Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 323: Hide from the sky

In the next period of time, Lin Feng began to cut the soul for Aragorn. In the process of cutting the soul, he did encounter some troubles.

Cutting the soul is much more complicated than he thought.

After all, the soul of the monk is too critical, it is the most important source in the human body.

If a monk loses some other origins, then he may not endanger his life.

But if his soul is damaged, there will be some serious problems.

It may even die.

This is the biggest difference.

The main problem that Lin Feng is facing now is that when he cuts the soul of Aragorn with the big incision, it will produce a very special resonance.

This is a resonance with the soul.

When this kind of resonance occurs, this resonance, the power that oscillates, will merge into the soul of Aragorn, because Aragorn is now in a state of being cut.

At the same time, it belongs to a completely unprotected state.

and so.

When this resonant force floods into the soul of Aragon, it is easy to cause a series of negative reactions.

This negative reaction is directly reflected in the destruction of the soul of Aragon.

This is an extremely terrible situation.

If you want to solve this problem, then you need to suppress this resonance force as much as possible, and release it as little as possible.

of course.

Lin Feng would not expect to completely control this power.

This is an impossible thing.

No matter what he does, there will be resonance power.

It is also extremely difficult to control this resonance force to escape.

This is also the fundamental reason why Lin Feng feels so difficult to cut the soul.

If someone else encounters such a situation, they would have been distraught.

When a person has such a state of mind, then this attempt is estimated to end in failure, but Lin Feng is different, Lin Feng has experienced too many winds and waves.

Although the situation encountered now is indeed more troublesome.

But Lin Feng was still quite confident in his own ability.

It is precisely because he is extremely confident in his abilities that after encountering such a situation, Lin Feng still feels that solving the immediate problem is a very difficult thing for him, but it is not Can't be done.

Many times, as long as you are bold and careful, you may be able to produce some better results.

After the initial difficulties, Lin Feng found that the situation was gradually improving. One thing I have to mention is that the guy Aragorn and Lin Feng cooperated very well.

Don't look at Aragorn's cautious appearance, but he promised Lin Feng that he must not allow his soul to produce any defensive state, and he really did not produce any defensive state.

If Aragorn hadn't listened to Lin Feng's words completely, but let his soul develop an autonomous defense state.

Then a powerful force will come in.

The situation will be even more troublesome then.

The reason for saying this is because Lin Feng's cutting of the soul of Aragorn himself encountered a big problem.

If a new force is added, it will basically fail, and Aragorn is very likely to fall.

But anyway, the results are good now.

When things start to go smoothly, there is often a chain reaction.

This is the current situation.

The soul of Aragorn was cut a little bit by Lin Feng using the big cutting technique. This part of the soul that can be connected with the primordial lamp was gradually separated from the main soul under Lin Feng's cutting.

Although the whole process seemed extremely dangerous, it was still under Lin Feng's control.

Lin Feng was also quite satisfied with the final result.

When this part of Aragorn's soul is completely cut.

Aragorn finally took a sigh of relief. Before that, he was very nervous, especially when he could feel the various troubles Lin Feng encountered when cutting his soul. Several times Aragorn even felt that this time he was determined to lose his soul. , But every time he has survived the crisis, and now, the soul cutting is finally completed, which means that his little fortune is saved.

But now Aragorn, his face is very pale.

After all, the soul is the original power, and it is also the most important original power. When his soul is cut, his soul power will be greatly reduced, and his soul will be seriously damaged. For him, it is More damage, so his current situation is not very good, but as long as his life is saved, then everything else is easy to say.

The good news is that although Aragorn's soul was cut apart, it did no harm to the core origin of his soul.

His soul can slowly recuperate and recover.

If there is some miracle that nourishes the soul, the recovery will be even faster.

Lin Feng has a lot of elixir, and he will be given to him when Aragorn is in retreat, so that he can devour these elixir to restore his soul.

After Lin Feng completed Aragorn's soul cutting, he did not talk to Aragorn, nor did he check what kind of situation Aragorn was like now.

Because Lin Feng still has extremely important things to do.

What Lin Feng had to do was to incorporate the part of Aragorn's cut soul into the puppet.

If this can be done, then many things that follow will become extremely smooth.

In the process of integration, Lin Feng encountered certain troubles.

Because this puppet does not seem to want Lin Feng to integrate this part of the soul into his body, and this part of the soul does not want to merge into this puppet's body.

When neither side wants to do this kind of thing, then they will definitely have a stronger repulsive effect.

When this relatively powerful repulsive effect occurs, the worst result is that this part of the soul will die.

And this puppet will also be destroyed.

Lin Feng wanted to help them merge as much as possible and avoid this bad situation as much as possible.

I have to say that Lin Feng's ability is indeed too powerful.

With Lin Feng’s hard work, this part of Aragorn’s cut-off soul has been fused with this puppet. Although this fusion is not perfect, they are still mutually exclusive, and they will definitely appear bigger after a long time. However, the integration has now been completed, which is enough.

Lin Feng doesn’t need this puppet at all, it will exist for too long, because he refines a puppet exactly like Aragorn, even cuts the soul of Aragorn, and integrates the part of the soul that is connected with the primordial lamp into this puppet. In, just want to destroy this kind of puppet, Aragorn's primordial lamp is broken, so that the news of Aragorn's being killed will be sent back to the world behind the scenes.

Aragorn is more than not becoming a traitor.

Will become a hero in the world behind the scenes.

His family will also be rewarded.

When Lin Feng and Aragorn go to the world behind the scenes, Aragorn will look for his nephew and ask about the turtle master. Can his nephew not tell me?

Even if his nephew didn't want to say it, he wouldn't betray Aragorn, because Aragorn is considered a traitor when he is prosperous.

Their family will suffer too.

So at that time, even if Aragorn’s nephew didn’t want to talk, he still had to compromise in the end.

At this moment, Aragorn looked at this puppet who was exactly like him, and couldn't help feeling a little bit of emotion. Is this enough to be fake?

Lin Feng looked at Aragorn and said, "There is still one thing to do now, that is, you need to change the breath of your body. After all, you are still the breath of Aragorn. You cannot let the two heavens have two The breath of Aragon exists".

Hiding one's identity is an extremely important matter for him or his race.

Aragon is very clear about this.

He said: "Then master will take action to help me change my breath."

"One little thing," Lin Feng said.

To help Aragorn change his breath, he still needs to use the great destiny.

For Lin Feng, this is a familiar matter.

Lin Feng easily used the Great Destiny Spell to help Aragorn change his own breath.

Now the breath of Aragorn has become the breath of human race.

Only some extremely powerful monks can discover what is wrong with Aragorn, and such monks are rare.

Lin Feng felt that at least the strong at the creator level could reach this standard.

And you have to be close to discover the true situation of Aragon.

If the distance is farther, even the powerhouse at the creator level.

There is even no way to find out.

After the breath of Aragorn becomes the breath of the human race, he only needs to change his appearance into the face of the human race, then it is enough to hide from the sky.

After Aragorn discovered his change, he couldn't help being extremely happy. In fact, he himself didn't want to hurt his race.

If it really hurts your own race.

There is no alternative.

But now, his breath has completely changed, and he doesn't have to worry about this happening.

Lin Feng gave Aragorn part of the soul-raising medicine, and then let Aragorn go to rest.

He destroyed this puppet.

When this puppet of Aragon was destroyed.

Aragorn's primordial lamp, which was far behind the black hand world, was directly shattered.

The monks who were cleaning the Yuanshen Lantern Hall saw the Aragon’s Yuanshen Lantern collapsed and turned pale with fright. They staggered towards the outside and yelled loudly as they ran, "Nothing," It's not good, something big happened...".

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