Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 317: Purple wooden box

This is a box.

This box seems to be a wooden box.

It was impossible for Lin Feng to pay too much attention to the original box, but this box was obviously different from ordinary boxes.

The first is feeling.

When he saw this box, Lin Feng had an extremely special feeling. He felt that the origin of this box seemed extremely extraordinary. This kind of intuition developed by a top powerhouse after experiencing countless things.

Don't underestimate the intuition of the top powerhouses. In many cases, the intuitions of the top powerhouses are terrifying, and they can often show moving insights.


The material of this box is very special. Although I don’t know what kind of vegetation or wood this purple wood is, but Lin Feng has come into contact with the Jianmu Tree, and he found that this wood is somewhat similar to Jianmu Tree. What an extraordinary thing is the tree of built wood, the most mysterious ancient tree between heaven and earth, also known as the tree of the world, is the most extraordinary tree born between heaven and earth.

If this kind of wood is of the same level as the tree of Jianmu, the origin is too extraordinary. Can the box forged with such an extraordinary origin be simple?

It's definitely not easy.

At last.

Some special patterns on this box caught Lin Feng's attention.

That pattern looks a lot like a decorative pattern.

When Lin Feng first saw those patterns, he even thought that those patterns were decorative patterns, but later discovered that those patterns were not decorative patterns. To be precise, those patterns should be patterns, a very special pattern. If it hadn't been for Lin Feng's extremely high attainments in formation control, he would never think that this pattern was a kind of formation pattern.

This kind of pattern is very special. Lin Feng is not particularly clear about the specific type of pattern. Lin Feng originally wanted to study this special pattern, but he didn't know where to start, so he gave up this idea.

In summary.

All can prove the extraordinary of this box.

So, what kind of stuff is in such a not-so-simple box?

The box is not so simple anymore, the things inside must be even more extraordinary, right?

After judging that the box was extremely difficult, Lin Feng even thought of the mysterious tin box.

One iron box, one wooden box.

There is a big difference in essence.


Regardless of the iron box or the wooden box, there may be some amazing secrets hidden behind it. This is the place worth thinking about.

Lin Feng also put away the box. Now is not the time to study the box. It is not too late to study the box after the things here are over.

Lin Feng continued to search for other extraordinary things in this storage ring. There are indeed many good things, including various precious resources. Many resources are very rare and belong to them. Priceless resources.

It's just that these resources don't have much effect on Lin Feng.

After searching, there is no other gain.

However, Lin Feng is already very satisfied. There are so many good things in this storage ring. The things he gets can help him or the people around him greatly, no less than getting a day. Great opportunity.

Lin Feng severed the connection with this storage ring. At this time, the cultivator army had put away the storage rings of the dead cultivators. All these storage rings were handed in. Lin Feng temporarily put away these storage rings.

Lin Feng issued a new order, "Temporarily converge and freeze the corpses of the monks in the Dragon Pavilion, and then be buried together! As for the corpses of the monks in Taishan Palace, let the beasts in the water devour them!".

"Yes!" the three legion commanders responded.

There is no need for Lin Feng to order specific matters. These army commanders and the monks below can handle them perfectly.

As the highest decision-making figure.

Lin Feng always leads the general direction.

Various things proceeded in an orderly manner. After the corpse problem was dealt with, the monks of the three major legions began to sweep other monks in this huge lake.

There are still thousands of cultivators scattered outside. The battle here has definitely attracted the attention of many people on the other side. These cultivators may have escaped before they have time to take care of them. However, there should be many others. Before they had time to escape, the goal of the three legions was the monks who had not had time to escape.

Treat your own enemies.

Can't be kind.

This is Lin Feng's consistent approach.

Only in this way can people on their side be able to survive.

This battle has a history of three days.

The three legions swept the monk army across the lake, once again annihilated the 6 million monk army, and confiscated the storage rings of these monk army, the remaining 4 million monk army escaped.

In the past few days, Lin Feng has already checked the various resources in these storage rings. This kind of thing is simple, after all, a sweep of the spirit will do.

There are also many good things in ordinary monks' storage rings. Just as Lin Feng had previously expected, these monks would make a fortune.

However, the things in these ordinary monk's storage rings were also difficult to arouse Lin Feng's interest.

Lin Feng found about one hundred and fifty super-grade immortal stones from the storage rings of ordinary monks.

The quantity is not too much.

But it is definitely not less, after all, things like super-order immortal stones are too valuable.

The army assembled.

On meritorious deeds.

Lin Feng took out a part of the resources and allocated them to the cultivators. These cultivators were naturally very happy with so many resources.

As for some of the high-level leaders of the three major legions, such as the head of the legion and the deputy head of the legion, Lin Feng took out some super-grade fairy stones and assigned them to them.

Each of the three legion commanders has two super-grade immortal stones.

Each of the six deputy army commanders is a super-grade immortal stone.

Compared with Lin Feng's savings, their savings were very different. Therefore, when they broke through, the amount of super-grade immortal stones consumed was naturally far less than that of Lin Feng.

Accumulate slowly.

These army commanders and deputy army commanders are estimated to be able to collect a lot of super-order celestial stones.

People like Poison Ancestor, Alonso, Evil Venerable Saint, Great Prison Demon Saint, Xia Donghuang, and so on, they will definitely get the rewards of Ultra-Order Immortal Stone, but Lin Feng intends to give them privately, rather than in front of many people. give them.

The impact is not very good.

The monk army under the monarch of Mount Tai was annihilated in this way, and nearly 30 million monks fell. These monks were not the ordinary army of monks, they were the most elite army of monks under the monarch of Taishan Palace.

If Lord Taishan knew about this, he would be extremely painful.

This news spread quickly in the Wasteland World. Lin Feng had already anticipated this kind of thing. Even if he wanted to conceal it, there was no way to conceal it.

After learning about Lin Feng's great victory, many forces who had fled overseas were all rejoicing, and a large number of forces began to organize an army of cultivators to march towards the inland world.

They have to seize the time to enter the inland world and search for the resources of the inland world. If they don't take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime time to get a piece of the pie, when will they get a piece of the pie?

This is the only chance!

As for the battle between the Alliance of the Wasteland and the Alliance of Pioneers Vicious Mind, it is all for the future, so let's talk about the benefits first.

Lin Feng has not received any news from the other two legions, and I don't know what's going on with the other two legions.

It stands to reason that the strength of the other two legions is not worse than theirs.

There shouldn't be any problems, right?

Although there was no news from the other two legions, Lin Feng still led their invincible legion to the north.

This time the counterattack against the inland world is very important.

Except for necessary trimming, Lin Feng didn't plan to do too much stay.

About five days later, Lin Feng got news one after another.

The other two regiments also went well. The regiment led by Bo Shao wiped out 24 million enemies.

Six million or so enemies escaped.

The legion on the Changchun Sanren side annihilated about 23 million enemies, and about 7 million enemies escaped.

Although the number of annihilated enemies was not as good as Lin Feng's side, it was still within the expected number.

Three days later, the three legions joined forces.

Lin Feng intends to let the three legions repair one day before continuing to set off.

Therefore, after the three legions joined forces, the army stopped on the famous Nantian Plain in the wasteland to repair.

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