Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 254: Emperor

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The existence said, "The name of this existence that suppresses me is extremely loud, and it is called the Emperor of Heaven!".

"Eternal Emperor? It's him..." Lin Feng was surprised.

He really has heard of the man, the ancient emperor, so what is the origin of the man, the ancient emperor?

If it were said, this person's origin is really not small.

This man is one of the top powerhouses in the wasteland world, and it is said that it can be traced back to the last reincarnation. Such a powerhouse is well-rounded. In the past, he was one of the most likely to be the creators. But suddenly disappeared and disappeared, many people thought that the ancient emperor was dead, but whether it actually fell, it is not easy to say, after all, is it necessary to see the dead?

If you don’t see the corpse, maybe one day in the future, this immortal emperor suddenly popped out of a cascade. This is also a very likely thing.

It is said that this ancient emperor has done a lot of earth-shattering things in the past, and he is regarded as a decent person, but he suppressed this existence for his own selfish desires, which makes people feel a lot of emotions. Even if he is a decent person, many times, he lives It may not necessarily be a decent approach, and it will involve many issues, such as interests. Everyone is pursuing interests, whether they are decent or evil characters.

Once there is a relationship with interests, there is no so-called right and evil.

In fact, it seems that many characters simply judge them with decent characters.

"It seems that you have heard of the Man of Heavenly God, who was indeed a personal thing at that time, so many people wanted to seize me, but they were not able to succeed, but they were succeeded by Emperor of Heavenly God, he was a monk of the creator level, It was only one step away, but I didn’t know whether it was successful or not. Since he hasn’t returned since the long years, I think 80% failed, which is really heartfelt!".

The existence said with a smile.

He hated the Emperor Van Gogh is normal, after all, the Emperor Van Gogh suppressed him here.

For anyone, if they are suppressed for a long period of time, it is estimated that there will be endless hatred. It is just whether these words said by this guy are true. Lin Feng is not good at making judgments. Lin Feng feels that he may You can chat with this guy face-to-face, and by the way, you can talk about the magic tire. Lin Feng’s incarnation is now very powerful. He has the opportunity to transform into a quasi-creator level, but he needs a chance. Lin Feng if he is Able to find the existence of a demon fetus, and let his own incarnation be refined, and then the incarnation will surely be transformed into a quasi-creator level existence.

This incarnation of Lin Feng is extremely important to Lin Feng. First, it can provide powerful power to Lin Feng. Second, if Lin Feng is finished, he can also be resurrected with the help of this incarnation. Third, This external incarnation completes the breakthrough ahead of time, which helps Lin Feng to understand some of the ways and laws corresponding to the realm, and can also help Lin Feng’s breakthrough.

Lin Feng came here just to help Immortal Palace bless the seal. If he proposed to enter the inner world to take a look, the people of Immortal Palace absolutely disagree. Lin Feng can guess the monks of Immortal Palace without asking. Idea.

Therefore, even if Lin Feng wanted to enter it, chatting face-to-face with the repressed existence, he would certainly not be able to seek the opinions of those in Xianyu Palace.

Asking is also a question in vain, but will cause the other party to be vigilant.

Go back first, then sneak in at night?

An idea flashed in Lin Feng's mind.

He sent a message to the suppressed existence, "Wait for me to come back to you!"


Lin Feng and the repressed existence is a communion of thoughts.

Seems to communicate for a while.

In fact, it is just the electric light flint, the thing that is completed in an instant.

After handing over these, Lin Feng continued, "I need to go back and think about the repair method before I can do it!"

"of course". Fairy Jade Star didn't think much, she also didn't know that the suppressed one existed, and even had a private exchange with Lin Feng.

It stands to reason that a strong person like her has a strong sense of perception, and even if she communicates with God, it is hard to hide her.

However, no matter whether Lin Feng or the repressed existence, the attainments in the exchange of mind and thought are really too high.

Fairy Jade Star did not notice anything.

Lin Feng they left.

I went back to sleep for two hours and woke up late at night.

Lin Feng's spirit is still quite good.

Late at night is a good time to go out and not afraid of being discovered.

Even if there are patrolling disciples, by Lin Feng's means, it is not difficult to hide those patrolling disciples.

Lin Feng left the residence, and after an hour, came to the place where the demon was suppressed.

Darkness enveloped the mountain range, making it look very eerie.

In the valley, the voice of the devil came, and the devil said, "It seems that you still believe me!".

Lin Feng said, "No, I didn't believe your words. The reason I came here was because I was interested in the magic tire you said. You should be clear that nothing in this world happens in plain, total reason. There will be a corresponding purpose, or some other benefits."

"So you came to talk with me about cooperation?". The devil asked.

Lin Feng said, "Of course, don't you want to talk to me about cooperation? Even if I don't bless the pattern here, if you want to get out of trouble, you need at least a child, or even longer, and the reincarnation is less than a century. Does it make any sense if you get out of trouble when the reincarnation is broken? You need to go out in advance, and then in these decades, as much as possible to improve your own strength, so as to ensure that when the reincarnation comes, you can Live, not become dust!".

The devil said, "You have something to say, but how can I believe that you are sincerely cooperating with me? And, how can I believe that you have the ability to cooperate with me?".

"Are you worried that I can't let you out?" Lin Feng smiled lightly.

"Naturally have this worry!". Said the devil.

In fact, his suspicious nature is normal.

Lin Feng looked at the valley with dense patterns in front of him. He walked towards the valley with dense patterns step by step. Countless patterns interweave, but he couldn't stop Lin Feng. Lin Feng crossed the heavy patterns and stepped into the valley. However, the place where Lin Feng appeared was not a valley, but a dark world. Sure enough, as Lin Feng guessed, the inside of this valley was a world of its own, and the devil was suppressed in this special world. .

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