Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 432: crisis

Lin Feng secretly reminded Poison Ancestor and others to make everyone be more careful. First, Lin Feng felt that Su Yuexi and others were confident and might have some hidden killer moves. Second, because Lin Feng and the others were injured in a lot of people. There has also been a considerable decline in combat power, which has added more uncertainties. Be cautious and there is nothing wrong with it.

At this time, the cursing **** continued, "I have heard too much about your deeds, and some of your achievements are indeed shocking, even hard to believe. Nowadays, even those great creators We all started to pay attention to you, but there is one thing that is quite a pity!".

"whats the matter?". Lin Feng asked.

Cursing the gods said, "You shouldn't meet me and wait at this time. If you meet later, you can still be happy for a while, but now when you meet me, then you must be a dead end!"

"Fang, your shit! Where did the courage come from to say this?". The poisonous ancestor yelled cursingly.

The main reason is that the strength of Lin Feng and their strongest heaven group is really strong enough, even if it is not in the best state, they still have extremely terrifying combat effectiveness, and people like the cursed gods, Su Yuexi and others, have a high-level posture that controls everything. It is really depressing.

The cursing **** took out a scepter, it was a scepter that looked very rough, like a scepter polished by a street stall.

But the scepter, but the aura that the scepter emits is different.

When he saw that scepter, Lin Feng suddenly felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart. Although he didn't know what that scepter was, Lin Feng felt that that scepter should be very special.

"Quit now!"

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Although I really want to get rid of the woman Su Yuexi, the specific situation should be dealt with in a specific way. For example, Lin Feng and the others do not seem to be particularly ideal at this time. If we still insist on fighting against Su Yuexi and others at this time. If you leave, it’s not particularly wise. After you quit, it doesn’t mean you have to leave. It doesn’t mean you have given up the opportunity here. You can block Su Yuexi and others, and then quickly restore your strength, and you can even quickly arrange some The formation, the killing of Su Yuexi and others, these are all possible things.

Since this matter can be solved in a simple way, why should it be solved in a difficult way?

What's more, the difficult method may cause casualties, which is not the result that Lin Feng wants to see.

A group of people quickly swept toward the outside passage.

But at this time, the **** of curse looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "Lin can't escape, it's too late to escape now!".

Then, the cursed **** shouted loudly, "That great cursed scepter, please communicate the cursed time and space, and come to the oracle of the cursed lord!".

After the words of cursing the gods fell, I saw a dazzling beam of light shining from the cursing scepter in his hand. The dazzling beam of light seemed to be connected with an unknown and mysterious world. When this was formed After this connection, terrible things happened suddenly, and a nihility world appeared. This nihility world fell from the sky and shrouded everyone.

Lin Feng's brows jumped violently when he saw this emptiness.

He quickly shot and activated the defensive magic weapon, using the defensive magic weapon to construct an extremely powerful defensive mask to protect everyone.

And the next moment, Lin Feng and others were swallowed by this world.

Endless darkness, no light, cold and terrifying aura permeated every corner, it is impossible to figure out what kind of world this is.

But no matter what kind of world it is, this world makes people feel creepy.

The voice cursing the gods came again, "Lin Feng, this is the means that the Lord of the Curse gave me, so that I will meet you one day, the means to deal with you, I did not expect that we will meet so soon!".

"Next, you will feel the horror of this place, because this place is the place where the Lord of the Curse transformed and left the cursed body!".

When some special beings metamorphose, they will give birth to new bodies, and then leave the old ones. This is a bit similar to snake creatures metamorphosing and leaving snake skins. Of course, this is just an analogy. The actual situation is It is much more complicated. For a powerful existence like the Lord of the Curse, the body left behind after the transformation definitely possesses extremely terrifying power.

Therefore, this illusory world is not really a completely illusory world.

Much like the world that can be carried around or summoned at any time.

Doesn't Lin Feng have a big world in him?

The truth is actually the same.

"Curse, destroy!".

At this time, the low voice suddenly resounded between heaven and earth.

When this voice came out, Lin Feng felt it, and a large amount of curse power came quickly from all directions in the direction where they were.

The power of those curses made Lin Feng feel a sense of astonishment.

Since it is the world transformed by the Lord of Curses, the power of these curses is obviously the power of curses that has been deposited over a long period of time.

These cursing powers have settled down and have not been used for many years. The accumulated amount is extremely terrifying.

Now, the power of these curses is released, making it hard to resist.

Lin Feng’s defense system is very powerful. After all, he is a defense system constructed with quasi-creator magic weapons and ancient weapons. But now, under the impact of these curses, the defense system constructed by Lin Feng is also Some can't stand it anymore.

Lin Feng knew that it might not take long before the defense system he constructed would be completely destroyed. This situation is worse. Now, Lin Feng has also thought of how to resolve the situation in front of him. The rest of the people, like Lin Feng, are now being destroyed. Being trapped in this mysterious world, coupled with being attacked by the power of the curse, everyone feels very headache and troublesome.

Click, click, click.

The sound of cracking resounded, and the defensive mask constructed by Lin Feng really couldn't hold on anymore, it was cracking continuously.

Although Lin Feng had been blessing the power of the defensive mask, he wanted to maintain the complete defense system constructed by the defensive mask.

But still not able to do it, the defense system constructed by Lin Feng quickly collapsed completely.

The terrifying curse power rushed towards Lin Feng and the others.


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