Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 188: Battle of the past

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The area of ​​the Nine Nethers is very large. This place is shrouded in endless darkness. It is not the same as many places in the underworld. Although there are many places in the underworld, it is also a feeling of faintness.

However, there is at least light in other parts of the underworld, but the Nine Netherlands is the place that has swallowed all the light. When you come to the Nine Netherlands, it is like an ordinary person. At night, the lights are turned off and the room It became dark and ink, and no fingers were reached.

Such a place is indeed prone to a variety of dangers. Some terrible existence, hidden in such a place, can also hide its own breath more easily.

If you are good at hiding creatures, hiding in such a place, it is even more difficult to find such creatures. In such a place, such creatures can definitely become the most terrible killers. This must be treated with caution.

Whether it is Lin Feng, Yin Huang or the fourth **** of meditation, after entering the Nine Netherlands, he has been paying attention to the wind and grass around him.

In such a place, what kind of dangers they have is not particularly clear, but no matter what kind of dangers they have, they must have a spirit of 120,000.

Otherwise, everything could happen. If it is damaged here, it would be tragic.

The Yin Emperor took out something. Lin Feng looked at the thing taken out by the Yin Emperor. He found that the thing was a stone statue, and he didn't know whether it was carved or naturally formed.

But this stone statue has been destroyed, leaving only half of the body, and the part above the torso has completely disappeared.

Lin Feng couldn't help but move slightly. In the past, the Yin Emperor talked about the tokens. He said that he had received the tokens before, and the tokens he got seemed to be inseparable from his ancestors. Is this a thing that the Yin Emperor said?

It's just the half statue, Lin Feng didn't really see what extraordinary part of the half statue, nor how the Yin Huang judged that the half statue was related to his ancestor.

Lin Feng looked at the Yin Emperor and said, "This half statue should be the special token that Yin Emperor mentioned before?".

Yin Huang nodded and said, "Nothing wrong, this half-status statue is the token I mentioned before. This token has an inseparable relationship with your ancestor dominating the ancestor."

"How is this judged?".

Lin Feng couldn't help asking extremely curiously.

The Yin Emperor did not answer Lin Feng, but handed the half statue to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took over the half statue.

Yin Huang said, "Take a closer look at this stone statue and you will know how I know why this half statue is related to your ancestors."

Lin Feng nodded, and then he tried to sense the half-status statue. Lin Feng only felt that the scene in front of him had changed, but it was still a dark world, but his place seemed to be different.

In the depths of the dark world, the black mist is rolling, and in the depths of the dark mist there are violent fluctuations. It seems that there is a strong presence, and there is a war in the deepest position.

But what exactly is there.

Not known.

Lin Feng tried to get close to that place, and he saw the existence of two wars together.

Of course the ancestor Lin Feng knew.

Another existence, lingering in the dark, what kind of creatures are still hard to say.

After a period of war.

The unknown existence said coldly, "Master ancestors, you dare to destroy my good deeds, you will definitely die, this seat wants to see how long you can persist."

After the words fell.

More violent fluctuations surged out of the depths.

Obviously, the one who spoke these words began to launch a more powerful attack.

You have to know that Lin Feng’s ancestors are strong at the level of the creator, and can be the opponent of his ancestors, and even threatened to kill the existence of Lin Feng’s ancestors. Come.

If there is no breakthrough to the creator, don't say such a thing in front of the ancestor, even if you have the courage to do it with the ancestor.

"Then see if you have this skill."

The ancestor of the ancestor replied coldly.

Soon, they once again fought together. The battle between the two was really fierce. They fought dimly and darkly.

The entire Nine Nethers seems to be shattered by the existence of two horrors. It is conceivable how powerful this attack is.

Both sides don't know how long the war has been, they have also reached the low point of strength from the heyday.

After all, even if it is the strong level of the creator, the mana in his body cannot be endless.

As time goes on, their own mana will continue to decrease, and as their own mana decreases, their combat power will continue to fall.

When their fighting power drops, this battle will come to an end.

This is now the case.

The existence of the two horrors has almost consumed their own mana, so they have almost reached the level of exhausted lights, but they still have no way to help each other.

At this time, the unknown existence sneered and said, "Master the ancestor, I admit that you as a rising star, the strength you have really shocked me, but if you only have these strengths, it is not enough, because this master Is not something you can imagine."

After the words fell, this unknown existence sacrificed a stone statue. This stone statue is very special, with countless ancient mysterious runes.

This statue is very similar to the broken stone statue held by Lin Feng.

The statue itself is not a powerful treasure, but the material of this stone is extremely special, because this stone can store the monk's mana.

"Generally speaking, the monk's mana can only be stored in the monk's own body, there is no way to store the monk's mana outside, but after I got this material, I had the ability to change these."

"Since the long years, I will slowly infuse my powerful mana into this stone statue. When this stone statue is activated, my body and this stone statue can instantly produce an extremely close induction, and When this extremely intimate induction occurs, the mana possessed inside the stone statue will be fully integrated with my body."

"After I got the blessing of this part of mana, my combat power will be greatly improved, and you are still in a weak state, but I have got rid of the weak state and reached a relatively peak state, then you Do you think your weak state can resist my attack?".

This unknown existence, some of the means he possessed are really terrifying, giving people a creepy feeling, especially in the long years, he has left behind. For the ancestors, this war is indeed It was a tough battle.

Nowadays, the ancestors dominating the consumption are huge.

With this unknown existence, his mana can be quickly restored to about 30% with this stone statue, and the recovery of his own mana has not meant to stop.

The mana in his body is still recovering quickly.

The amount of mana stored in this stone statue is absolutely amazing.

At this time, this unknown existence launched an attack on the ancestor who ruled.

Since his current mana has been restored to a relatively good level, some supernatural powers can continue to be used.

In fact, all kinds of top-level supernatural powers are very unique, not only powerful, but also extremely expensive.

When a monk wants to mobilize these supernatural powers, he definitely needs strong mana to support himself to mobilize these powerful supernatural powers.

Without the support of mana, there is absolutely no opportunity to mobilize these powerful supernatural powers.

It is completely different now.

This unknown existence can urge these supernatural powers, but Lin Feng's ancestors dominate the ancestors but there is no way to urge these supernatural powers.

And Lin Feng's ancestors dominated the ancestors, obviously there is no similar means to quickly restore mana.

Under such a situation, it is indeed a difficult thing to deal with this unknown existence.

At this time, all the pictures disappeared, and what kind of things happened in the back, Lin Feng was not particularly clear.

But obviously.

In this battle, Lin Feng's ancestors dominated the ancestors to reverse the victory under the situation of occupying all disadvantages.

It is easy to make this judgment.

Because Lin Feng's ancestor ruled the ancestors alive.

This unknown existence is unknown to the world.

If Lin Feng's ancestors failed, then he was already killed by this unknown existence.

Instead of living until this time.

Then, after the failure of this unknown existence, there should be a certain probability of being killed by the dominant ancestor, so it was only later that this place once rumored that the strong level of the creator had fallen.

And this stone statue that stored mana was supposed to have been destroyed during the war, so it has now become two halves, or even more parts, but Lin Feng was extremely curious that he had a life and death duel with his ancestor. Who is the creator? Why did your ancestor dominate the ancestor and this creator for such a fierce battle?

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