Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 422: The ghost **** was beaten by a group

The body of a powerful creator can hardly withstand the corrosion of this highly toxic water. Then you can imagine how terrifying this highly toxic water is. In the face of this highly toxic water, who can How about being calm?

Not even Lin Feng.

"Look at how you die!" The ghost **** looked at Lin Feng and the others with cold eyes. He was extremely confident of this kind of poisonous water, and this was one of his methods to press the bottom of the box.

Although other people don’t know what that kind of highly toxic water is, as a top powerhouse, everyone’s instinctive reaction is extremely powerful, so everyone can foresee the threat that black water poses to everyone. How huge it is, if you are a little careless, you may even die under the attack of the black water.

In fact, many people still underestimate the horror of the poisonous water. If they know that the poisonous water can deal with the creator-level powerhouse, they will know the poisonous water. How terrible is it?

Now Lin Feng and the others need to solve the threat posed to them by this highly toxic water before they can relieve the immediate crisis. How can they solve the threat posed by these highly toxic water?

Lin Feng has been thinking about this issue.

If this matter cannot be resolved, then you must evacuate here quickly to resolve the crisis, but if they evacuate like this, Lin Feng and the others are obviously extremely unwilling.

Lin Feng thought to himself, could it be possible to ban these highly toxic waters to other places?

Because this kind of highly toxic water is terrifying, it may be more difficult to exile, and it may cause extremely serious damage to the exiled place, which may cause charcoal of life, but Lin Feng has an ideal place to exile. It is his big world.

Nowadays, Lin Feng's big world has become extremely extraordinary. His big world is approaching the real big world, and his ability to withstand is very strong. For the big world he masters, Lin Feng is equivalent to a creator.

The big world controlled by Lin Feng has various terrains and many inaccessible places. Exiling the poisonous water to some inaccessible place will not have much impact on his big world.

From this point of view, Lin Feng began to try to mobilize his big world, and at the same time he performed the great exile technique to banish the poisonous water that came quickly into his big world.

"It is the rumored death black water, the highly poisonous water that can obliterate the creator-level powerhouse...".

As the poisonous water quickly approached, the Great Prison Demon Saint found something wrong, and his face couldn't help but look.

The Great Prison Demon Sage deserves to be knowledgeable, he even knows the origin of Death Heishui, and even recognizes Death Heishui.

And the horror of Death Heishui made many people's faces suddenly changed.

"Then what to do?" The Poison Ancestor shouted.

He had naturally heard of Death Heishui, but he had not seen it, so he did not recognize Death Heishui.

But as a condensed existence of highly poisonous, Poison Ancestor knew very well how powerful Death Black Water was.

Once everyone is surrounded by dead black water, the result will be absolutely disastrous at that time.

I don't know how many people will die under the attack of death black water.

Must find a way to solve the death black water, or escape from here quickly.

"Don't panic!"

Lin Feng said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Poison Ancestor and others felt a little relieved, they knew Lin Feng's ability.

Since Lin Feng asked everyone not to panic, it was obvious that Lin Feng must have thought of a specific countermeasure.

Ning Keer didn't know much about Lin Feng. Hearing Lin Feng's words, they felt nervous but couldn't let go. They were always ready to evacuate here.

At this moment, in front of everyone, a huge vortex appeared, and this huge vortex was spinning quickly.

Every time it rotates, the surrounding void seems to be distorted.

This huge vortex released a powerful devouring force, connected with the big world controlled by Lin Feng, which was equivalent to an intermediate hub.

When the death black water swept in quickly, all the death black water was swallowed by the huge vortex, and then was banished to Lin Feng's big world.

Seeing this situation, the face of the ghost **** became extremely difficult to look. He really did not expect that such a change would occur. Then, his plan to use the black water of death to kill Lin Feng and others is considered to be Completely ended in failure.

"The ghost god, is it our turn to attack now?". Lin Feng coldly looked at the ghost god.

When the words fell, Lin Feng sacrificed the treasure of the Black Dragon Sword, and slashed towards the ghost god.

The others also took action, and everyone united and launched an attack on the ghost god.

These people around Lin Feng are extremely powerful. Several people have already broken through the realm of Quasi-Creator. Even the weakest Poison Ancestor is close to the peak of transcending realm.

Of course, compared with Lin Feng and the others, Ning Keer and the others are much worse. When everyone took action, Ning Keer and the others felt something was wrong. They originally thought that among the group of Lin Feng, there was only Lin Feng. A person is extremely powerful.

The rest of them are more like Lin Feng's guards and entourages. Of course, they have the strength, but compared with Lin Feng, there should be a big gap, right?

However, now I would rather wait for people to know how wrong their ideas are.

These people around Lin Feng are equally terrifying in strength.

One by one is unfathomable.

Even if they are in strength, they may not be as good as Lin Feng, but if they simply put it out, these people should be regarded as super masters. Such a strong person is probably rare in the wasteland world, but such a person. A small team, less than ten people, everyone is such a strong person, this is a bit incredible.

Ning Keer and the others are thinking, what are the real identities of these people?

It seems that Ning Keer and others have already doubted Lin Feng's identity.

But what about it?

In Lin Feng's view, this is nothing.

Doubt about his identity, or knowing his true identity, is nothing special for Lin Feng, nor is it worth his special attention to these things.

At this time, the attacks of Lin Feng and others had already reached the ghost god.

Even if the strength of the ghost **** is strong, he is not a creator-level existence after all, facing the attack of so many top powerhouses, he is also a little hard to resist.


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