Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 13 Chapter 465: New deal with Shidianling

Now that things have progressed, there is no other choice. Let's be honest and take the oath as Lin Feng said. If you dare to play tricks, the result will be very clear.

With his right hand up to the sky, he began to swear, "My grandson, I swear an oath here. From now on, I am willing to be loyal to the son. I will be loyal to the son. If I dare to violate this oath, I will be crushed and I will not die!".

It turns out that the strange stone statue is called Taizongzi. This name sounds like an extremely powerful character. It is estimated that most people would not dare to take such a name casually. The three words Tai, Zong and Zi have special meanings, so you can take them casually. The name, without that kind of luck or strength, would be robbed. There are so many things like this, and they happen every day.

After Taizongzi made the oath, Lin Feng clearly felt that he and Taizongzi had formed a contractual connection. This contract allowed Lin Feng and Taizongzi to establish a master-servant contract that could never be betrayed. From then on, Taizongzi could only be loyal to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng would know if he dared to betray Lin Feng a little bit.

With one thought, Taizongzi can be destroyed.

After Taizongzi made the oath, Lin Feng lifted the seal on Taizongzi, and Taizongzi regained his freedom.

But his mood is extremely bad.

Become someone else's subordinate in a daze. Anyone who encounters such a thing will feel bad. What's more, Taizongzi is still such a powerful existence and an ambitious person. Now after becoming Lin Feng's subordinate, he can only Put away these ambitions.

Lin Feng looked indifferent. Although it is a joy to conquer Taizongzi, Lin Feng has already conquered many top powers, and Taizongzi is just one of them. For a person with enough experience , And then to subdue a powerful strong man, it is difficult to cause big fluctuations in his inner world.

Everything is unpleasant.

Lin Feng said, "You can find a room to retreat and recover."

"Okay, then I will leave first!". Taizongzi said.

Although he had already taken refuge in Lin Feng, he really didn't want to face Lin Feng if possible. Seeing Lin Feng's face, he had the urge to punch Lin Feng. If there is nothing wrong, he should meet Lin Feng as little as possible.

After Taizongzi left, Lin Feng took out 50% of the origin and kept it by himself.

I have talked to the spirits of the stone temple before, and they will equally divide these original forces.

do as promised.

Lin Feng will not hide these original powers privately.

The other 50% was sealed in a porcelain vase by Lin Feng, and immediately Lin Feng went to look for Ning Kerr. I wonder if Ning Kerr left the customs?

Lin Feng knocked on the door when he came outside of Ning Ke'er's room.

"Wait a minute!" Ning Keer's voice came from inside.

There was not much meeting, and there was a creak.

The door opened.

Ning Keer stood outside.

Now Lin Feng can be sure that the Ning Kerr in front of him is the real Ning Kerr, and the spirit is not attached to her. The reason why he can be sure that this Ning Kerr is the real Ning Kerr is because of the look in his eyes.

In many cases, people can be disguised.

The eyes alone cannot be disguised.

Lin Feng still had a deep impression on Ning Keer's eyes, with some stubbornness in her tenderness.

It's not Ning Kerr himself, it is difficult to show such a look.

Ning Keer said, "The son comes in and sits!"

Lin Feng nodded, entered the room, and rather poured Lin Feng a glass of water.

Lin Feng took a sip and immediately took out the porcelain vase that sealed the origin of the pioneers.

Lin Feng said, "This is the original strength agreed upon before, but the original source of pioneers is really small, but based on the principle of being honest, the original source here is definitely the right amount!"

Ning Keer said, "Of course, we trust the son!"

In addition to her, the "we" that Ning Keer said here also included the spirit of the stone temple.

Lin Feng said, "If this is the case, then I will leave first!"

"Master, wait a minute!". Ning Keer said.

"Huh? Fairy Ning still has things?". Lin Feng asked.

Ning Ke'er said, "That's the case, the spirit of the stone palace, I told me one thing before, the spirit of the stone palace wants to trouble the son, I hope the son can help this!".

Lin Feng said, "Although I really want to help the spirit of the stone temple, I still have important things to deal with. Now that I have delayed some things, it is not good to continue to delay!".

The important thing Lin Feng said is naturally to find the fifth stone Buddha. He is still waiting to find the fifth stone Buddha quickly, so that his stone human clone can break through to the realm of the creator. The rest can be set aside for the time being. put.

As for helping others, Lin Feng has no such interest for the time being.

Let's deal with your own affairs first.

Ning Ke'er said, "Don't rush to refuse the son. The spirit of the stone temple means that if the son is willing to help, take half of the origin here to the son. I don't know what the son wants?".

"Oh? Give me half?". Lin Feng was surprised.

These sources are extremely precious.

The spirit of the stone hall was willing to give him half. It seemed that what the spirit of the stone hall asked for was extremely difficult.

However, for the origin of the pioneers, Lin Feng can naturally agree to the spirit of the stone temple.

Lin Feng said, "Yes, then let's finalize it like this!".

Ning Ke'er took out half of the origin and gave it to Lin Feng. Lin Feng sealed up these origins. Suddenly, a lot of the origins were added. Lin Feng can better distribute them. Lin Feng's plan is to combine these just got. The origin is equally distributed to the poisonous ancestors and others.

As for the origins he had obtained before, he refined and improved his cultivation.

Lin Feng said, "Tell me what the spirit of the stone temple wants me to do!"

Ning Keer said, "Has the son ever heard of the end of the sunset?"

"At the end of the sunset? Never heard of it!". Lin Feng shook his head.

It sounds like a puzzle, the end of the sunset? The name is really weird.

Ning Kerr explained, "The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and the West Sea World is the westernmost place. Therefore, the sun sets from the West Sea World, and the place where the sun touches the sea level is the end of the setting sun!".

Lin Feng asked, "So, where is the end of the sunset?".

Ning Keer said, "It's infinitely far away, but it doesn't seem to be far away, it's hard to find!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but asked curiously, "So, what's at the end of the sunset? Why did the spirit of the stone hall go so hard to find?".

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