Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 265: Brainwashing

The monk army on the side of the Pioneers Alliance is the first battle of the monk army of the Wasteland Alliance.

The first battle is often extremely important.

Because if the first battle fails, then the blow to everyone is absolutely unimaginable.

Seriously, it can even make this newly formed alliance fall apart.

Not long after the Wasteland Alliance formed the monk army, the monk army of the Pioneer Alliance has been killed. Why?

In fact, the main reason is that the other party also knows such a situation, so they also want to take this opportunity to defeat the Wasteland Alliance monk army. If they can defeat the Wasteland Alliance monk army, they may see that they want See some results.

But if the Wasteland Alliance monk army wins this battle, it is also of great significance to the Wasteland Alliance monk army.

By that time, the morale of the Wasteland Alliance monks will be greatly improved, and it is not just a matter of morale.

For everyone's cohesion, centripetal force is a great encouragement.

In addition, everyone's fear of the pioneer monk army will also be greatly reduced.

This is an improvement in all aspects.

Therefore, this battle cannot be tolerated.

But the point is that the hearts of the monks of the Wasteland Alliance are now floating.

Such a situation is obviously not very good.

This situation must be changed to win the battle.

If you still have a floating mindset, by then, you will definitely not be the opponent of the opposing monk army of the Pioneer Alliance, and they will definitely be defeated by the other party. Therefore, Lin Feng now faces an extremely difficult thing, that is, Before the Pioneer Alliance monk army arrives, he needs to stabilize the army, and then, as much as possible, inspire everyone's fighting power.

Only in this way can we get better results in the next battle.

But this time, the time is already more urgent, at most it is half a month. The pioneers of the Pioneer Alliance of Bad Thoughts are about to arrive at the place of Chilong Island, so I want to complete everyone's morale in half a month. It's an extremely difficult thing to improve.

Lin Feng knew what the crisis faced by the Wasteland Alliance monk army, and the pioneers' evil thought alliance side, also knew what the crisis faced by the Wasteland Alliance, including the monks of the Wasteland Alliance’s major forces, also knew everyone’s What exactly is the crisis facing.

However, knowing what a crisis is and resolving it is not a concept at all. Many times, even if you know that such a crisis exists, when you actually try to solve these crises, the difficulties you encounter are far greater than you think. , Much more.

Therefore, Lin Feng summoned the Changchun scattered people and some confidants.

Discuss this matter together.

Many people have many ideas.

With brainstorming, you might find a better way.

As for the owners of Wanxian Island, Lin Feng had no intention of inviting them.

In Lin Feng's view, these people are definitely waiting to read the joke.

If the first battle, the wasteland alliance side ended in failure, then they will find enough reasons to attack Lin Feng, and even try to pull Linfeng from the position of the wasteland alliance leader.

This is not alarmist, because by this time, everyone saw that Lin Feng failed to lead you to defeat the pioneer monk army. Perhaps some forces that support Lin Feng will choose to support the Wanxian Island Master and others. After all, what you value is the result, and It's not a process, or some problems that everyone actually faces. If the result is good, no matter what the process is, everyone is extremely satisfied. The process is beautiful and the result is not good. Then, everyone will never buy it.

The poison ancestor said, "Maybe you can borrow the Yinbing Legion."

Lin Feng had thought about the method mentioned by poison ancestor before.

In the past, Lin Feng tried to communicate with the Yin Emperor to see if the Yin Emperor was willing to help. Of course, Lin Feng also knew that if he wanted the Yin Emperor to shoot, he must pay enough.

Every time the Emperor Yin made a shot, he exchanged it with Lin Feng.

You can't let him do anything while giving him nothing.

This situation is untenable in Yinhuang.

But this time Lin Feng was not able to communicate with the Yin Emperor. The reason why he was unable to communicate with the Yin Emperor was not because the Yin Emperor was in retreat, but because the Yin Emperor did not want to cooperate with Lin Feng.

What Lin Yin thought, Lin Feng was not sure.

But since Yin Huang doesn't want to cooperate with him, then Lin Feng can't force Yin Huang to cooperate?

Now Lin Feng needs to find another way.

This matter can not tell the poison ancestors them.

Lin Feng just said, "At present, the Yin Army is difficult to mobilize. It is not realistic to want to use the Yin Army to deal with the cultivators on the side of the Pioneer Alliance."

Hearing Lin Feng saying this, Duzu nodded, then frowned, thinking deeply, to see if there were other ways.

Xia Donghuang said, "Master is extremely good at arranging the formation prohibition, then, can we arrange some powerful formation prohibition in advance, and then find a way to introduce the monk army of the pioneers' evil thoughts into the formation prohibition. They can be dealt with with the help of the formation ban."

"Even if the strength of the Pioneer Alliance monk army is very strong, it is estimated that they will have to suffer a big loss."

Lin Feng said, "If we adopt this method, we need to select places and prepare materials, and then arrange the large array. It certainly does not have so much time for us to do these things, and the other party may have sent a lot of spies, these The spies may be hidden in the surrounding waters, and they are observing the situation on our side. If we set up a system prohibition, they will definitely be discovered by their spies. By then, we will work hard to arrange these system prohibitions , It doesn't play any role at all, this method is not suitable."

At this time, Bo Shao, who had not spoken, said, "If we can't use external forces to pose a threat to the pioneer monk army, then we can only dig from the inside."

As a monk of the quasi-creator realm, Boshao is not only powerful, but also has unique insights in many aspects, and the facts are indeed the same as that of Boshao. If you want to deal with the pioneer wicked alliance monk army, borrow external forces , It is clearly impossible to achieve.

So tapping the internal power to deal with the pioneer wicked alliance monk army should be the only way, but how can we tap the internal power?

Simply put, it is how to increase everyone's cohesion and courage, and then enhance everyone's combat effectiveness.

But because of the floating heart, it is very difficult to change everyone's heart in such a short period of time, and then to enhance everyone's combat effectiveness.

"The world is full of profits, so if you say so, you might be able to make heavy profits to stimulate everyone's cohesion and combat power." Alonso said.

Lin Feng actually disagrees with this proposal. Why do you say that?

Because the Wasteland Alliance itself is a newly established alliance, Lin Feng’s control of this alliance is not too deep.

If you come up, Xu Yili will do everything she should have done.

So how should the Wasteland Alliance be commanded later?

When the time comes, when things happen, as long as there are not enough benefits, everyone can passively slack off?

This kind of thing is very likely to happen.

and so.

You should stop this kind of thing from happening. You must never let this kind of thing happen.

The Prison Demon said, "This method will not work either. It is everyone's business to deal with the Pioneer Evil Alliance. If there is no significant benefit, everyone will not have to deal with the Pioneer Evil Alliance. Then this wasteland alliance might as well be dissolved. Now, moreover, the Wasteland Alliance has just been established, and the Wasteland Alliance does not have its own industry. If Xu Yili is really profitable, how many things must be brought out? Is it expected that monks from other forces will produce these things? In the end, the son will have to go out! Maybe the white-eyed wolf will eventually be fed."

Lin Feng looked at the Changchun San people who had never spoken.

In fact, Lin Feng attaches great importance to the opinions of the Changchun Sanren. After all, the Changchun Sanren are one of the deputy leaders of the Waste Land Alliance. Moreover, the Changchun Sanren have lived for such a long time. What kind of things have not been seen?

The response to various crises should still be quite surprising.

Lin Feng said, "Changchun San people have any opinions on this matter?".

The Changchun San people said, "It is impossible to talk about high opinions, but there are indeed some opinions."

After a brief pause, the Changchun San people continued, "Since we can only tap the potential of the monk army from the inside, then the method of using heavy profits up here is not suitable for practice, and we can only motivate the monk army from other aspects. ".

"In what ways to motivate the monk army? I think it should still give the monk army a strong sense of crisis, so that the monk army's fighting will can be fully activated."

Lin Feng nodded his head, and the Changchun San people's point of view was very much in agreement with him. He said, "This kind of crisis is quite understandable, but one thing has to be mentioned. For themselves, these monk troops also have a sense of crisis. of".

"But what this sense of crisis brings to them is the fear of the monk army of the Pioneer Alliance, because of the psychological fear of the Pioneer Alliance, this sense of crisis may instead frustrate everyone’s confidence. That's where I feel the headache."

The Changchun San people said, "It is indeed such a thing, but things need to be seen from two aspects. The method is correct. Maybe the bad can also become good, and I think we may use the family of these monks. , Loved ones, loved ones, friends".

"How do you say this?". Lin Feng asked.

The Changchun San people said, "When you face the pioneer wicked alliance monk army, there will be a feeling of fear, because the other party is too strong, and everyone is lucky, everyone does not want to die, they want to live well, so they will Fearful, we want to make everyone aware of one thing, that is, we have no way back now. If we fail, then the suffering will not only be us, but also our people, friends, etc.".

Speaking of which, the Changchun San people paused again. He turned sharply and continued:

"I think, now I want to find some pioneer wicked alliance monk army, destroy the forces, and kill the crystal light **** that are full of forces, shouldn't it be too difficult? Find these crystal light balls, in the next During this time, the contents of the crystal light ball are played to the Wasteland Alliance monks every day to let them know what kind of end after the failure, it can definitely inspire everyone's blood."

After hearing the words of the Changchun Sanren, Lin Feng's eyes could not help slightly.

This method of Changchun Sanren is probably equivalent to a kind of brainwashing.

Playing the same content every day, letting everyone watch it repeatedly, is to repeatedly brainwash everyone.

After everyone is brainwashed repeatedly, by then, everyone's fighting spirit may really be completely inspired.

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