Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 333: Terrible attack

The Red Dust Immortal Venerable and the Son of the Pioneer fought together. The Son of the Pioneer used the Creator-level Supreme Treasure to show that the combat power was really terrifying. Although the Red Immortal could handle it, it would be unrealistic to defeat the Son of the Pioneer immediately. Things, after all, the realm of the son of the pioneers still has magic weapons there.

After the son of the pioneer activates the treasure of the creator level, it should be extremely difficult for the strong of the creator to quickly defeat the son of the pioneer.

At this time, Lin Feng and the pioneers' evil thoughts also fought together. The two sides slapped three palms one after another and hit a match. The pioneers' evil thoughts are indeed powerful and should be much higher than the pioneers' sons.

The pioneer said evil thoughts, "No wonder that even the sons of the pioneers were defeated by you, and your strength has progressed too quickly. If you give you time and let you grow, what's the matter?".

Although the pioneers hated Su Yi in his heart, and was defeated by Su Yi several times, although he was extremely unconvinced, there was a bit of the pioneers' evil thoughts that he admitted, that is, he recognized Lin Feng's power.

Lin Feng's cultivation level made him extremely jealous.

Of course, fear goes to fear, but the pioneers’ evil thoughts are not afraid of Lin Feng, especially now that he has obtained the Creator’s Law and the Creator’s magic weapons, and these things are left by the pioneers. These things he and the sons of the pioneers have obtained together, everyone They were all assigned to ideal things, so the pioneers' evil thoughts were more powerful than those of Sacred Tower Fighting, and there was really no need to fear anything in the face of Lin Feng.

"Your strength is also very strong, and you can't continue to improve, otherwise, it will be a big disaster!". Lin Feng coldly looked at the pioneers' evil thoughts. He took the initiative to attack and quickly killed them. The main reason was that the current situation is not good for the monks on their side. Lin Feng wants to do it as soon as possible. Take down the pioneer evil thoughts.

This battle cannot be delayed for too long. If the time is too long, the situation of the monks on their side will become worse and worse.

Facing Lin Feng's attack, the Pioneer's evil thoughts did not have any fear, but chose to head-on. He has always had a high self-esteem. Naturally, he would not feel that he was inferior to Lin Feng. Lin Feng dared to attack him actively, and he had no reason to back down.

The pioneer said with evil thought, "You know? I think you are ridiculous, the world is so big, how many creatures are? Just take care of your own affairs, and take care of the lives and lives of others? Who will show you a compassionate appearance? Not only do I think you are ridiculous, but also the master ancestor behind you, Ye Xuan, the lord of the Kunlun universe, and others are very ridiculous. Who do they think they are? Want to protect the world? Stupid!".

Lin Feng sneered and said, "The world is so chaotic because there are too many cold-blooded people like you. It only cares about your own interests and ignores the lives and lives of others. In my opinion, it should be someone like you. It deserves to be cast aside!".

"See the real chapter under your hand!" The attack of the pioneers' evil thoughts condensed, and a dark creature condensed behind him. This dark creature, with wings, like a demon, quickly flew towards Lin Feng, trying to kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt the horror of this dark creature. I don't know what magical power this is, is it a magical power passed down by the pioneers?

If you think about it, there really is such a possibility.

"The gate of eternal life, kill!".

Lin Feng summoned the phantom of the gate of eternal life. This was a magical power he had suddenly realized when he sensed the gate of eternal life. The power of this magical power is still very amazing.

It is one of Lin Feng's favorite magic powers.

After the magical power of the Gate of Eternal Life was displayed by Lin Feng, an ancient, huge illusory gate suddenly appeared in the void.

Of course, its momentum cannot be compared with the real gate of eternal life, but the gate of eternal life condensed by supernatural powers can communicate the power of the gate of eternal life invisibly.

When the power of the gate of eternal life is communicated, the power of this illusory gate of eternal life will greatly increase.

For example, this is the case now.

This gate of eternal life seems illusory and its power is not obvious, but in fact it is terrible. The gate of eternal life descends from the sky and heads towards the Demon King Town summoned by the pioneers' evil thoughts.

This demon king is naturally no small thing. Facing the suppression of the gate of eternal life, he saw this demon king blast towards the gate of eternal life with a punch.


Along with the sound of a violent collision, the gate of eternal life collided fiercely with this demon king, and neither side could do anything about it.

After hitting more than a dozen times in a row, the demon king and the gate of eternal life both fell into annihilation.

At this time, the new attacks of the pioneers' evil thoughts have been condensed.

He condensed an extremely special light beam, which swept towards Lin Feng.

A terrible thing happened. Anything that came into contact with this beam was instantly destroyed. For example, when the void touched this beam, it was instantly cut into countless overlapping spaces.

For another example, some monks who were fighting together came into contact with this light beam, and their bodies were instantly shattered. The strength of those monks was extremely powerful, and it was difficult to resist the spread of this light beam. It can be seen how powerful this light beam is. powerful.


Lin Feng shot and displayed the magical power of Six Wu Tian Gong.

The Six Wutian Gongs condense the six realms of "no self, no other, no heaven, no way, no life reincarnation, and no reincarnation hell".

Each domain is very powerful, and the six domains overlap, the power is even more amazing.

Lin Feng's idea was to first use the six-layer domain condensed by the Six Wutian Power to swallow the light beam condensed by the pioneers' evil thoughts.

Then swallowed all the pioneers' evil thoughts into the sixfold realm.

If it can smoothly swallow the pioneers' evil thoughts, then it should be much easier to deal with the pioneers' evil thoughts.

However, when the magical powers of the two sides really collided, Lin Feng knew that he still underestimated the power of this light beam.

The sixfold domain was torn apart by this light beam the first time it swallowed this light beam.

What is even more frightening is that after tearing the six-fold domain, the power of this beam has not only not weakened, but it has also absorbed the power of the six-fold domain, making it even more powerful than before.

This terrifying light beam locked Lin Feng and flew towards Lin Feng quickly, with an unstoppable force, trying to completely destroy Lin Feng.

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