Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 337: Hole cards

The battle between the Red Immortal Venerable and the Son of Pioneer was actually quite eye-catching. Many people showed their minds and paid attention to this focal battle.

Even Lin Feng is the case.

Many people think that this may be a close battle.

But no one had thought that Hongchen Xianzun was an unusually low-key monk who was not so much dewy.

The strength is so powerful that it is so terrifying.

This kind of strength is simply desperate.

Everyone naturally knows that the current situation of the Pioneer Son is extremely bad. Many people can't help but move slightly. Could it be that the Pioneer Son is really going to be killed?

The identity of the son of a pioneer is really extraordinary. Throughout the ages, in the heavens and in all realms, the only strong person who has reached the pioneers, this realm is even named after his father, and the blood is the most noble. People may fall here now, and the shock and subsequent effects are absolutely extraordinary.

Soon, Hong Chen Xianzun came to kill.

It is still the secret of Hongchen Tiangong, but the power is even more powerful than the previous blow. This is Hongchen Xianzun. She can continuously improve her combat power in the fierce battle, for her enemies. , This is definitely bad news.

The son of the pioneers quickly mobilized the power of the creator's magic weapon and slapped it towards the Red Immortal Venerable. The battle has been up to now, there is no room for it, and he must go all out.


Along with the sound of the violent collision, the Red Dust Immortal Venerable's attack and the Pioneer Son's attack collided again. The energy fluctuations that vented swept across the world, and the void collapsed.

The Son of the Pioneer was shocked out once again, this time the strength he suffered was stronger, and the damage he suffered was even stronger. He vomited several mouthfuls of blood and his face was as pale as paper.

"How can it be so powerful?" Many people are shocked.

This shock is derived from the shock of the soul.

Especially the army of cultivators in the Dragon Pavilion, they have basically seen the Red Immortal Venerable, and they have also talked about the Red Immortal Venerable in private, knowing that this is the patron's confidante.

But who could have imagined that this confidant of the pavilion master was so terrifying?

Except for the creator-level powerhouse, it should be very difficult to find a monk who can defeat her, right?

At this time, the Red Dust Immortal Venerable launched a fourth attack on the Pioneer’s Son. The current Pioneer’s son was knocked out by the Red Dust Immortal, and his body had not stabilized yet. Facing the Red Dust Immortal’s blow, he couldn’t avoid it , Can only resist the attack of Hongchen Xianzun.

However, the Red Dust Immortal Venerable’s attack was too violent. The Pioneer’s son had no way to withstand this blow from the Red Dust Immortal Venerable. All of his methods were attacked by the Red Dust Immortal Venerable, with a destructive force. Destroyed, and then, Hong Chen Xianzun's attack, bombarded the Pioneer Son.


The body of the son of the pioneer exploded directly.

"Son of the pioneers is dead?".

Countless monks were shocked.

The identity of the Son of the Pioneers is really too sensitive. Although not the leader of the Pioneer Alliance, it is also the top five existence. His death is a big blow to the Pioneer Alliance.

For the Wasteland Alliance and the Allied side, it is a morale boost.

But Lin Feng felt that it seemed too easy for the pioneer son to die. After all, the pioneer is just this son, the son of the pioneer, how could he not have any powerful means to save his life at the critical moment?

If this is the case, does it mean that the son of the pioneer did not really die just now?


next moment.

The void behind the Red Dust Immortal Venerable swayed slightly, and the son of the pioneer stepped out, blasting towards the Red Dust Immortal Venerable with a palm.

The appearance of the sons of the pioneers was too sudden.

And a powerful monk like the Son of the Pioneer has an extremely powerful ability to grasp fighter opportunities. Under such a close-range situation, there must be no way for Hongchen Immortal to avoid it?

Although Red Immortal Venerable Chen is powerful, he is also a flesh and blood body, and he will inevitably suffer severe damage if he bears the blow of the son of the pioneer.

At that time, maybe the sons of pioneers can use this opportunity to reverse this battle?

Many people saw that the tyrannical palm of the son of the pioneers blasted and killed Hongchen Xianzun's body.

After Hongchen Xianzun took the palm of the pioneer's son, his body disappeared directly.


"It turned out to be an afterimage!"

Everyone was shocked.

It stands to reason.

At such a close distance, being attacked by the sons of pioneers, it was absolutely impossible for Hongchen Xianzun to avoid it, but the facts were completely different from everyone's guess. Hongchen Xianzun silently avoided the attack just now, leaving behind The afterimage of the cultivator made countless cultivators think that it was the deity of Red Dust Immortal Venerable, and even the sons of pioneers were deceived.

The pupils of the Pioneer’s Son suddenly shrank, and he hurriedly jumped into the void. He wanted to leave the place where he was now. The Red Dust Immortal appeared from the void. With a light wave of his sleeve, a powerful force blasted the Pioneer’s Son. But this time, countless runes appeared on the body of the Pioneer Son. These runes actually helped the Pioneer Son withstand the attack of the Red Dust Immortal.

"What are you?" Hongchen Xianzun frowned slightly.

She is powerful, and she can naturally discover that the Son of the Pioneer at this moment has become extremely different, not only the runes that have emerged from the surface of the body, but those runes are only part of the changes, but also include some changes in other aspects.

For example...

Inside his body, a certain kind of power seemed to have been awakened, and that kind of power was all over the limbs of his body.

That kind of power definitely does not belong to him.

He can't even really control that powerful force.

"Do you feel my strength?".

The eyes of the Pioneer’s Son flashed with coldness, and it was something he hadn’t thought of being forced to this level. He was abnormally frustrated and angry. Now he just wants to establish his supreme majesty. The face of loss was recovered.

He said, "This is the ability that I have only awakened in the last month. Do you know what ability I have awakened?".

Hongchen Xianzun frowned slightly and did not answer him.

The Pioneer’s Son continued, “This is the core power left by my father. When I activate these powers, even if the power of some creator-level powerhouses, I am not necessarily strong, Hongchen, your power is beyond My surprise, but, do you think you can fight me now? That's far worse!".

When the words fell, the son of the pioneer strode towards the Red Immortal Venerable, and blasted towards the Red Immortal Venerable with a punch. With this punch, the surrounding void was violently twisted.

It seemed that it was unbearable to bear the oppression brought about by his punch, and the void would collapse into pieces.

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