Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 350: Domination of the penalty area (4)

There are all kinds of evil birds and beasts in Lin Feng's big world. The blood of some birds and creatures is very powerful, and the strength is also very powerful, but Lin Feng has never paid attention to snowbirds.

In fact, the realm of these snowbirds is not high and deep, and their strength is not strong.

This is the case when the Snowbird restrains the Blood God Insect. The Snow Bird is not considered powerful. The Blood God Insect is very powerful, but it follows the principle of mutual growth and restraint. Therefore, the very powerful Blood God Insect must be restrained by the Snow Bird.

Lin Feng didn't know exactly how many snowbirds there were in the big world. After all, snowbirds were just a kind of relatively average-strength bird creatures. Lin Feng had not paid attention to the specific situation of snowbirds.

He hurriedly sensed the situation inside the big world with his spiritual thoughts, looking for the trail of snowbirds, hoping to find enough snowbirds. If the number of snowbirds is too scarce, how can the snowbirds restrain the blood **** insects?

No matter how the snowbird restrains the blood **** insect, it is impossible for a few snow birds to eat the blood **** insect swarm.

Lin Feng explored many places but found nothing.

Until Lin Feng's spirituality explored the far north of the great world, this place was covered with glaciers and snow, he found the trail of snowbirds.

Snowbirds live in the snow-capped mountains, in groups and densely packed.

Lin Feng’s face showed joy, so many snowbirds could form a huge army of snowbirds. They may not be as many as the blood **** insects, but that’s only a relative point. The snowbirds are still enough. Many.

A snowbird does not only eat one blood **** insect, it should be able to eat a lot of blood **** insects, so the snow bird should be able to solve the threat brought by the blood **** insect.

Lin Feng hurriedly summoned the snowbird flock. A large number of snowbirds flew out. After the snowbird saw the blood **** insect, it was as if people who had been hungry for many days saw food, and people who had been thirsty for many days saw water. .

One by one, the snowbirds slaughtered directly towards the blood **** insects. These blood **** insects wanted to destroy the snowbirds, but their attacks could not have any effect on the snowbirds.

Therefore, countless blood **** insects directly became food for snowbirds.

These snowbirds, after swallowing the blood **** worm, seemed to have improved in strength, and Lin Feng could clearly feel that the strength of these snowbirds was constantly increasing.

This is also in line with the characteristics of monster creatures.

By swallowing, make yourself stronger.

Every day in the jungle, countless similar things are happening.

The blood **** insects continued to die, and the crisis between Lin Feng and the Red Dust Immortal was completely eliminated.

At this time, the blood **** worm began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Lin Feng estimated that there are also insect kings, even insect kings, and insect emperors on the blood **** insect. With these existences, seeing that the insect swarm has suffered such a heavy loss, how can you not think?

Maybe you hate the snowbirds to gnash your teeth?

Can't wait to completely destroy the snowbirds.

Ideals are beautiful and reality is cruel.

No matter how powerful the blood **** insect swarm is, it must be restrained by the snowbirds. The best choice for the blood **** insect swarm to face the snowbird's attack is not to fight against the snowbirds, but to avoid their sharp edges.

The snowbirds actually wanted to hunt down the blood **** insects, but they were stopped by Lin Feng, who knew exactly how dangerous this place was.

If the snowbirds chase them out and are attacked by magnetic fields and other forces, they will surely suffer heavy losses at that time.

Lin Feng naturally didn't want to see such a situation happen.

Lin Feng sent the snowbirds back to his big world. Seeing the mountain-like birds piled up in the forest, Lin Feng couldn't help sighing.

If you want to accomplish something, there will always be sacrifices.

In this regard, Lin Feng also felt very helpless.

May these creatures rest in peace.

Lin Feng and Hongchen Xianzun continued to fly towards the core area. Their speed was still not fast, and they were always vigilant about the surrounding situation. Before the blood **** insect swarm, they almost let them plant the top power among the two top powers. at this place.

Naturally, be more careful, otherwise, who knows how dangerous things will happen?

Originally, Lin Feng felt that there should be some danger, but what surprised Lin Feng was that no danger appeared next.

Could it be that the forbidden area master saw that Lin Feng and Hongchen Xianzun were difficult to deal with, so he secretly gave an order to prohibit any creature from attacking Lin Feng and Hongchen Xianzun?

This possibility also seems to exist.

Lin Feng and Hongchen Xianzun came to the core area, where there is a huge valley.

Lin Feng and Hongchen Xianzun looked at this valley.

This valley is shrouded in darkness, and entering the valley is like entering a dark world.

Deep, terrifying, cold, and dead, seem to be the main theme of this valley.

That powerful creature in the restricted area should live in the valley.

"Master of the restricted area! I am waiting to come and want to ask about one thing, please come out and see!" Lin Feng said.

His voice is not particularly loud, but it contains powerful penetrating power.

If the master of the restricted area was inside, he would definitely be able to hear Lin Feng's voice.

After Lin Feng’s voice fell, a voice came from the depths of the valley, “No one has come here for so many years. I didn’t expect someone to come here today, and they are still two young human monks. You can come here. It proves that your abilities are extremely extraordinary, but what about this? Why should I answer your questions?".

Lin Feng said, "We may be able to make a deal that is beneficial to both you and me. We know what we want to know, and you can also get the benefits. This is the best of both worlds. I don’t know what you want. ?".

"Hahahaha...". The master of the penalty zone suddenly laughed.

"Deal? In this world, there are countless people who want to trade with this seat, and you are just one of them. So, do you think, why should I agree to your so-called trade? Besides, this is a restricted area of ​​life. Here, this seat is the only ruler. The strength of this seat here is not what you can imagine. When you come here, it is no different from sending you to death. This seat has killed you two, all the treasures in your body. , Still belong to this seat!".

After the voice of the dominator of the restricted area fell, there was a wave of terrible fluctuations in the depths of this valley. Such fluctuations made Lin Feng feel a kind of palpitation.

Obviously, the master of the restricted area wanted to kill both Lin Feng and Hongchen Xianzun.

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