Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 289: Unsung heroes of the same faction

Lin Feng's mana is very powerful. Such a powerful mana is integrated into the black stone monument. Originally, Lin Feng felt that even if the black stone monument could not be refined, then at least he could have a certain connection with the black stone monument. After this connection was made, it became easier for him to refine the black stone monument.

But the actual situation is not like this. When Lin Feng's mana was integrated into the black rock-shaking stele, some amazing changes took place at this time. Some special runes were formed inside the black rock-shaking stele.

These runes swallowed Lin Feng's mana instantly.

Then these runes also wanted to unleash a powerful force to attack Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng quickly cut off the connection with the black rock-shaking stele, so the black rock-shaking stele wanted to deal with Lin Feng and was not able to complete it.

Such a situation caused Lin Feng's brows to be raised slightly.

Because of this situation, he felt a little surprised. He didn't expect the black rock-shaking stele to be so stubborn. By this time, he had been suppressed. It was still so difficult to refine it. The other rock-shaking steles are really different.

Lin Feng couldn't help thinking of eighteen stone monuments.

Among the eighteen rock-shaking steles, can some rock-shaking steles play a dominant role?

It's like a small team.

This small team, whether it is three people, five people, or six people, seven people, or ten people, definitely one person in this team will play a leading role.

This is what we call the captain.

So, among the eighteen sky-shaking stone steles, Lin Feng is not surprised that there is such an existence. When Lin Feng yesterday’s black stone tablet was a sky-shaking stone tablet, he was actually thinking about this matter. Lin Feng thought this way, then this black rock-shaking stone tablet is indeed too extraordinary.

If it is really a dominant stone stele, then it will play an even greater role for Lin Feng in the future. Such a situation makes Lin Feng extremely happy.

Although he had not been able to refine this black sky-shaking stone tablet, Lin Feng didn't take it seriously. What if he didn't refine this sky-shaking stone tablet for the time being?

In terms of the strength he has mastered, it is only a matter of time to refine this sky-shaking stone monument. Maybe it won't take long to successfully refine this sky-shaking stone tablet.

Lin Feng intends to temporarily put away this sky-shaking stone monument.

Because this place is not the place to refine the black stone monument.

Lin Feng was planning to put away the black sky-shaking stone tablet, but at this time something unexpected happened to Lin Feng and the others. There was a powerful fluctuation inside this black sky-shaking stone tablet. After the fluctuations came out, a very special resonance was formed with this piece of heaven and earth.

And whether this resonance will cause some special changes Lin Feng is not particularly clear.

But Lin Feng felt that since such a special resonance had occurred, something extremely special would definitely happen, and what happened next, just as Lin Feng expected, something very special did happen.

A mysterious existence appeared between this heaven and earth. This existence was hazy and could not be seen clearly. He stood in the distance and looked at Lin Feng and others. When he was staring at this existence, Lin Feng's heart suddenly rose. There was a kind of coolness, and this feeling was like the sweltering summer weather in June, and suddenly it was freezing cold.

This existence is terrible.

But Lin Feng is also very confused, don't know who this is?

One thing that can be judged is that the existence of this statue is inextricably related to this black sky-shaking stone stele, because it is the changes produced by this black sky-shaking stone stele that make this mysterious existence appear.

Soon a monk appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

This existence seemed to be somewhat similar in size to the man he saw outside who was stabbed with a sword. Are they alone?

Lin Feng and the others chased the man into this world. After he entered this world, this world became a ruined world, but after that they could not find any clues related to this person.

"It's that person," Alonso said, and it seemed that Alonso recognized this person as well.

"It's really him," said Poison Ancestor.

Now his identity can basically be confirmed, and it is indeed that mysterious existence.

Of course, he is not a real body of flesh and blood now, just a body with condensed energy.

But even so, it can still pose a big threat to Lin Feng and others.

Because Lin Feng and the others felt the terrifying aura from this existence, and from this point they knew how great the threat of this existence was.

However, Lin Feng and the others are powerful after all, and they hold an extremely terrifying treasure. Although this existence can pose a threat to them, it is not easy for people who want to destroy Lin Feng.

Lin Feng originally thought that this existence should attack them, but the actual situation is not like this. This existence did not attack them. He just stood in the distance and watched them silently. People, without any other actions, this made Lin Feng and others extremely puzzled.

Because they seemed to have felt some hostility before, but this hostility disappeared quickly, and they didn't know what was going on with this mysterious existence?

After this hostility was generated, the hostility was quickly withdrawn. Has something happened that they didn't know?

What happened that Lin Feng and others didn't know had had a certain impact on this mysterious existence.

In fact, before, Lin Feng had always felt that this monk might not be a good person. After all, the failure of a world is inseparable from him. Even if this monk is not a heinous existence, he is definitely not a good person. .

But now it seems that the previous judgment seems to be somewhat wrong.

At this time, the existence said, "After a long time of waiting, the shaking stone monument has finally waited for its true owner. I believe that you can truly control these shaking stone monuments and then accomplish things that many people cannot accomplish. ".

After saying this, the body of this deity began to dissipate gradually, and it didn't take long for his body to completely dissipate.

But in Lin Feng's heart, it was because of his words that became very restless.

The reason for this is because Lin Feng felt that there were some special meanings in what the monk said, but he didn't make these words too clear. Maybe he was afraid, maybe he felt that Lin Feng knew something, then, Judging from the last passage he said before he disappeared, it seemed that this monk might be a monk in their camp, so this world back then was perhaps a terrible, evil world?

Lin Feng immediately thought of the woman who stabbed him before.

At the beginning, Lin Feng felt that the woman might be his enemy, but if it was his enemy, why did he drew the sword and left after stabbing him?

This made Lin Feng very puzzled.

But now it seems that the woman should not be the enemy of the monk. They may even be lovers, but because the man has to complete some extremely important tasks, he must do something to make the woman Forgetting him completely, isn't there a saying that short-term pain is better than long-term pain?

forget him.

In the future, she may be able to start her life again. If she does not forget, she will probably be immersed in pain.

Lin Feng didn’t know exactly what the man did, but no matter what he did, his goal should have been achieved. This woman went from loving him deeply to becoming Cheng hates him.

This man looked very lonely from the back at the time. Now think about it. He must have been extremely painful at the time. It is just that he has only one person to suffer silently, and there is no way to share his heart with other people. The pain in it.

In the end this man came to this world. Although Lin Feng was not particularly clear about what happened next, Lin Feng knew that after this man came to this world, he eventually fell into this world.

This is indeed a very sad thing.

After thinking about these things, Lin Feng couldn't help but sighed slightly. Perhaps this was an unsung hero, destined to be unknown to the world, but he still silently did so many things, which he admired.

Lin Feng said, "Let's leave here."

The rest nodded, there is no need to stay in this place any longer.

Lin Feng put away the black rock-shaking stone tablet, and then the group of them flew outside.

They left this most dangerous area and smoothly came outside the mountain range. Although it is also very dangerous, it is far behind the mountain range. The spirit of darkness can't wait to say, "We are leaving this world. Already? Are we going to the outside world? I can't wait to enjoy the freedom that the outside world brings."

Lin Feng said, "In fact, when you go to the outside world, you will know that the outside world is not as beautiful as you imagined. The outside world is an extremely cruel world."

The Dark Spirit said, "A cruel world is good. The weak and the strong is the world I like. The more chaotic the world, the better, and the chaotic the more suitable it is for me. I will definitely be able to get mixed up by the time."

Lin Feng couldn't agree with the words of the dark spirit. He didn't bother to pay attention to the dark spirit anymore, and saw Lin Feng used a secret technique to take everyone out of this inverted world.

When they reappear, they have already arrived in the outer sea. Looking towards the sea, you can see that this inverted world is still there, but now this inverted world is slowly changing It's illusory.

This inverted world is estimated to dissipate soon. As for whether it will come out in the future, Lin Feng and others don't know.

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