Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 183: Underworld situation

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The Yin Emperor said, "This person is no one else, it is the Fourth Hades!".

"The Fourth Hades?"

Hearing the words, Lin Feng couldn't help but stunned slightly.

Of course, he is very familiar with the fourth Hades.

I just experienced a fierce battle before, and finally this guy was defeated. The strength of the fourth **** is unfathomable. If he helps, it is definitely a good help.

But the point is, the two sides are monks on opposite sides. Why do you think the fourth **** will help?

this is not……

Is it whimsical?

"Do you think the Fourth Hades will shoot?" Lin Feng asked.

"No!", Yin Huang replied.

Lin Feng said silently: "If so, why do you mention the Fourth Hades?".

Yin Huang said, "Because the character I can think of at this stage is the fourth **** of meditation. I can't think of anyone other than the fourth **** of meditation that can help me wait!".

"I have many strong men under my command! They can all play a huge role!". Lin Feng said.

The Yin Emperor said, "No, the place we are going to is very unusual. There is no way for these people to follow me to enter that place, but the fourth **** of meditation can, and in that place, the fourth **** of meditation will be exceptionally powerful, The role that the Fourth Wraith can play is definitely greater than we thought!".

Lin Feng was a little surprised. I didn’t know what the place the Yin Emperor said was. Lin Feng decided to discuss the topic with the Yin Emperor first, and then discuss how to deal with the matter afterwards. Lin Feng asked, "Yin Emperor, what you said Where is this place?".

"Nine Nether Land!" said Yin Huang.

"Underworld..." Lin Feng's brows could not help but frown together.

Nine Nethers belong to the forbidden area in the underworld, but are extremely dangerous places, where it is said that there are countless terrible existence imprisoned.

After being beaten into the Nine Serenities, eternal life and eternal life do not fall into reincarnation. Eternal life and eternal life suffer from torture and life is better than death.

Therefore, even in that part of the underworld, the underworld creatures are reluctant to talk about Jiu You.

This is a terrifying place.

"Yes, it's the underworld!". The Yin Emperor said, "A place like the extremely cold stone can only be found in the Nine Serenities. It is almost impossible to find the extremely cold stone in other places!"

Lin Feng said, "Don't you know that I am wanted by Underworld now?".

Yin Huang said, "Of course it is clear!".

The Underworld is a bit more complicated. In the past, many top-level forces were sealed, but now the seal is unraveled, and the form of the Underworld has become complicated. Various top-level forces are more infighting, which is also a tradition of the Underworld.

It is said that there is a strong level of creator level in the underworld, which is the most terrible place in the underworld.

Lin Feng was wanted by the underworld, and entered the underworld rashly. It was okay not to be discovered by the underworld creatures. If found by the underworld creatures, it would be terrible by the time.

Lin Feng said, "Then talk about the top powers of the underworld. When I first came into contact with the underworld, only the first layer of underworld was in a normal state. The most powerful layer of underworld was the land under the ten temples, Later, the thirty-two seals under the Underworld opened. It is said that many top powers and races appeared. What kind of strength are these top powers and races?".

The Fourth Underworld said, "These top powers and races are not simple. What you see may be just superficial things. The reason for this is because the power of the underworld and the power of the sun, or the power of other worlds. The composition is different."

"The heavens and the worlds, the four universes, the endless population, the number of monks is the same, although the number of people is like a lamp, most people's souls will dissipate, turn into energy, and melt into the world, However, there are always some people who can break this routine!".

"This group of people, some are powerful monks, some are monks with special bodies, some are monks who have encountered opportunities, some are monks with better luck, and there are various other reasons. These monks died. After that, the soul did not disperse and entered the underworld. Among them, some of the monks’ souls were re-cultivated and turned into Yin evil spirits and creatures. Their strength may be very strong, and this part of people is the basis for forming the Yin Army !"

"The worlds are so huge, even if only a small part of the soul can enter the underworld after death, this value is enough to be an unbelievable value, so the formation of the Yin Army Corps, for some top forces, maybe Not as difficult as people think!".

"So, under the influence of all the top forces in the underworld, the Yin Army Corps must be formed. When a certain force has mastered the Yin Army Corps, then we need to face this force. Such forces are often much scarier than expected a lot of!".

After hearing the words of the Yin Emperor, Lin Feng couldn't help feeling some emotions. The forces of the Underworld are indeed terrible. Mastering the forces of the Yin Army Corps is indeed one of the least provocative forces.

Of course, Lin Feng also knows that the Yinbing Corps is different from the Yinbing Corps.

The same as the Yin Army, maybe there is a big gap in the strength of these Yin Army.

For example, this Yinbing Corps controlled by the Fourth Hades, the strength is surprisingly strong.

Among the underworld corps of the underworld, it should belong to the top corps of the underworld.

"Is there a strong creator level in the underworld?". Lin Feng asked curiously.

This is a topic he is very interested in.

And there is a strong relationship between the creator of the Underworld and Lin Feng itself, why do you say this?

This is because, did Yin Huang let Lin Feng into the Nine Nether?

Lin Feng will re-enter the underworld.

After all, he is now a wanted criminal in the underworld. Underworld does not have a strong level of the creator level. Even if he encounters dangers in the underworld, he can deal with these dangers more calmly.

But if there is a strong level of creator level in the underworld, many things should be treated differently.

If you encounter the strong level of the creator level in the underworld, this is dangerous.

The Yin Emperor said, "It has always been rumored that there is a strong level of the creator level in the underworld. After related rumors, I have never really seen the strong man of the creator level! Many things are hard to see and be true. I don’t see it with my own eyes. It’s not easy to make a final judgment.”

Lin Feng asked, "What is your opinion on this matter?"

The Yin Emperor said, "I have received some gossip before, saying that the creator of the underworld has a deep relationship with the Taishanfu Jun. What kind of relationship is not clear. If the gossip I got is true, Then, there is a real probability that there is a strong creator level in the underworld!".

Yin Huang said something like this, Lin Feng basically knew what Yin Yin thought.

Yin Huang's idea coincided with Lin Feng.

After all, the underworld is too extraordinary. If such an extraordinary place is not born with the power of the creator level, it is really unreasonable.

It's just that, as the Yin Emperor said, the creator of the underworld has a deep relationship with the Taishanfu Jun. For Lin Feng, it is even worse news.

But no matter what, the trip to the underworld is imperative.

Nine quiet.

In a mysterious place, Lin Feng also wants to enter Jiuyou to see this place, what is unusual in the end.

Lin Feng said, "If there is really no other candidate, then we can only go to find the Fourth Hades!"

"Only this!" said Yin Huang.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, and just had a war with the monk army under the fourth **** of meditation, and the fourth **** of meditation was almost crazy because of his injury.

Lin Feng knows.

The fourth **** of meditation is now sure to hate his teeth, it is such a situation, go to the fourth **** of meditation to talk about this matter, who knows what attitude the fourth **** of meditation is?

Will the fourth Wraith sit down and negotiate?

Lin Feng felt that the fourth Mingshen saw himself and seemed to be more likely to deal with himself.

However, this is something that must be done.

Lin Feng's courage has always been relatively big, how about going to the Fourth Hades?

If the situation is not right then, Lin Feng feels that using some special means he has mastered to leave the site of the Fourth Hades should not be too difficult?

This matter has been finalized for the time being. Lin Feng decided to take a day's rest and set off tomorrow to the place where the Fourth Wraith Monk's Army is stationed. Lin Feng is unclear where the Fourth Wraith Monk's Army is stationed. Just a moment.

Lin Feng summoned Tian Ziyi and asked about the place where the Fourth Wraith monk's army was stationed. Tian Ziyi had some doubts and did not know what Lin Feng asked him about this matter.

Where is the fourth Hades monk army stationed, Tian Ziyi knew this matter himself.

You don't need to ask others.

"In the deep abyss of the paradise sea!". Said the fourth god.

Lin Feng had seen this place on the map left by the Golden Eagle Scattered People.

So know how to go to this place.

Lin Feng then explained some things about Tianziyi.

The next day, Lin Feng set off to the place where the Fourth Wraith Monk Army stationed.

This time, Lin Feng went alone.

The main reason is that what is going to happen later, he is not particularly clear now, and there is no need to bring other people.

If the fourth Wraith does not enter the oil and salt, a war will inevitably occur.

Lin Feng will be easier to get out of it by himself.

If you bring the poisonous ancestors and others, once you turn your face with the fourth **** of meditation and be surrounded by the army of the Yin soldiers under the fourth **** of meditation, so many people want to break through, it is much more difficult.

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