Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 200: Female creator!

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This kind of breath is very similar to the breath from the body of this strong creator level.

This shows that this upcoming terrorist existence, his strength should also be the creator level.

Lin Feng and others were very shocked.

Because the strong at the creator level is too rare.

But now this place has two powerful creators, which is too unbelievable.

Lin Feng, who is an enemy or a friend of this upcoming creator-level powerhouse, is not particularly clear.

Because the other party did not release goodwill or maliciousness.

Now Lin Feng they have no way to contend with the creator in front of them, the situation is very bad, so the upcoming strong level of the creator level, let Lin Feng they look forward to.

They hope that this strong creator level will help them.

Although this possibility does not seem to be particularly great, it is always a possibility.

"See you soon". Shen Sheng, the creator of the Underworld, said.

The strong man of his level can sense how strong the strength of the strong man who has just come here.

This strong man's strength makes him feel a sense of fear.


Who is this strong man?

He was not particularly clear.

Even the strong level of the creator level is not particularly familiar, there are some creators who like to hide their breath.

The reason why they hide their breath is that they are unwilling to let others know what their breath is like.

This way.

In many cases, when doing something, one can hide from the sky and be unknown to outsiders.

In doing so, you can protect yourself to the greatest extent.

At this time, a hazy world appeared in the void. After seeing the hazy world, Lin Feng's brows could not help but be slightly raised, because the hazy world was not the real world, and Is an illusory world.

That is to say, the kind of breath I felt before did not really come down with the power of creator level.

In fact, it is the creator who, through the endless void world, tries to sense the situation of this place, causing the illusion that the strong level of the creator is coming to this place.

This mysterious creator can come down with such a terrible atmosphere across such a long distance, so it can be seen how powerful his strength is.

Lin Feng they also looked at this hazy world appearing in the void. This hazy world gave people an extremely mysterious feeling.

In this world, there seems to be a palace shrouded in darkness.

At this time, the darkness was constantly dissipating, and not long afterwards, a huge palace appeared.

In the palace, there was a hazy figure. Look closely, the hazy figure seems to be the figure of a woman.

After all, men and women are different, and women's body is relatively slim compared to men.

The man in the palace is very slim.

This is also the basis for Lin Feng to judge that she is a woman when she can't see anything clearly.

In other words, the strong level of the creator level that appeared in Lin Feng's eyes turned out to be a female creator.

This point surprised Lin Feng and others.

Because the creators themselves are very scarce, not to mention the female creators?

I don't know who this female creator is.

"Lord of the Underworld, come here, I want to borrow something from you."

At this time, the female owner spoke, and her voice sounded a little unpredictable, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

Originally Lin Feng still had expectations, hoping that this creator-level powerhouse would be the powerhouse on their side, and then be able to help them, but now it seems that things are not what he wanted.

This strong creator level has nothing to do with them. The reason why she came is that she wanted to borrow something from the Underworld Lord.

At the same time, there is another thing to confirm, that is, to deal with Lin Feng and their identity as the creator.

Earlier, there were rumors that there was a strong creator level in the underworld.

It's just that this strong level of the creator level is too mysterious. Even the Yin Emperor and the Fourth Underworld have never seen this strong level of the creator level.

Probably for this reason, many people feel that there is no strong level of the creator level in the underworld.

All kinds of news about the Underworld Creator level strongman should be some fabricated information, and they simply cannot believe it.

But now it is possible to determine this matter.

Underworld does have a strong level of creator level.

And the strength is still so powerful.

After they entered the underworld, Lin Feng successfully masked their breath with the help of the fate technique exhibited by Lin Feng. Other monks may not be able to sense their breath, and even the strong quasi-creator level could not sense their breath. Breath, but the creator is too strong, and other people can't sense their breath. It doesn't mean that the creator can't sense their breath.

Lin Feng estimated.

This powerful creator level sensed their breath.

Then according to some information he got, he analyzed the identity of Lin Feng, and then came to this place quickly to kill Lin Feng and several of them.

What Lin Feng can do now is to wait and see how it changes. Lin Feng does not know what will happen next. If this is not possible, Lin Feng feels that the Yin Emperor may be able to mobilize his Yin Army.

Although the strength of Yin Yin's legion has been weakened a lot, it still has extremely strong combat power.

It's just, I don't know what the result of the Yin Army will be against the strong level of this creator level?

This is the last resort.

At this time, the Lord of the Underworld said, "I don't know you, but you came to me to borrow something. I was very curious. What did you find me to borrow?".

The female creator said, "I heard that you have a meditation pearl here. This meditation pearl has the effect of resurrection. It is extremely extraordinary. I need your meditation pearl to do something. I don’t know if you are Can I borrow this thing for my use?".

After hearing the words of the female creator, the expression of sneer suddenly appeared on the face of the Underworld Lord.

He said coldly, "Do you know what the Pyramid you just said means to me? This thing is closely related to me, even more important than my natal magic weapon, you think I will Would you like to lend you such a baby? It is really whimsical, this matter has not been discussed, you can leave now."

The female creator said coldly, "Lord of the Underworld, if you don't want to lend me something, then I can only take it."

The voice fell.

I saw the female creator, standing in that huge palace, across the endless space and time, extended his right hand, gently, a golden beam broke through the endless space and time, came to the underworld, directly toward The Lord of the Underworld ordered to kill.

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