Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 368: newborn

Repairing the remnant soul and turning the remnant soul into a normal soul is a very difficult task. This involves many aspects. If there is a slight problem in any aspect, then it will ultimately be a failure.

But for Lin Feng, repairing the damaged remnant soul and gradually normalizing the damaged remnant soul does not seem to be too difficult. The reason for saying this is that Lin Feng masters the soul concentrator and gathers it. Horcrux is a very special treasure. It is not only as simple as gathering souls, but can also help the soul regain its vitality and vitality. Therefore, in the process of repairing the remnant soul, the treasure of the Horcrux can definitely play a great role.

Second, because Lin Feng mastered the great restoration technique in the Three Thousand Avenues, from the name of this magical power, you could get a glimpse of the mystery of this magical power.

The third is because Lin Feng also has a relatively high level of attainments in the way of the soul, and is very good at using the way of the soul, and these good aspects, when it comes to soul repair, should play a complementary process.

and so……

Lin Feng still has a certain degree of self-confidence in restoring the soul of the former head of the Burning Legion. Of course, self-confidence and pride are not a concept. He is confident, but it does not mean he is proud.

Lin Feng said, "Stop your mind, don't have any worries, just leave everything to me!".

Following Lin Feng's method, the former head of the Burning Legion, he closed his eyes and tried to relax himself.

Lin Feng sensed his state.

You must reach the state that Lin Feng identified before you can proceed. About a quarter of an hour later, Lin Feng felt that the state of the remnant soul of the former commander of the Burning Legion had been adjusted almost.

Immediately, Lin Feng began to help him repair his soul. This process was relatively slow, because the soul was too important for a person.

Naturally, Lin Feng had to be more careful, if it was his carelessness that led to a worse result, there would be no place to cry when he wanted to cry.

Therefore, Lin Feng should do what he can to do the best.

This has always been something Lin Feng insisted on.

Lin Feng used the power of the Horcrux to assist him in repairing the soul of the former head of the Burning Legion. In the process of repairing the soul, he would remember some things in his previous life.

Many memories are extremely painful. In the process of remembering these things, the expression of the former head of the Burning Legion has been very painful.

But this is what he has to deal with, and he cannot avoid facing these things because of pain.

With Lin Feng's efforts, the remnant soul of the former head of the Burning Legion is being gradually repaired.

The remnant soul belongs to the incomplete Dao, and Lin Feng repairs the remnant soul in order to turn this incomplete Dao into a perfect Dao as much as possible.

When the broken Tao becomes the perfect Tao.

Then you can try to merge with the body of the stone man. Of course, the perfection here is not perfect in the absolute sense. It is more difficult to achieve perfection in the absolute sense.

The perfection here means that everything conforms to the standard. Generally speaking, it can be called perfection in a relatively ideal state.

The repair process took three days before and after, and it took a long time, but the results obtained are gratifying.

The mutilated soul of the former commander of the Burning Legion has become much stronger than before, and the missing places in the avenue have basically been restored.

Lin Feng felt that there shouldn't be much problem in this state, fusing with the body of the stone man.

Lin Feng didn't let them merge immediately. He planned to adjust it. After all, repairing the soul of the former head of the Burning Legion would cost a lot.

Restoring the state to the best is also conducive to subsequent actions.

It took Lin Feng two hours to restore his state. After he recovered his state, Lin Feng looked at the soul of the former commander of the Burning Legion. He said, "I will use the Great Fusion Technique to integrate you into this stone. Within the human body, the stone man's body has not been finalized yet. After you and the stone man's body are merged together, the stone man's body will be finalized!".

The stereotypes mentioned by Lin Feng refer to many aspects. For example, the body of the stone man is now faceless, and after the two sides merge, the former commander of the Burning Legion can decide the specific appearance according to his own ideas, and can be compared with the previous life. It has to be exactly the same, or it can be changed.

Another example is that the body of a stone man now has no specific character, and only after it is finalized will it have its own character, its own thoughts, and so on.

"I'm bothering you, this great kindness must be remembered in my heart!". Said the soul of the former head of the Burning Legion.

Lin Feng said, "Don't be so polite, this is what I should do!".

Lin Feng then displayed the great fusion technique, and the power of the great fusion technique surged out, enveloping the soul of the former head of the Burning Legion.

The soul of the former commander of the Burning Legion quickly flew towards the body of the stone man.

In the blink of an eye, he flew into the mind of the stone man.

The next fusion is the most critical. The success of the fusion is almost the same as the real resurrection, but it is still an important new life.

If the integration fails, various situations may occur.

For example, the self-destruction of the soul.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's methods were powerful. In the following integration process, although he also encountered various troubles, under Lin Feng's efforts, all the difficulties were smoothly resolved.

And the soul of the former head of the Burning Legion and the body of this stone man began to truly merge.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

The integration takes time, Lin Feng estimated, it will take a few days to complete.

Lin Feng waited patiently, observing the integration anytime and anywhere.

If there is a problem, he can also take action in time to help repair it. Fortunately, the subsequent integration process is also very smooth, and no bad things have happened.

In the end, the soul of the former commander of the Burning Legion formed a perfect fusion with the body of the stone man. After the fusion, the appearance of the body of the stone man became exactly the same as the previous life of the former commander of the Burning Legion. This is the predecessor of the Burning Legion. The choice of the legion commander, he didn't want himself to become something else, but he still wanted his previous life to show others.

After seeing the current situation of the former commander of the Burning Legion, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel happy for him. Lin Feng smiled and clasped his fists and said, "Congratulations on your return!"

The former commander of the Burning Legion said, "I should be the one who thanked you. If it weren't for you, I would have been annihilated by now!".

Lin Feng said, "That's right, your son and the Burning Legion are now stationed here. Your Excellency has returned. It's time to meet them!".

"My son? And the Burning Legion?". The former commander of the Burning Legion was very moved. He already knew his identity, but he did not know that his son and the Burning Legion still exist in the world. Fortunately, he has lost a lot of memories. He heard Lin Feng at this moment. These words still became extremely excited.

He said, "Please also ask fellow Taoists to take me to see them quickly!"

The former commander of the Burning Legion also called Lin Feng very interesting. Although Lin Feng was young, in the eyes of the former commander of the Burning Legion, Lin Feng was young but powerful. Naturally, he could not call Lin Feng by his little friend, so he used the word "Daoyou". Call Lin Feng by the title of the people of the same generation.

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