Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 14 Chapter 470: The end of the sunset (3)

After leaving Ning Kerr, Lin Feng returned to his residence. After returning, Lin Feng went to study some magical celestial scriptures. Time is tight. Lin Feng rarely wastes time now. As long as he has time, it is not a retreat or a study of various things. The magical celestial scriptures, in the hope that they can be upgraded.

During the next seven or eight days, the ancient starship Xuanyuan kept flying in the direction of the first coordinate point. In fact, in Lin Feng’s view, the end of the setting sun may not really be the place where the sun sets, because Although the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and sets in the West Sea, this is only a visual sensation.

Because the real sun is not in the wasteland world, but in the endlessly distant starry sky world.

Lin Feng felt that he was about to reach the place, so he left the customs, and communicated with Saint Diao Daxian. As he expected, he would soon reach the location of the first coordinate point. This is the West Sea. The extreme depths of the world are located. The deepest area of ​​the West Sea World is broken time and space. The broken time and space are connected with the unknown world. No one knows what the unknown world is and where it is.

Such broken places are often extremely dangerous places with few people visiting.

After arriving here, Lin Feng and others flew out of the Xuanyuan starry sky ancient ship. In the area shrouded in shattered time and space, you need to be more careful. It is obviously not a wise choice to take the Xuanyuan starry sky ancient ship. Swallowed by Broken Time and Space.

Lin Feng would not be careless just because the strength of people like them has greatly improved. In fact, he should maintain a humble heart at all times so that he can better deal with all kinds of dangers.

After walking through the area shrouded in shattered time and space for about six hours, Lin Feng and others came to the area where the first coordinate point was located. Lin Feng took a closer look to see if there is any special place in this place, or this Is the coordinate point connected to a mysterious space, but after a careful sensing, nothing can be found.

Lin Feng communicated with Sheng Diao Daxian to see what Sheng Diao Daxian thinks. Anyway, his opinion is that this place should not be the place they are looking for. After some exchanges, Sheng Diao Daxian gave Lin Feng the same answer. This place was really not what they needed to find, so Lin Feng and others left the area shrouded in shattered time and space.

After arriving in the safe waters outside, Lin Feng summoned the ancient starry sky ship Xuanyuan, and they took the ancient starry sky ship Xuanyuan to the second coordinate point.

Ten days later, Lin Feng and the others came to the sea world where the second coordinate point was located. This was also an area shrouded in shattered time and space, and it was also the sea area of ​​the deepest location in the West Sea World, but it was a little far away from the first coordinate point.

After coming here, Lin Feng and Sheng Diao Daxian both had an induction to see if they could find some special clues, but after induction, the result was not ideal. Here, they still have no important findings. , If so, then only the last coordinate point is left.

Will the last coordinate point be where the sunset ends?

Either it is or not.

If so, it would be best.

If not?

So, where is the end of the sunset?

Go to the place first, check it, and then make the next step.

After leaving here, Lin Feng and others took the ancient starship Xuanyuan and quickly flew towards the third coordinate point. About a week later, Lin Feng and others arrived at the third coordinate point.

This coordinate point was still in the area shrouded in broken time and space. When Lin Feng and the others came to this coordinate point, they found that the final location of the coordinate point was on an island.

This is not the same as before.

There were no islands in the area shrouded in Shattered Time and Space, because even if there were islands, they would have been destroyed by the powerful force escaping from Shattered Time and Space, but there was a whole island in this place, which is enough to explain too much. Problem.

This island is not simple.

"Go to the island!" Lin Feng said.

Everyone nodded, followed Lin Feng, and flew towards the island. In the broken time and space, there was broken power everywhere, and many places did not seem to be dangerous, but in fact it was connected to the unknown space, and once it passed, it might be swallowed. Go in.

It will be miserable then.

But with Lin Feng, everyone naturally doesn't have to worry about this happening.

Under the leadership of Lin Feng, everyone successfully boarded the island. Lin Feng and the others came to the place where the coordinate point was, which was a mountain forest on the island.

Lin Feng sensed it carefully, his eyes couldn't help showing a ray of light, because Lin Feng found that the coordinate points here really seemed to be different.

As if connected to a mysterious space-time.

Lin Feng has always been suspicious. The end of the sunset is a special space, or the world. Now that something that is suspected of space is sensed from the third coordinate point, Lin Feng will of course feel that that mysterious space is the sunset time and space they are looking for?

Lin Feng communicated with Sheng Diao Daxian, Sheng Diao Daxian also agreed with Lin Feng's statement, Lin Feng tried to rely on the particularity of the coordinate points to enter the special space connected by the coordinate points, but tried many times, but failed.

This made Lin Feng's brows wrinkled slightly.

Why does this happen?

It stands to reason that if there is no problem with the coordinate point, you can enter the space, but now you can't enter. Where is the problem?

Sheng Diao Daxian also discovered this problem, he said, "Will it be possible to enter when the sun sets?".

"Then let's wait for a while!". Lin Feng replied.

Lin Feng immediately told everyone to wait patiently for a while.

time flies.

In the evening, the hot sun began to set quickly.

The place where Lin Feng and the others are, is the place where the sun sets last.

Lin Feng discovered that before the sun disappeared, the sun and this coordinate point seemed to form a certain fit.

And this fit will disappear after a period of persistence.

Lin Feng estimated that this kind of fit would really disappear after the sun had completely set.

Lin Feng waved a big hand, powerful mana surged out, covering everyone, and then he tried to enter the mysterious space connected by the coordinate points.


The next moment, the light flickered, and Lin Feng and others disappeared from the island.

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