Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 13 Chapter 461: Suppress the weird stone statues (part 2)

Lin Feng quickly killed the weird stone statue, extremely fast. This time was a great opportunity to deal with the weird stone statue.

The reason for saying this is because before this strange stone statue, a lot of energy was put on controlling this big formation. If he spends more energy and time on this, he will naturally spend less time in other areas.

Such as healing.

The time spent will be much less.

If there is not enough time, and without Lin Feng's undead blood, the recovery will naturally not be too fast.

Therefore, the current weird stone statue, the combat power should be far from the peak combat power, this is Lin Feng's opportunity.

Lin Feng summoned the Sifang Divine Seal, facing the terrifying existence of the weird stone statue, even if he was not in his peak state, Lin Feng would still not care.

You must go all out.

The Sifang Divine Seal was activated by Lin Feng, and countless phantoms of gods appeared on the Sifang Divine Seal.

Those gods seem to be the oldest and greatest group of gods in history.

They are powerful, mysterious, and possess extraordinary powers.

The Sifang Shenyin quickly blasted towards the weird stone statue, the gods hummed together, and the power of the Sifang Shenyin truly began to show.


The strange stone statue's voice was cold, and he raised his right hand, across the void, and blasted towards Lin Feng's Sifang Divine Seal. I have to say that this guy is really amazing, although his current state is not ideal.

However, the combat power is still incredible.

This battle between Lin Feng and the strange stone statue has fallen into a stalemate, and the strange stone statue is still constantly improving its strength. It is hard to imagine that at this time, it is indeed possible to continue to improve its combat strength. Surprisingly, if it hadn't been for Lin Feng's powerful means and a treasure of the Creator level, he would not be able to resist the attack of the strange stone statue.

Now Lin Feng needs Ning Ke’er’s help. He can’t hold on for too long alone. I don’t know how Ning Ke’er is recovering now. Lin Feng transmits to Ning Ke’er. After receiving Lin Feng’s sound transmission, Ning Ke’er makes a quick shot. , Together with Lin Feng to deal with the weird stone statue, still Lin Feng's main attack, rather Keer is to assist.

Ning Keer joined the battle, and Lin Feng's pressure suddenly dropped.

Lin Feng and Ning Kerr show off their power.

Start to gain the upper hand.

The situation is improving.

The face of the strange stone statue became more and more gloomy, but he still hadn't used his trick to press the bottom of the box.

At this time, the weird stone statue began to chant a spell. This is an extremely ancient and mysterious spell. Lin Feng could not understand what language it was. However, when the spell of the weird stone statue was pronounced, Lin Feng discovered that there is a special kind of between heaven and earth. Power, quickly gathered, this extremely special power, all poured into the body of the strange stone statue.

Ning Kerr said, "He is communicating with the pioneers' power remaining between heaven and earth!".

Hearing this, Lin Feng's face couldn't help changing slightly.

Although the remaining power of the pioneers between heaven and earth is not as strong as it was in the past, and has even been weakened, it is the force left by the pioneers after all.

The power level is too high, even if it has faded more seriously, in fact, the power is still incredible.

As the companion stone statue of the pioneers, the strange stone statue mobilizes the remaining power left by the pioneers between heaven and earth. His own combat power will be improved more, far more than the combat power that others can mobilize the remaining power of the pioneers. This is an extremely terrifying thing and requires more care and attention.

Originally, Lin Feng and the others had already taken advantage, but after the weird stone statue continued to improve their combat power, Lin Feng and Ning Keer were suppressed again.

Neither of them can fight against this weird stone statue. It's no good to go on like this. The bad situation must be changed, but how to change the current situation?

Relying on external forces to change the current situation is the best way, relying only on Lin Feng and Ning Keer, obviously cannot change the bad situation in front of him.

Beibei, Xiaolong, Xiaohei, etc., their strengths have also improved. Although their combat experience is relatively not so rich, Lin Feng feels that he is the main attacker and Beibei and others are assisted, even if experience is lacking. , And will not be at a loss.

From this point of view, Lin Feng, Beibei and others transmitted voices, Beibei, Xiaohei, Xiaolong, Primordial Emperor Butterfly and so on existed, and even the fire unicorn mount that Lin Feng had conquered before flew out.

Over the years, they have practiced in time and space, their strength has greatly improved, and their realm is relatively advanced.

In fact, Lin Feng's strongest heaven group should consider adding Beibei and others to it.

Beibei's strength fully meets the requirements for joining the strongest group. The lack of experience is not a big problem. If you participate in a few more battles, you can gain experience, right?

After Beibei and others appeared, they took action. They displayed the top supernatural powers inherited from the race, such as Beibei, Xiaohei, Xiaolong, Primordial Emperor Butterfly, Primordial Ancestor Insect, Fire Unicorn, Demon King Insect, etc., and their bloodlines are all Very powerful, such a powerful bloodline, the combat effectiveness is naturally extremely strong.

After Bei Bei and the others took action, the scale of the war once again tilted towards Lin Feng and the others. This is the advantage of the large number of people.

One person is not your opponent, two people are not your opponent, three people are not your opponent...

That's all right.

There are many people on our side, and a group of people will hit you.

There is no way to mobilize the undead in Lin Feng's Book of the Undead. He has collected so many powerful undeads, six or seven thousand, so he can form a small elite army. If Lin Feng can mobilize the undead in the Book of the Undead to deal with the weirdness Why is the stone statue so troublesome?

The eyes of the strange stone statue were extremely gloomy, and he felt that things were moving in a worse direction. If it continued, he might be robbed here and could not continue to let it go. He had to leave here quickly.

It's just that now it is not what he can leave if he wants to leave quickly. After gaining the advantage, Lin Feng and others stepped up their offensive, and the strange stone statues were retreating.

"court death!".

The weird stone statue was suppressed more and more fiercely, could not help but roar, his dantian position, extremely terrible power surged out, this kind of power broke out in an instant, shrouded in Lin Feng and others, obviously, the weird stone statue wanted to be Waiting for people to work hard, so another method of pressing the bottom of the box was displayed.


Facing the attack of the weird stone statue, Lin Feng directly summoned the shaking stone stele. The shaking stone stele surrounded Lin Feng and others, and quickly rotated. When the attack released by the strange stone statue came, all of them were bombed and killed. Above the shaking stone stele.

The shaking stone stele is really extraordinary. It directly dissolves the ultimate move released by the other party. Then, the shaking stone stele is quickly scattered in various places under the control of Lin Feng, directly suppressing the world. This strange stone statue wants to tear it. Splitting the Void fled, but this piece of Void had been suppressed by the Sky-shaking Stele and could not be torn.

"bad!". The strange stone statue suddenly sank.

The offensive of Lin Feng and others became more and more fierce. After a period of strong attack, the strange stone statue was really hard to resist, and was finally defeated by Lin Feng and others.

But Lin Feng quickly stepped forward and sealed the strange stone statue with the Eight Seals of Forbidden God.

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