Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 326: Cooperate again

Wasteland world.

The army was stationed in the Cangtian Plain for repair.

An endless stream of cultivators came from all directions and joined the cultivators of the Wasteland Alliance.

Soon after, it was a decisive battle.

There is no retreat for everyone, only a fight to the death.

The cultivators including the Dragon Tower cultivator army and other forces have already arrived one after another.

The number soon exceeded 400 million cultivators. At the beginning, including the cultivators of the Wasteland Alliance, Lin Feng estimated that it would be able to gather about 500 million cultivators. It now appears that this time, the assembled cultivators, perhaps A lot more than expected, such a situation is of course a good thing.

Another army of cultivators arrived one after another. They stayed in the plains for ten days, and the number of cultivators gathered reached 650 million. In terms of number, it should be no different from the cultivators of the Pioneer Alliance. Even if there is a deviation, it is tens of millions of deviations at most, and it will not be too much.

But the number is not the key. The key is that the Pioneer Evil Mind Alliance cultivator army is relatively powerful, and the major legions are all elite legions, much stronger than the Wasteland Alliance and the allies.

Now Lin Feng and the others' only advantage might be their morale.

But after the real war, it is hard to say what the result will be.

For the upcoming battle, Lin Feng also responded with caution. Before going to the battlefield, Lin Feng convened the leaders of the major forces and held a meeting. The main content of this meeting was related to the battle. .

Lin Feng hoped to find a relatively safe way to bridge the gap in the strength of the cultivators of the two sides. If it is impossible to make up, this battle will be more troublesome.

Someone put forward the theory of topography.

The so-called topography theory is to take advantage of some relatively special topography and use these powerful topography to deal with the pioneers of the evil mind alliance cultivator army. Although this method is feasible, in fact, it is not feasible. This kind of large-scale combat, The opponent will definitely check the topography of each opponent. In addition, the opponent has top-level powerhouses. What is the situation of those more special terrains? Can the top-level powerhouse of the other party not be able to sense it?

What's more, the number of opponents participating in the war is estimated to reach six or seven billion.

How many monks are there?

It can be described as a sea of ​​people.

At first glance, you can't even see where the end is.

What kind of terrain can cover so many monks into it?

Basically I can't find a place with this.

So this method will not work.

Someone proposed the formation theory.

In Lin Feng's view, this method is also unworkable in Lin Feng's view, and the reason is actually quite similar to that of terrain theory.

Everyone expresses their opinions.

However, it is difficult to think of a better countermeasure. In the final analysis, it is because the strength of the cultivators of the Wasteland Alliance and the Allies is lacking. If the strength is strong enough, everything will be more handy. If the strength is not strong enough, what to do Will feel extremely tricky.

The current situation does make everyone feel helpless. I can't think of a good way. It seems that it can only inspire everyone's courage to enhance their combat effectiveness?

In addition, Lin Feng mastered the magical powers of blessing the monks army, which can be displayed at that time, blessing the fighting power of the monks, and the fighting power of the monks should be improved a lot.

In fact, there is a more important army, which is the undead army in the ring of the undead, which is controlled by the emperor.

The strength of this undead army controlled by the Yin Emperor is naturally needless to say. If this undead army participates in the war, it will definitely be of great help to Lin Feng and the others, but during this period of time, every time Lin Feng has been with Yin The emperor communicated, and the emperor Yin didn't mean to talk to Lin Feng.

I don't know what the Yinhuang guy is doing.

But regardless of whether the Yin Emperor is talking to him or not, Lin Feng feels that since the Yin Emperor is strong, he still wants to get in touch with the Yin Emperor as much as possible and reach a cooperation with the Yin Emperor.

The result of the meeting was not particularly ideal, and no effective method was found, but in fact, many people have already expected such a situation.

It is really not easy to take shortcuts in such a large-scale battle. The opponent is not a fool. How can there be so many shortcuts for you to take?

At the end of the meeting, Lin Feng asked everyone to go back for repairs and set off after one day and continue northward.

After Lin Feng returned, he tried to communicate with the Yin Emperor.

"Yinhuang, come out and see me!".

"Yinhuang, come out and see me!".

"Yinhuang, come out and see me!".

Lin Feng called the Yin Emperor over and over again.

Although the Emperor Yin did not appear, Lin Feng knew that the Emperor Yin had already heard his call.

Did not show up, but also deliberately.

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

The Emperor Yin is not willing to come out, is he really not wanting to cooperate with him?

"Yinhuang, whether you cooperate or not, I want to see you, let's have a chat!". Lin Feng said.

"What do you want to talk about?" The voice of the Emperor Yin came out from the ring of the evil corpse, and he himself did not appear.

"Talk about this ultimate battle!". Lin Feng said.

The Emperor Yin said, "There is nothing to talk about in this war. Although you have won several victories here, there are reasons for these victories. This war is different from the previous one. , This time the opponent has assembled too many cultivators, and the strength of the opponent’s cultivators is too strong, a lot more than yours. Given that the number of people may be similar, it is really too difficult to defeat the opponent!"

Lin Feng said, "We also have an advantage!"

The Yin Emperor said, "I naturally know what your advantage is. I even counted your advantage in it. The odds of winning are still not great. Since this is a battle with a low chance of winning, I don't need to lead the monks. In the war, you have to know that the monk army under my command sleeps for a long time in every war. I don't want to waste the opportunity of the war on a battle that is completely hopeless!".

Lin Feng said, "Yin Huang, you are too pessimistic, even if there is a certain gap in strength, but this gap is not as big as you think, tell me the conditions for your shot, I think everything can be discussed. !".

The Emperor Yin said, "It's right that you are too persistent, but since you are so persistent, I can cooperate with you again. This time, even if it is you, it is probably difficult to find what I want."

"what?". Lin Feng asked.

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