. Babe and they could control the mecha, of course, Lin Feng could also control the mecha.

Lin Feng also summoned a mecha, and he entered the mecha.

Man-machine integration.

Lin Feng's attack and defense have been greatly improved.

Under this improvement, Lin Feng also began to gradually move back to some disadvantages.

Lin Feng continued to manipulate the Zhentian stele to kill the Pioneer evil thoughts. He was still trying to get close to the Pioneer evil thoughts, but the Pioneer evil thoughts were extremely violent.

Axe light continued to beheaded, making Lin Feng difficult to move forward.

Over time, Lin Feng felt that his mana consumption was too fast.

It must be shot as soon as possible.

Otherwise, you will encounter big trouble.

"With ...".

Suddenly, a stream of light flashed in Lin Feng's mind, and he thought of a method.

This method is the curse technique.

The curse technique can cause harm to people silently, and a ghost and **** is unpredictable.

The pioneer's evil thoughts may be prepared against Lin Feng's methods, including soul attacks on supernatural powers.

However, Lin Feng did not believe that the pioneers' evil thoughts could prevent the curse technique. In fact, it was basically difficult to find the curse technique.

The curse technique is indeed powerful.

But the curse technique is not without weakness.

Weakness is a question of success rate.

The stronger the opposite, the lower the success rate when you cast a curse on him.

The pioneer's evil thoughts are so powerful that the probability of wanting to cast a curse spell on him will never be too high.

Lin Feng is naturally aware of this.

The success rate is low.

It does not necessarily fail.

Lin Feng felt.

This is a relatively good method. If it succeeds, it will definitely have an unexpected effect and cause traumatic thoughts to the pioneers.

A master showdown wins in the details.

If it can damage the pioneers 'evil thoughts, then Lin Feng believes that he can certainly defeat the pioneers' evil thoughts.

From now on ...

Lin Feng began to try to urge the curse technique to deal with the pioneer's evil thoughts.

Once, twice, three times, four times ...

Lin Feng used the curse technique again and again to deal with the pioneer's evil thoughts, but he has never been able to cause any harm to the pioneers' evil thoughts.

This is the same as Lin Feng imagined before. It is indeed a very difficult thing to use the curse technique to deal with the pioneers' evil thoughts.

The attack of the pioneers' evil thoughts is getting stronger and more violent.

The perfect system constructed by Lin Feng's eight Zhentian Stone Tablets was gradually dismantled by his attack. The situation became worse and worse, and Lin Feng's complexion became extremely difficult to look.

I have been unable to harm the pioneers' bad thoughts for a long time, so it's a bit troublesome to continue.

Pioneer evil thoughts also seem to know that the defense system of Lin Feng Zhentian Stone Tablet is to be destroyed by him, so the pioneer's evil thoughts have a smug expression on his face.

This expression is really disgusting.

"It seems you can't hold it anymore!". The pioneers sneered with evil thoughts.

His attack became more violent.

Clang clang ...

The attack released by the reincarnation axe, one shot after another, was smashed on the Zhentian Stone.

The defense system formed by the eight celestial monuments has been severely damaged.

Hongchen Xianzun, who was fighting with the pioneer son, also saw the situation here. She frowned slightly, and then quickly flew towards Lin Feng, wanting to help Lin Feng deal with the pioneer evil.

"Hong Chen, your opponent is me! Lin Feng's origin determines his fate, you can't save him!".

The son of the pioneers quickly caught up and continued to fight with the red dust fairy.

His battle with Hongchen Xianzun is a little bit disadvantaged. This disadvantage is not too big, so he wants to hold down Hongchen Xianzun, it is not a difficult thing.

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