Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 197: The most important dark order!

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The Lord of the Night said, "This kind of thing I call is called the Dark Order."

"Dark order, what is this?". Lin Feng's face showed a very puzzled expression, because he was the first time to hear about this kind of thing, and he didn't know what the so-called dark order was all about.

The Lord of the Night did not directly answer Lin Feng’s question, but said, "You family or the alliance behind you has a hostile relationship with another alliance. I think you are clear about this?".

Lin Feng nodded his head, of course he was very clear about this matter, and he knew which alliance the other alliance said by the Lord of the Night was, and the other alliance he said was the alliance on the side of Taishanfujun and others .

There are more creators in their alliance on this side, and their strength is also quite powerful, even more than Lin Feng’s strong level of the creator level of their alliance, so when the two sides really meet, there is still a certain strength Disparity.

Well, this requires Lin Feng and these rising stars to quickly break through to the creator realm. If Lin Feng and they can quickly complete the breakthrough, when the future decisive battle comes, many things will be at ease.

It will not be too passive.

Of course.

It is too difficult to break through the creator, it is not possible to break through if you want to break through.

If they cannot complete the breakthrough, then the situation on their side will be worse.

The Lord of the Dark Night continued, "The Dark Order is related to a certain force in the opposing alliance."

Lin Feng said, "Is it related to the black hand world behind the scenes?".

After hearing Lin Feng's words. The Lord of the Night nodded and said, "Yes, it is related to the world behind the scenes."

"Behind the scenes, the power of the royal family of the Black Hand World is extremely terrifying, and the means mastered by this family cannot be imagined at all."

"And the heritage of this group is very powerful. Imagine that when their group has not yet appeared the creator realm strong, their family makes the creator-level strong people feel extremely fearful. Why do you think this is? ".

In fact, Lin Feng had also thought about this issue before. Lin Feng also tried to prove this matter to others, but no one knew at all what happened.

This matter is indeed strange and strange, making it impossible to explore the hidden secrets.

But now it seems.

Even the Lord of the Night knows the secret hidden in it?

This word is worthy of being a powerful veteran of the creator level, and there are really enough secrets to know.

I don't know if this guy was suppressed, was it because he knew too many secrets?

and so.

The strong level of the creator level does not want to save his life.

Lin Feng said, "Now you can talk about this matter specifically." .

The Lord of the Dark Night said, "Because the heritage held by this family is terrible, they were born in the dark. At the earliest time, the sky and earth were dark, and the existence born in the darkness is often terrible, especially Their heritage is a special being born in the dark."

"This special existence is difficult to define, because he was not a creature at the beginning, but he has his own independent thinking ability and powerful strength, even the strong level of the creator level, it is not easy to shake Its sharp edge".

Wen Yan Lin Feng was extremely shocked.

Of course Lin Feng knew that this race was extremely powerful, but did not expect that there would be such a powerful existence besides their emperor, so that is to say, now they have two strong men equivalent to the creator?

It's no wonder that this family is now known as the first race in the heavens and the world. It turns out that there is a reason.

Of course, this group may have some other details, but it is hard to say what kind of details it is.

But no matter what the details are, you can imagine how terrible the methods of this family are.

General forces really can't afford to offend this race, even those controlled by the creators can offend this race, which is why the black hand world behind the scenes is very active in the four universes.

It's really interesting to think about this matter. At the beginning, although this family is very powerful, it is not one of the most powerful races.

Nowadays, this family has vaguely ranked first.

Many things in this world are unpredictable, such as the collapse of some top powers, or the rise of some top powers, although they are not completed overnight, but the changes in the world make people feel impressed.

The Lord of the Night continued, "As the hostile parties, then you will definitely go to the behind-the-scenes world, then you want to go to the behind-the-scenes world to do something, but it’s not easy, because the behind-the-scenes world itself has formed an extremely The perfect system, once you enter the world behind the scenes, you will definitely be discovered by the people behind the scenes, so it is very difficult to do something to enter the world behind the scenes."

"But if you have the dark order, then this thing will become a lot easier, because darkness makes this kind of thing can perfectly cover the aura of the foreign monk. When the aura of the foreign monk is covered up, even the black hand behind the scenes In the world, the means to master it is extremely powerful, and it is not easy to find these foreign monks."

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Night, Lin Feng couldn't help but move slightly.

At that time, Turtle Lord was caught by the royal family behind the scenes, and Lin Feng had always kept this in mind. I don’t know what happened to Turtle Lord.

Turtle Lord has a very special significance for Lin Feng. When Lin Feng traveled from Tianwu mainland to Kyushu World, he was accepted as a disciple.

If it weren't for Turtle Lord, perhaps Lin Feng would not be able to achieve this kind of achievement now.

Therefore, Turtle Lord is extremely important to Lin Feng.

In Lin Feng's mind.

Not only his master is so simple, it is even equivalent to his relatives.

Lin Feng many times wanted to go to the world behind the scenes to rescue the turtle.

But this thing can't be done with blood.

Going to the behind-the-scenes world is not an easy task, and the behind-the-scenes world is so dangerous. Lin Feng does not know where Turtle Lord was suppressed in the behind-the-scenes world, plus his own strength is not so powerful. Level, so Lin Feng has been waiting for him to become stronger.

Although the strength of Lin Feng may still be still far behind the master of the black hand behind the scenes, don’t forget that Lin Feng’s strength is still very fast. Lin Feng believes that it may not take long before his strength can be raised to an amazing level. To the extent, when it is time to go to the world behind the scenes and find a way to rescue the turtle, it should be much easier.

It is only now that the Lord of the Night talks about the world of the black hand behind the scenes, I know that the world of the dark hands is far more dangerous and complicated than imagined, but since the Lord of the Night talks about the Dark Order, does it mean that the Lord of the Night Do you have a dark order?

If he didn't master the dark order, then he didn't need to talk about the dark order at this time?

Lin Feng looked at the Lord of the Dark Night and said, "So, do you have the dark order in your hands?".

The Lord of the Night said, "Yes, I have a dark order here, but a long time ago, I inadvertently got a dark order. This dark order has never been used by me. If I use this dark order, Then it will definitely be able to cover the sky."

"When you enter the behind-the-scenes world, the value of this thing will be revealed. By then, you will use this thing to perfectly hide your breath. No one can know that you have entered the behind-the-scenes world, no matter what you want to do. Anything can be done silently. I can give this dark order to you in exchange for reconciliation between you and us. What do you think?".


Lin Feng said.

This thing is really what he needs. I didn’t expect that there will be such a harvest today. It really makes Lin Feng extremely happy. Now that he has mastered such things as the Darkness Order, he can go behind the scenes when he is more powerful in the future. The world rescued Turtle.

But the rescue of Turtle Lord is not simple. First of all, you need to investigate where Turtle Lord was suppressed, and secondly, you need to find out the arrangement of various forces behind the black hand world and the entrance and exit channels.

All aspects are involved.

Slightly poor pool.

Everyone may die in that place.

and so.

If you really go to the world behind the scenes to rescue Turtle, you also need to think long.

A mass of energy flew out in the hands of the Lord of the Night, Lin Feng saw that in that energy, a token was wrapped, which was a black token, which should be the dark order that the Lord of the Night said before. .

It didn't take long.

The black token fell into Lin Feng's hands. Looking at the dark order, Lin Feng's face showed a little surprise.

This dark order is indeed a bit special, with some extremely mysterious runes on it, even though Lin Feng is extremely strange to these runes.

Because he has never seen such a rune, or even a similar rune, which shows that these runes should be a mysterious and ancient rune, but what kind of rune is inherited from the race. It's not something Lin Feng knew.

At least this kind of thing shouldn't be created by the black hands behind the scenes, and they won't create it.

It is estimated that it was studied by the enemies of the blackhand royalty behind the scenes.

Lin Feng does not need to delve into so many things, as long as he knows that this thing he has mastered can help him shield his breath.

Lin Feng put away the dark order.

Then he looked at the Lord of the Night and said, "Night of the Night, since you and my ancestors are friends, then I won’t tell my ancestors what happened today, if one day you can get out of trouble, I I still hope you can maintain your previous friendship with my ancestors."

"Of course, what I will do, I can't control your thinking, it all depends on what you think, but no matter what you do, I hope that the next time we meet, we will be allies Relationship, not this kind of hostile relationship, this is for you, only good and no harm, it is the same for us, because we have common enemies, during this time, you can think about this Things".

The Lord of the Night looked at Lin Feng and said, "I will think about what you said during this time and hope that we can meet as soon as possible."

Lin Feng just nodded his head and said nothing else. Then he and Yin Huang and others quickly left the place. After they left the place, they were finally able to take a breath.

in fact. Mainly because the pressure of the Lord of the Night is too great for them.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's means are extraordinary. If they are replaced by other people, the powerful existence of the Lord of the Night has long been unknown.

This place of the Underworld is not a place to stay for a long time, Lin Feng they have already completed what they need to deal with, then there is no need to stay in this place next, they plan to leave the Underworld quickly and return to the world of the sun.

The way back was quite smooth, but it only took about half of the way.

Then something unexpected happened to Lin Feng and others.

Because they felt an extremely terrifying breath, and this terrifying breath locked them. With such a powerful strength, they felt a creepy feeling after feeling this terrifying breath.

The strong man who exudes this breath is absolutely a terrifying existence.

The ordinary quasi-creator-level strong man, even if he refining the rules of the creator, it is absolutely impossible to exhale such a strong breath, unless it is the strong man of the creator class.

In other words, Lin Feng and his team are likely to be targeted by a strong creator.

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