Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

: Festival, make up for what owed yesterday)

Daxian Sheng Diao's sensing ability is still very powerful, and many times he can sense something that others can't sense. This is probably a kind of ability of his racial talent. This point still must admire Daxian Sheng Diao.

But there is something specifically here that attracts Saint Diao Daxian.

Sheng Diao Daxian could not make a final judgment for the time being.

This is quite normal.

Without seeing what the specific thing is, it is really difficult to judge what is attracting oneself.

Lin Feng and the others did not act rashly. This was because although the temple in front of them had been very dilapidated, it still gave people an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

This ruined palace collapsed in half. Theoretically speaking, the special structure or special danger formed by such a palace did not completely disappear because of this. You must be more cautious.

Otherwise, it is easy to happen some more dangerous things.

Poison Ancestor and others are also observing this temple, wanting to see the special features of this temple.

"Maybe you can throw stones for directions!" Lin Feng thought of a way.

It is not complicated to throw stones and ask for directions. It is to send a puppet or undead into it to see what kind of danger it will encounter. Through the perception of the puppet or undead, you can know the specific danger inside.

After knowing the specific danger inside, the rest of the matter seemed to be much simpler.

If you really enter it, you know how to deal with the danger inside.

But throwing stones for directions is sometimes not necessarily successful.

Because some dangerous places have special laws, these special laws will isolate the transmission of all information, even if the puppet or the undead finds some danger in it, it cannot be passed on to the owner.

The danger here can even sense the special aura of its owner through the puppet or undead.

When the master of the puppet or the undead enters it, the danger here will lie deeper, and then, at a certain moment, it may launch a thunderous offensive.

Any method has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is also true of throwing stones to ask for directions. Certain trade-offs must be made.

Lin Feng still plans to use the method of throwing stones to ask directions.

He sent out a puppet and entered the ruined palace.

It didn't take long for Lin Feng to lose contact with the puppet.

The puppet also failed to get out of the ruined palace.

Lin Feng knew that the undead might have been destroyed. This situation made Lin Feng's brows frown tightly, and he did not get any feedback.

With this being said, it is a very regrettable thing that throwing stones for directions should be developing in a bad direction.

This method doesn't work, it seems that you can only break through the ruined palace?

Lin Feng had been to a stone palace before, and it was perilous, so for a place like the ruined palace, he didn't want to venture into it easily.

But since there is no other better way.

Lin Feng and the others need to do things they don't want to do.

At this time, Poison Ancestor said, "Young Master, let me go in with the Great Prison Demon Sage and them!".

Lin Feng thought for a while and nodded.

In fact, the strength of the members of the strongest heaven group has become very strong, and there is no need for Lin Feng to do many things personally, such as exploring the ruined palace. Although it is an extremely dangerous thing, Lin Feng feels that it is handed over to the most There shouldn't be any major problems with Qiangtian Group, after all, their strength has been improved.

If the strength has not been improved as before, Lin Feng will definitely not let them do such a thing, but will choose to enter it personally to check it out.

Of course, the poisonous ancestors and the others should go to the front station first, if they really can't solve it, then they can do it by themselves.

Lin Feng said, "Just go to four or five people, and the rest will stay outside, ready to respond anytime, anywhere!".

The Poison Ancestor, the Great Prison Demon Sage, Alonso, and the Evil Venerable Sage, entered the ruined hall, while Lin Feng and others waited outside. Time passed by, and when the Poison Ancestor they entered After the palace was ruined, Lin Feng's contact with them was already very weak, and soon after, it was almost impossible to establish any contact.

Half an hour after they entered it, Aragorn said, "My son, there won't be any accidents after they have been in for so long? Why is there no movement at all? Would you like to send others to check it out?".

Lin Feng said, "Even if there is a problem, with the strength of a few of them, it is impossible to be quickly taken down, and even if this ruined palace can isolate its breath from leaking, after all, it is already dilapidated, even with such an extraordinary At this time, it’s impossible to 100% isolate the breath because of the ability, and there will definitely be some leakage of breath!".

"So, theoretically speaking, if a war really breaks out, we should be able to detect it when we are outside, and wait patiently for a while."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

Among the ruined palaces, there really were fluctuations.

At the beginning, this kind of fluctuation was quite strong, but it weakened rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The reason for this situation is easy to guess, it should be because the forces inside the ruined palace are quickly suppressing the poisonous ancestors and others, and the poisonous ancestors will soon be unable to support them.

Four powerhouses.

All are in the realm of quasi-creator.

There are even powerful men with such old qualifications as the Great Prison Demon Saint, whose strength is unfathomable.

It's still about to be robbed, it's really hard to imagine, just how dangerous is inside?

It was so terrifying that it almost caused the Great Prison Demon Saint and others to fall into it.

‘Go ahead and support them! ’. Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone took action one after another, and a powerful attack was brewing.

All the attacks came together.

Then he headed towards the ruined palace.

Countless runes appeared on the ruined palace, and those runes were very special.

Not only special, but also very powerful.

Those runes formed a special defense system and wanted to resolve the attacks of Lin Feng and others.

However, Lin Feng's attack was too powerful.

In addition, these runes have been ruined.

Although the power is still very strong, compared with the peak period, it has actually declined very much.

In such a strong contrast, the defense system formed by these runes could not withstand the attacks of Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng and their attacks smashed these runes fiercely, directly destroying these mysterious runes.

After destroying these runes, their attack went on to bombard the ruined palace.

The ruined palace collapsed in a large area and the overall structure was destroyed.

Whoosh whoosh...

From the collapsed position, four cultivators flew out quickly. These four cultivators were not others, they were the poisonous ancestors, the great prison demon saint, Alonso, and the evil saint.

At this moment, all four of them were wounded, their auras were disorganized, and they were relatively depressed. Obviously, they had gone through an extremely fierce battle to become like this.

But fortunately, safety is out, there is no danger, and the situation is not bad.

"what happened?". Lin Feng asked.

"We were attacked by an unknown existence, and the power was terrifying. We were almost sealed in it and could not come out. At the critical moment, the palace was broken, and we rushed out!" The Great Prison Demon Saint said.

Everyone is a little moved, is it so dangerous inside?

The four powerhouses were so passive.

The four powerhouses didn't even know what attacked them, so they said that it was an unknown attack.

Is it really just a simple, unknown attack?

Things may not be as simple as we can see, and far more complicated than imagined.

Lin Feng said, "I'll go in and take a look, you will meet me outside!"

Xia Donghuang said, "Master, do you want us to go in with you?".

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "The situation inside is complicated, so I can deal with it by myself!"

In fact, the poisonous ancestor and others explored the situation inside in advance, and Lin Feng went to explore it, and he already had some understanding of it in his heart.

Lin Feng quickly entered the ruined palace. After entering it, he felt a cold aura and began to block the ruined palace, as if he wanted to completely seal those who entered it.


Lin Feng's voice was indifferent, and with a wave of his big hand, all of the more than ten sky fires he controlled flew out. These sky fires filled the hall, blazing blazingly, and the dark power was quickly ignited. The hall was originally pitch black as ink. Yu, nowadays, is also a lot brighter.

But at this time, Lin Feng still felt something was wrong. A terrifying force came quickly and wanted to attack him. Lin Feng's defensive magic weapons had been used before, and they were severely depleted. During the recuperation, there was no way to use these defensive magic weapons.

Therefore, to resist the attack here, you can only rely on yourself.

Lin Fengyi is bold and fearless, besides, he still has a treasure like the Shaking Stone, and he secretly activated the Shaking Stone.

When the Zhentian stele was activated by Lin Feng, around Lin Feng's body, a piece of stele phantom appeared, and these stele phantoms guarded Lin Feng's surroundings.

The powerful defense system constructed by the phantoms of these stone steles helped Lin Feng withstand that unknown and terrifying attack.

"what is that?".

Lin Feng's gaze couldn't help but condensed slightly. He saw something. In the depths of the temple, it was originally a shrine, perhaps enshrining something like a god, but now there is no such thing as a god, only that This thing, the hall is quite dim, the line of sight is blocked, it is not clear, but from the outline, it seems to be a coffin?

Lin Feng swept towards the deep position.

Bang bang bang...

He was attacked even more terribly.

Unknown and terrifying attacks, constantly brewing, constantly impacted Lin Feng's defense system outside, making Lin Feng also feel a huge trouble.

After five or six consecutive impacts, the defensive system formed by the phantom of the sky-shaking stone stele constructed outside Lin Feng's body broke directly.

If you use your own means to deal with the attack here, it is obviously not a realistic thing, and you need to use foreign objects to resist it.

The foreign objects mentioned here refer to things like defensive magic weapons. Only with the help of such things can we successfully resolve terrorist attacks from the outside world.

So Lin Feng summoned the sky-shaking stone tablet. The tenth sky-shaking stone tablet has not been refined yet. Lin Feng has not summoned the sky-shaking stone tablet. He only summoned nine of the sky-shaking stone tablets. With a powerful defense system, Lin Feng was protected.

However, the cost of stimulating the sky-shaking stone tablet is very huge, even with Lin Feng's current majestic mana, it is difficult to sustain it for too long, so the matter here must be resolved quickly.

Then leave this ruined palace.

Otherwise, the situation will only develop in a worse direction.

Lin Feng continued to sweep towards the depths.

Unknown and terrifying power continued to impact Lin Feng, but they were all blocked by the shaking stone stele.

Lin Feng came to the deep location smoothly, and he found that what was placed here was indeed a coffin, not too big. It was about 1.5 meters long, 1 meter wide, and about 70 cm high.

The most special thing is that this coffin is not an ordinary coffin, but a sarcophagus.

The extremely simple sarcophagus exudes an aura that originated from the ancient times.

"Is this thing attracting you?"

Lin Feng transmitted the sound to Sheng Diao Daxian.

"It's...". Saint Diao Daxian said, his voice sounded hoarse.

An ancient and mysterious coffin attracted him. This was indeed a little weird, and it was no wonder that the tone of Saint Diao Daxian was somewhat abnormal.

There is definitely no way to check the specific situation of this coffin in this place. Lin Feng tried to bring this coffin into time space or his big world.

However, this coffin didn't move at all.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, some things are difficult to fit into the space or the world, so they can only be carried out.

Probably because it was restricted by certain rules, it caused a situation.

This coffin may be such a situation.

Lin Feng quickly stepped forward and tried to carry the coffin on his shoulders. How powerful is Lin Feng's strength, he did not even lift the coffin.

"So heavy?"

Lin Feng couldn't help being shocked, how powerful he was, he couldn't even lift this coffin, it was hard to imagine how heavy the coffin was.

It's not too big.

Even if the material is extremely special, it shouldn't be so heavy.

Lin Feng suddenly thought of a possibility.

What is the heaviest thing in this world?

This answer does not seem to be a good answer, but in theory, stone objects are not the heaviest, so this coffin should not be so heavy, but there is one thing that is heavy, that is, the corpse, the stronger the existence. The more the body sinks, the corpses of some top powerhouses can crush a big world.

Could it be that this coffin is buried in such a terrifying powerhouse, so is this coffin so heavy?

This inference shocked Lin Feng.

If there was a corpse inside, whose corpse would it be?


(It was originally two chapters, they were not separated, they were posted together! There will be updates later)

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