Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 335: Two battlefields

How to counter the evil thoughts of these nine pioneers is the main problem facing Lin Feng now, and this matter is indeed more difficult, after all, the strength of the evil thoughts of these nine pioneers is indeed very powerful.

The attacks of the Nine Pioneers’ evil thoughts continued to blast, and the defensive system formed by Lin Feng’s sword domain was being continuously destroyed by the attacks released by the Nine Pioneers’ evil thoughts.

It doesn't work to keep going like this.

Bang bang bang...

The attacks of the Nine Pioneers Vicious Thoughts were still ongoing, and the pressure on Lin Feng was also increasing. The most frightening thing was that the combat effectiveness of the Nine Pioneers Vicious Thoughts was still continuously improving.

This is a bit weird.

After all, according to normal circumstances, the evil thoughts of these nine pioneers, whether it is the deity or the illusory body, will consume more and more mana as time goes by, and the combat power should show a downward trend.

But the actual situation is that there is no decline.

In such a situation, Lin Feng's brows couldn't help but frown tightly.

He estimated that the sword field would soon be broken, and once the sword field was broken, he would have to think of other ways to resist the attack of the pioneers.

But at this time, Lin Feng thought of a countermeasure.

No matter how powerful the evil thoughts of the other eight pioneers are, the fake ones are fake. They are not true pioneers' evil thoughts. They should use spiritual means, integrate energy, and give them a strong will and fighting instinct to condense. Into existence.

In the final analysis, it can still be classified into the category of "soul-like means."

So can the spirit attack technique be used to crack the magical power of the pioneers' evil thoughts?

Lin Feng's soul power had already broken through the realm of the Creator, his soul power was very powerful, and it was one of Lin Feng's advantages.

In addition, Lin Feng has also cultivated several powerful soul attack magical powers, such as the Lu Nian Star Viewing Map, the Ultimate Soul Profound meaning, and the Taiyuan Supreme Soul Slashing technique, which are all top soul attack techniques cultivated by Lin Feng. These three top souls Lin Feng's attack technique is not particularly commonly used. Not commonly used does not mean that these supernatural powers are not strong enough. The main reason is that once the battle of the monks rises to the soul level, it will become extremely dangerous. Therefore, Lin Feng prefers to use supernatural powers. Showdown, not soul.

The reason why the soul is used now is because the situation is more troublesome.

The other party's attack was too powerful, and it was necessary to find a way to contain it, or even resolve it, otherwise, the following situation would only become more and more dangerous to Lin Feng.

So far.

Lin Feng decided not to stay anymore.

He hurriedly displayed the three powerful soul-like supernatural powers of Lu Ya's Star Viewing Map, Ultimate Soul Profound Truth and Taiyuan Supreme Soul Slashing Technique.

The soul power of the creator level urges three powerful soul-type supernatural powers. The power released by these three powerful soul-type supernatural powers can naturally be described as a peerless great horror.

Soul attack is invisible and innocent.

The attacks released by the three kinds of soul-like supernatural powers merged together and surged forward.

After feeling the rapid horror attack, the Pioneer's evil thoughts frowned slightly, his perception is really strong, and this invisible and intangible soul attack was all sensed by the pioneers' evil thoughts.

"Devil's Crystal Wall!".

Pioneer Evil Mind stretched out his hand a little, and a crystal wall appeared between him and Lin Feng.

Obviously, like Lin Feng, the pioneers can do multitasking.

The Demon Crystal Wall he condensed is not simple and possesses powerful defensive power.

This defense force is mainly aimed at the soul.

The pioneers’ evil thoughts are very simple. Didn’t Lin Feng condense a powerful soul attack technique to break his magical powers?

He did the opposite, using soul defense magical powers to resolve Lin Feng's soul attack technique.

It's just that the pioneers have a bit of evil thoughts but they didn't estimate it correctly. That is, he didn't estimate the power of Lin Feng's soul attack technique.

If Lin Feng only used one of the three powerful soul attack techniques of Lu Nian Stargazing Map, Ultimate Soul Profound meaning and Taiyuan Supreme Soul Slash, then this soul defense technique used by the pioneers' evil intentions, It shouldn't be a big problem to resist Lin Feng's soul attack technique.

But the point is.

Lin Feng used three soul attacks.

These three soul attacks are combined together.

The attack released was much stronger than the pioneer's evil thoughts expected.

Therefore, despite the evil spirits of the pioneers, this soul defense technique is very powerful.


But he couldn't resist Lin Feng's soul attack.

Lin Feng's soul attack instantly broke the defensive crystal wall formed by the evil thoughts of the pioneers, and then his condensed soul attack blasted towards the nine pioneers' evil thoughts.

The reason for killing the Nine Pioneers with evil thoughts is because Lin Feng doesn’t know which one is the deity. If he knows which one is the deity, it’s even easier to handle. All you need to do is to concentrate your efforts and deal with the other eight. Don't care about the Pioneer's evil mind deity at all.


Nine pioneers spoke with evil thoughts at the same time.

They chose to retreat quickly. Judging from their reaction, Lin Feng knew that he had bet right, and the magical powers displayed by the pioneers' evil thoughts would surely be restrained by powerful soul-like magical powers.

The nine pioneers wanted to retreat quickly, but Lin Feng did not give them a chance to retreat.

Lin Feng’s soul attack technique bombarded the bodies of nine pioneers evil thoughts, of which eight pioneers evil thoughts, after suffering such a powerful soul attack, their bodies broke directly, leaving only the deity of pioneers evil thoughts. No serious injuries.

Lin Feng flickered and disappeared in place.

In the next moment, Lin Feng appeared in front of Pioneer Nian Nian, and the black dragon sword in his hand swept directly toward the Pioneer Nian Nian's neck.

Lin Feng made his sword too fast.

I saw the sword agitated in the void.

Lin Feng wanted to slay the head of the pioneers with evil thoughts.

at the same time.

In another battlefield.

The Red Dust Immortal Venerable resisted several attacks by the Pioneer’s Son. The Pioneer’s Son mobilized the creator-level magic weapon, but none of them was able to suppress the Red Dust Immortal Venerable, which made the Pioneer Son feel incredible.

"How can your strength improve so fast?". The son of the pioneer looked at the Red Immortal Venerable in disbelief.

Hongchen Xianzun raised his eyes and said, "It's not how fast I improve, but because I have always been so strong, you just don't know it!".

After the words fell, Hongchen Xianzun changed her hands, and she displayed her own Hongchen Tiangong to deal with the son of pioneers.

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