Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 280: Dark spirit!

Finally, he entered this inverted world smoothly.

But Lin Feng's ultimate goal is not just to enter this inverted world.

Their entry into this inverted world can only be regarded as the first step. What they have to do is to explore the secrets hidden in this inverted world.

So if there is a guide at this time, that would be the best.

They can get a lot of useful information from this guide.

It is of great help for them to explore this inverted world.

This guide was of course the mysterious existence that had previously communicated with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said in a voice transmission, "We have already come in, where are you now? You can show up."

Lin Feng only heard his voice before, but didn't see him in person, so Lin Feng was actually very curious about the existence of this deity. He wanted to see what his deity was like?

After hearing Lin Feng's transmission, this being replied: "I'll come out and see you immediately."

at this time.

Lin Feng felt a special kind of energy permeating the surrounding dark world.

This extremely special energy Lin Feng had already felt before, that is, the extremely special energy that shrouded his body before, was the energy released by that mysterious existence.

It seems that this mysterious existence has already appeared.

At this time, Poison Ancestor, Alonso and others also felt this special energy. After all, this time, this special energy was more numerous and it was easier to sense.

In fact, when this energy appeared last time, besides Lin Feng, another person felt it.

This person is the Great Hell Demon Saint.

Among Lin Feng's followers, the Great Prison Demon Sage is the most powerful, and in terms of perception, it is very powerful.

It is not a fuss for him to sense that special energy.

It's just that he didn't say anything at the time.

Now that he felt this extremely special energy again, he knew that they should have something to do with this extremely special energy when they came in, and the existence of this extremely special energy was released. What kind of existence was he? It's not particularly clear, but no matter what kind of existence it is, it should have reached a certain kind of transaction with Lin Feng.

This kind of transaction is still good for them temporarily, after all, they have successfully entered this inverted world.

At this time, a voice resounded, "Everyone, welcome to this dark world!".

After the voice fell, a group of twisted energy appeared in front of Lin Feng. This group of twisted energy was a black energy, and this black energy exuded a cold breath.

In the black energy, there seems to be a group of twisted soul power, but if it is carefully sensed, it is not only the soul power.

This made Lin Feng feel a little surprised. It seems that the existence in front of him is indeed a bit special. If you want to say that he is a soul body, he is indeed like a soul body, but he is not a soul body in a pure sense, probably belongs to a special kind of special. There is something between his existence and his soul body. As for what it is, Lin Feng is not sure about it now.

"What is this?" Poison Ancestor said suspiciously.

"How do you say it?" This mysterious being said coldly.

It seemed that he was extremely dissatisfied with the name Poison Ancestor gave him.

Lin Feng said, "Your Excellency, don't mind, this friend of mine is unobstructed, but not malicious!"

"Ok". This existence faintly responded.

Lin Feng continued, "It is with his help that we can successfully enter this inverted world."

Lin Feng immediately looked at this mysterious existence again and said, "But we still don't know what you call it."

This mysterious being said, "You can call me the Spirit of Darkness."

The name Dark Spirit is easy to make people have some deep-level associations. In addition, this existence once told Lin Feng that when he was just born, he discovered that he was born in darkness, so he gave Got a name called Dark Spirit?

Of course, it is also possible that when he was born, some special order of heaven and earth gave him such a name, the power of order of heaven and earth, imprinted this name in his memory, so this name may not be his own. Yes, it may be imprinted by the order of heaven and earth.

But no matter what kind of situation, this deity exists, in this inverted world, he must have been in this inverted world for a long time, he should have a better understanding of this inverted world?

Lin Feng then introduced his name again.

After introducing himself, he introduced the people around him to the Dark Spirit.

Lin Feng immediately said, "Dark Spirit, how long have you been in this world?".

The Dark Spirit said, “It’s been an extremely long time. This time has been so long that I don’t even know how many years have passed. In fact, before you came here, there were some monks who discovered the situation here and wanted to Entering this world, but those people are destined to have no fate with this world, so I don't bother to pay attention to them, you should be regarded as the first batch of monks to enter this world."

Lin Feng said, "You must be extremely familiar with this world, right?".

The Dark Spirit said, "It's fairly familiar."

Lin Feng said: "Did a monk wearing Tsing Yi entered this world before? This monk even has an inseparable relationship with this world."

The Dark Spirit said, "I really don’t know this, because when I was born, this world has become a withered world, cold, dark, terrifying, and desperate, so what you said Those should be things that happened before, but I don’t know when it will be traced back.”

"And I have explored this place many times over the years, and have not found any clues related to the monk you mentioned, unless these clues are in that extremely dangerous place, but that place is indeed too dangerous. Even me, I dare not go to that place easily."

After hearing the words of the Dark Spirit, Lin Feng's heart moved slightly. What is the place the Dark Spirit said?

It stands to reason.

The strength of the Dark Spirit is also very powerful.

Such a powerful existence would not dare to set foot in a place, you can imagine how extraordinary that place is.

This actually aroused Lin Feng's interest.

Lin Feng thinks.

If you really want to explore the secrets of this inverted world.

Many places are actually unnecessary.

You can go directly to the place that the Dark Spirit said that he dared not to step into it. Perhaps, some of the secrets they were looking for were hidden in that place.

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