Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 230: Lin Feng's speculation

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Liu Tianshan and others can only pray now that everything is going smoothly and well. There must be a big accident. They have already died of too many people in this vein.

However, seeing that Lin Feng was still light and windy, Liu Tianshan and others did not know how nervous they felt, and suddenly calmed down.

Liu Tianshan always felt that Lin Feng might be even more simple than he thought.

Liu Tianshan privately chatted about Lin Feng with his daughter Liu Xueruo.

Of course, my father was very concerned about his daughter's affairs. Liu Tianshan was always curious about how Liu Xueruo and Lin Feng met, what kind of relationship the two parties have now, and how Lin Feng became the leader of the Wasteland Alliance.

Liu Xueruo and Liu Tianshan talked about her experience with Lin Feng.

When talking about Lin Feng, if Liu Xue had a strange feeling, it was as if he was introducing his future son-in-law with his father.

Liu Tianshan has never seen anything. Looking at Liu Xueruo's expression when talking about Lin Feng, he already knows that his daughter should admire Lin Feng very much.

Liu Xueruo's mother died earlier. Liu Xueruo was brought up by Liu Tianshan in one hand, and Liu Tianshan did not marry again, so his relationship with his daughter was very deep.

Now I see that my daughter has a favorite, and the mood is indeed a bit complicated.

"What kind of feelings does that Lin Ge Lord have for you?". Liu Tianshan asked.

This is a topic he is more concerned about.

"Father, what are you saying...". Liu Xueruo's pretty face was slightly red.

Liu Tianshan said, "Your affairs are not opposed by your father, but you have to know the attitude of Lord Lin to you! A slap won't make a sound!".

"he……". Liu Xueruo spoke, but didn't know what to say.

In fact, she and Lin Feng are relatively familiar now. Sometimes she can feel that Lin Feng looks at her with appreciation.

But her eyes are different from other men's eyes.

Those men's eyes are greedy.

Lin Feng's eyes are pure.

This pure gaze made Liu Xueruo unable to judge what kind of feeling Lin Feng had towards her.

Liu Tianshan sighed slightly.

Because he is worried that his daughter is unrequited love, if unrequited love, then this matter will be very painful.

He is also considered to have come here. Naturally, he is very clear about these things. Liu Tianshan prayed that this is not the case. If this is the case, his daughter may be immersed in pain in the future.

This is not what he wants to see.


I always hope that my child can be happy.

Liu Tianshan felt that the topic should be changed, so he asked how Lin Feng became the leader of the Wasteland Alliance.

Liu Xueruo talked about the battle of many top powers in the Wasteland Alliance, and the fight for the leader, including which powerful characters Lin Feng defeated, also said one by one, Liu Tianshan certainly knows how difficult it is to become the leader of the Wasteland Alliance In fact, it must be defeated by many strong men in order to be able to ascend to the position of the leader, but I never thought that among these monks Lin Feng defeated, there are so many top strong men, especially the last battle, defeated by one enemy and three. The top three top powerhouses.

The three top powerhouses, either across four eras or five eras, are not Lin Feng’s opponents, and Lin Feng is too powerful. In this world, except for those of the creator level, they dare to say that they must be Able to beat Lin Feng, I am afraid that no one dares to say that he can beat Lin Feng?

Probably because of the understanding of Lin Feng's power from the side, Liu Tianshan suddenly breathed out. He felt that a strong man like Lin Feng helped them the main line of Liu family, and there was no reason for them to be destroyed.

While waiting for the arrival of the elder monk army, Liu Xueruo often went to find Lin Feng.

Lin Feng does not exclude Liu Xueruo from coming to him. After all, Liu Xueruo is so beautiful and does nothing. Just looking at her beautiful face is also a pleasant thing.

About ten days later.

The spies came to report, and the opposing monk army arrived.

This time, the elders assembled five million monk troops.

In addition to their own people, there are some of their allies.

When Lin Feng heard about the number of monks, Lin Feng was actually a little surprised. He felt something was not right.

The other party really has a lot of teachers.

Is it necessary to use so many monks?

It stands to reason... the strength of the main line of the Liu family is already weak, and there is really no need to use the 5 million monk army.

But the other party still used so many monk troops, and there was no such annoyance, no one would believe it.

What kind of greasiness exists in the end?

Or, why does the other party attach so much importance to the Liu family's main vein?

Is there any powerful hole card hidden in the main line of the Liu family?

Lin Feng thinks this is unlikely.

So many people died in the main line of the Liu family. If the main line of the Liu family really hides such a powerful hole card, it has already been used, and there is no need to go outside for help.

Moreover, judging from Lin Feng's contacts with the Liu family's main line, the Liu family's main line does not seem to hide a powerful hole card.

If this reason is ruled out, then there is another reason, Lin Feng feels that the second reason is more likely.

What is the second reason?

Lin Feng guessed whether the second reason was because the main line of the Liu family controlled some unknown powerful treasures. Of course, the unknown here is for Lin Feng and other outsiders. The people of the Liu family must know what this thing is. These forces cooperating with the elders of the Liu family may also know what they are, and it is these things that the main family of the Liu family masters that allows so many forces to peep.

As a result, there were scenes where five million monk troops were killed.

think carefully.

This possibility is quite large.

Since the people of the Liu family's main vein did not mention this matter to Lin Feng, Lin Feng would not go after the other party. After all, he planned to help the Liu family's main vein before, not because of interests.

Lin Feng did not seek return.

He helped the Liu family because he and Liu Xueruo are friends.

That's all.

The speed of the opposing monk army is extremely fast.

It is estimated that it will not be long before it can come over.

Privately, the poisonous ancestors were somewhat disapproving of the monk army. The poisonous ancestors said, "These forces, even the Wasteland Alliance meeting, are not eligible to participate, it is just a group of people!"

Lin Feng said, "It can't be said that the strength of these forces is quite powerful!"

The ancestor of the poison ancestor now has a high vision, and he has not put these forces in his eyes, but Lin Feng cannot do so.

The monks who participated in the conference of the Wasteland Alliance were all the most powerful forces in the wasteland world. The vast expanse of the wasteland world is only over 100.

But in fact, there are many forces that have not participated in the meeting and are also very powerful.

The details are also terrifying.

It was only because of the limited number of places that they did not qualify for the Waste Land Alliance meeting.

As a high-ranking person, you must always be vigilant. Otherwise, you will encounter big troubles because of pride sooner or later.

About three days later.

The coalition forces on the side of the elders reached the island where the main line of the Liu family was.

When I came here, it was very quiet.

The army stopped.

Someone said, "You won't get the news to escape ahead of time?".

In the vein of the elder Liu family, a lot of powerful characters came, for example, the elder elder arrived in person. The elder elder has the power of waste-dominated level.

But in fact, the greatest elders are not the great elders, but the other two ancestors, even if they are age, they are even the elders of the great elders.

These two were also famous for their existence.

It’s called "Tian Sha Er Lao!"

Tiansha's two old men are called Liu Shatian.

One person is called Liu Shatian.

The two are twin brothers, and their names differ by only one word, but the pronunciation of the second word of the name is exactly the same.

I don't know why their parents gave them such strange names.

Elder Liu Family dare to make trouble, what do you rely on?

Is it just his own strength?

Although he is powerful, he does not dare to mess up easily.

He relied on Tiansha's second elder to support him.

He will become the new patriarch of the Liu family.

The second old man will also be able to get something.

In the eyes of Elder Liu Family.

The cooperation between the two parties is simply a match made in heaven.

This time, the second elder Tiansha also came along with the monk army.

The elder said, "It doesn't matter if they fled from this place. They didn't flee from this place too long. This seat can use special means to capture their breath. We can trace this special breath all the way down. , They will definitely be able to trace their tracks at that time!".

"No, we are here without leaving...".

But at this moment, a voice suddenly resounded between heaven and earth.

When this voice sounded loudly, many people's faces couldn't change slightly.

Because in advance, no one noticed that other monks were hidden in this place.

As strong as the second old man, he didn't even notice it.

It seems that the existence hidden in the dark, the cultivation base must be extremely scary.

The ancestor of the main vein has fallen. The strongest person should be Liu Tianshan, but Liu Tianshan is injured. He certainly has no such ability.

So, who is the person speaking?

Many monks on the coalition of the elders couldn't help but wonder.

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