Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 273: Complete control of the Wasteland Alliance

After the end of this war, the battlefield still needs to be cleaned, and so many monks have died. These monks usually have storage rings on them. These things are also of certain value. Even some people have more good things. These Of course, it is impossible to get things into a personal purse. They have to be handed in, and then they will be unified. This is the rule. Everyone knows it very well.

Lin Feng issued an order to clean up the battlefield. This time it was able to defeat the Pioneer Alliance monk army, which was too important for the Wasteland Alliance monk army. The latter is definitely about rewards for merits and achievements. They can all be used for merit awards.

In addition, there is one thing worth noting.

That is, the Wasteland Alliance, as a huge alliance, has assembled so many monk troops, and it will even recruit more monk troops in the future. It is impossible to sit on the mountain and eat all the time. You must master some top-level resources in order to be able to continue. Wealth is created so that we can support the operation of a huge alliance.

This matter Lin Feng intends to find an opportunity to chat with Boshao and others.

In fact, there are many resources in the overseas world that can be developed. After all, the overseas world is so huge. After these resources are developed, these resources should be able to provide the expenses of the wasteland alliance monk army in a short time.

Later, when returning to the inland world, if you can **** the land of the inland world, you will be able to master the various resources of the inland world. At that time, more resources will be mobilized.

But the counterattack on the inland world should not be anxious, and it is useless.

Nowadays, the strength of the Wasteland Alliance should continue to be strengthened.

While strengthening the power of the Wasteland Alliance, it sent monk troops to find and exploit the resources of the overseas world without delay.

The bodies of dead monks on the Wasteland Alliance have been converged, and they will be buried together at that time. As for the bodies of dead monks on the side of the Pioneer Alliance, they can be thrown directly into the ocean. A large number of sea creatures will quickly Come and eat these monks’ bodies. Many sea creatures are very powerful. It is because they constantly devour the bodies of dead monks in the ocean.

The normal monk army, apart from the source of some top strongmen, is not very interested in the essence of these dead monks. After all, the difference in strength is not particularly large, and these sources are not too great for their strength. help.

That being the case, why should it take so much effort to do such a thing?

After cleaning the battlefield, the Wasteland Alliance monks rushed back to their homes quickly. The news of their victory on this side had already passed back to Chilong Island. The entire Chilong Island was immersed in the sea of ​​joy Among.

In fact, this war is not only focused on the inland world, the overseas world is concerned, and even some forces in the extraterritorial world are also paying attention to this war. This battle involves a large-scale battle that is close to 200 million monk troops. It is definitely the top. One of the large-scale battles.

Such a war has even involved so many powerful men, and this war also has to do with the situation in the wasteland world.

After all, the wasteland world is different, and all forces will pay attention to what the wasteland world will look like, and no one thought that this battle was actually a victory for the wasteland alliance. This is mainly because the establishment of the Waste Land Alliance is relatively short.

It stands to reason that in such a short alliance, the monk army often has problems in coordination, not just the problem of cooperation. The pioneer wicked alliance monk army is also a major threat. After all, in the previous war, the pioneer wicked alliance monk army showed In view of the extremely powerful fighting power, the morale and strength of their monk army are at the top state. Therefore, it is difficult to find the reason for the victory of this battle.

However, the actual situation is completely different from what everyone thinks. The Wasteland Alliance monk army has really won such a war. Many people are extremely puzzled and do not know what is going on in this war. Why did the Wasteland Alliance monk army finally win?

Soon afterwards, news came out that the reason why the Wasteland Alliance monk army was able to win this war has a huge relationship with their leader Lin Feng.

It turned out that the son of Pioneer and Lin Feng had a peak showdown. The origin of the Son of Pioneer is very clear. He is the only heir of the Pioneer. Although he has not yet broken through to the level of the Creator, his strength has also reached the standard. The realm of the creator is very powerful. It has been rumored that the son of the pioneer has obtained the rule of the creator, and even obtained the magic weapon of the level of the creator left by his father.

After mastering these things, what terrifying level the Son of Pioneer has been raised to is really unimaginable. The means that such a powerful character can show is absolutely shocking.

Lin Feng, the leader of the Wasteland Alliance, has actually heard of him.

For example, Lin Feng's background.

Lin Feng's father is a famous undead family, which is also an extremely old family.

The mother is even more famous here, but it is the famous emperor who dominates the race, and he has been a race of strong creators.

Such races are extremely rare in the history of the era.

As for Lin Feng’s own wide range of activities, in many places, things that are earth-shattering have been done, but in everyone’s opinion, even though Lin Feng’s strength is very strong, let’s see who he compares with.

For the son of the Pioneer, it should be a lot worse, even if the two people are similar in strength, the key is that the Pioneer also masters the magic weapon of the level of the creator. This level of magic is too horrible. You need to know some creator levels. None of the powerful have mastered this magic weapon, which is very rare.

Mainly the materials are hard to find.

You need to find the material forging this magic weapon to have some follow-up things.

Some of the creator-level powerhouses have searched the sky and have not been able to find such materials, which makes them feel extremely depressed. Therefore, since the long years, this top-level creator-level magic weapon is very rare. Yes, the sons of pioneers can get such a magic weapon, everyone will not be too surprised, the key is Lin Feng, will he master such a magic weapon?

This is something many people doubt, but more people think that Lin Feng should have no chance to master this magic weapon.

Mainly there is no way to get this magic weapon.

But in any case, it is already a fact that Lin Feng defeated the Son of Pioneer, even if it may be mixed with various factors, what the practitioners value is not the process, but What is the result?

Lin Feng's final victory is enough to explain many problems.

There were even a lot of monks, especially those who were around the creator, but Lin Feng wasn’t particularly special. They felt that Lin Feng was able to achieve such amazing achievements, probably because Lin Feng was helped by top strongmen. He, but from the recent period of time, Lin Feng's various performances, such as Santa's defeat of the pioneers, the defeat of the pioneers in overseas wars, etc., maybe all of them underestimated Lin Feng.

Just when the outside world was talking about each other because of this war.

The Wasteland Alliance continues to recruit troops to expand its influence.

In the previous battle, under the attention of countless wasteland alliance monks, Lin Feng defeated the son of the pioneer who mastered the magic weapon of the creator. This shock for everyone is simply beyond description. The original ones were biased towards Lin Feng. The monks here, as well as forces, were even more convinced of Lin Feng.

The monks, who were a few biased towards Wanxian Island and other forces, have now begun to gradually shift, and they have gradually moved closer to Lin Feng.

As for the neutral forces and the monks, they are all biased towards Lin Feng. In fact, to put it bluntly, in any world, strength is the most fundamental thing.

Just say nothing, as long as you show your strength, then this is the most powerful call, you say ten thousand and ten thousand, but your strength is not strong enough, then, even if you promise to give others many benefits, you can what's the point? You simply can't fulfill your promise.

And Lin Feng can defeat even the son of the pioneer who mastered the magic weapon of the creator level. Following such a powerful character is obviously an extremely wise choice. Now the wasteland world is no longer the previous wasteland world. The previous wasteland world, each The big forces are intriguing and have their own territory, and there is not much cooperation between them.

But now we must unite together and we must find a leader. If we don’t find a leader, everyone will definitely be scattered, and eventually they will be destroyed by the pioneers’ evil thought alliance, and everyone will die.

This is something that every force is reluctant to see. Since Lin Feng has shown such a strong leadership and leadership temperament, choosing to rely on Lin Feng does not seem to be a difficult thing to choose, so this time Inside, Lin Feng was very comfortable in the Wasteland Alliance.

Therefore, he is now a quotation, and any order can be supported by a large number of monks and forces. Now, the Waste Alliance is completely in the hands of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng started to think about countering the inland world, but now it seems that the strength is still not enough. It is necessary to continue to recruit troops for a period of time, and continue to grow the strength of the wasteland alliance to try to counter the inland world, otherwise, if you go Die.

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