Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 451: Has the creator come to kill Lin Feng?

It is too difficult to resolve Lin Feng’s attack. They can only choose to resist Lin Feng’s attack as hard as possible. The defense system constructed by their defense magic weapon has been destroyed by Lin Feng, and now they cannot count on the top defense magic weapon. Up.

However, in addition to the top defensive weapons, there are other magic weapons. The magic weapons on each person are different. The defense system constructed by these defensive weapons is naturally different.

In addition to urging those defensive magic weapons of not so high level to protect themselves, Su Yuexi and others also used defensive magic powers or avoiding magical powers to assist in defense magic weapons and resist Lin Feng's attacks.

When the dazzling giant sword aura came to kill, not everyone resisted the attack of the sword aura. One monk was cut directly in the waist, and the other monk was cut down. He struck an arm, cursing the god's body to be penetrated by the sword qi, vomiting blood, and the injury was extremely serious. Su Yuexi's injury was the least. This woman seemed to have some powerful secret techniques or secret treasures, which resolved most of the attacks, but Even if he was not as badly injured, he vomited several mouthfuls of blood, and the situation was extremely bad.

"How could this be?".

The three survivors could not accept what happened in front of them. Lin Feng’s blow, killed one person, and severely wounded three people. The blow to them was really too great. They were also top monks. Lin Feng also did not break through the realm of the Creator, but war Li was so terrifying that they were beyond their reach, although they all felt that Lin Feng had used some secret techniques, but the use of secret techniques was also a manifestation of their own strength.

Despair, panic.

And the shadow of death enveloped Su Yuexi, cursing the gods, and another monk.

The tragedy of the monk being cut in half happened just now, just before their eyes. The three of them, of course, don't want to follow suit. If you can live, you must live well. If you can live, who wants to die?

"Lin Feng, maybe we can talk about the conditions!" Su Yuexi said quickly.

"Right right, negotiate terms, we can negotiate!". The cursing **** and another strong man also quickly spoke.

They must surrender if they don't surrender now.

There is absolutely no way to fight Lin Feng.

But their hearts were disturbed, because they felt that Lin Feng would not give them any chance to negotiate.

The monks on other battlefields also noticed the situation here.

Su Yuexi, cursing the tragic situation of the gods, was a huge blow to the monks on their side. Many people were unstable, and they were directly found by the poisonous ancestors and others to take advantage of them, and then they were killed on the spot.

But Lin Feng's attack didn't mean to stop. He brewed a new attack, still dazzling sword aura, but this time the sword aura seemed to be stronger than the sword aura just now.

"It's over...".

Su Yuexi's faces were as pale as paper, especially Su Yuexi, his eyes fixed on Lin Feng.

She wanted to step Lin Feng under her feet, humiliating and torturing Lin Feng severely, calculating Lin Feng many times, but ultimately ended in failure.

This time, she felt that it should be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Lin Feng was determined to be doomed.

But who would have thought that the development of the matter would have completely exceeded the expectations of these people.

Lin Feng had nothing to do, but those who calculated Lin Feng, they were about to die in Lin Feng's hands.

What can you do if you are not reconciled?

Seeing the sword energy that Lin Feng swept out, when he was about to kill Su Yuexi and the others, at this moment, a terrifying will suddenly descended between heaven and earth.

When feeling this will, Lin Feng's face couldn't help but sink slightly.

This is the will of the Creator.

Is it the lord of the curse?

The most likely is the Lord of the Curse. After all, this world was previously the world controlled by the Lord of the Curse, and was later given to his nephew to curse the gods, but as the former master of this world, the Lord of the Cursed’s willpower comes. Isn't it difficult in this world?

Even if the distance is endless, it should be a piece of cake for the Lord of the Curse.


A cold voice suddenly resounded between heaven and earth.

After this voice came out, the sword energy that Lin Feng had killed instantly shattered.

After seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help frowning slightly, seeing that he was about to kill Su Yuexi and cursing the gods and others, his attack was broken. This is not a good phenomenon.

"Lin Feng! I really didn't expect that a small character who couldn't even resolve a small curse back then has grown to such a high level!".

Just now the voice resounded between heaven and earth again.

The other party still didn't show up, it should be the voice of the will that just came, without any incarnation.

Therefore, no specific form can be seen.

"It seems to be the Lord of the Curse!" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, and he said, "No matter how many years the cursed master's behavior will not change much in the past few years, he has always been stumbling behind him, hasn't he?".

The voice of the cursed Lord came out, "Do you want to use words to irritate this Creator? Unfortunately, the lethality of your words is of no use to this Creator. Before, I really waited because I was young. I looked at you and made you grow to the current state. However, everything should be over. Soon there will be a strong creator at the creator level to kill you!".

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Curse, Lin Feng couldn't help but suddenly startled.

Soon there will be a strong creator at the level of creator to obliterate him?

Is what the Lord of Curses said true?

If it is true, then, which creator-level powerhouse is coming to obliterate him?

Is the lord of the curse?

Mr. Taishan?

Lord of life?

Behind the scenes, the world's imperial ruler?

Or other creators?

"Who is going to kill me?" Lin Feng asked coldly.

The voice of the cursed lord said with a trace of contempt, "What? I heard that a strong creator of the Creator level is going to kill you, afraid?".

"Su Yuexi told you about soliciting you before, and this matter is still valid, you can consider it!".

"Sorry, I have no interest in this!". Lin Feng said indifferently.

"Then wait for the Creator to appear in front of you!" The voice of the Lord of the Curse said coldly. After this voice fell, a terrible force surged out, covering Su Yuexi, the cursed gods and others, as well as the powerful undead who had not yet been collected. Among them, these people disappeared in an instant.

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