Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 14 Chapter 487: The terrible Lin Baitian

In terms of Lin Feng's current strength, it is extremely difficult to harm his soul. After all, Lin Feng's current soul realm is already the creator realm.

How many creators are there in this world?

A handful of existence.

Existence at the pinnacle.

However, now that he is still affected so severely, it is conceivable that the soul attack just now is so powerful that it is incredible. Then, who is the mysterious existence that appeared in the black hole that swallowed the spiritual world?

In fact, this is quite speculative. Such a character is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary creator-level monks, so we have to push forward and push it to the era of pioneers. Some ancient existences in this era cannot use the creators that appeared later. They are determined by the realm, but their strength is unimaginable.

For example, Shizu, who once challenged pioneers, can be described as being able to understand everything.

How rare is such a powerful existence?

Pioneers are counted as one, Shizu is counted as one, should any twelve Heavenly Dry Kings whom you have contacted before be counted?

It’s not easy to say who it is. According to the current situation, it seems that the existence of this statue is the stone ancestor. However, Lin Feng has a strong feeling, that is, this existence is not the stone ancestor. Who is it?

I couldn't figure this out, and I couldn't guess one of them based on guesswork alone, so Lin Feng didn't think about it anymore.

The most urgent task is to solve the crisis that is facing right now. Although Lin Feng has frozen the spiritual world, Lin Feng feels that the other party is still attacking.

The first wave of attacks is already so powerful, will the attacks released later be more powerful?

It would be bad if it were more powerful.

Lin Feng didn't think he could withstand more powerful attacks from behind.


There was a flash of inspiration in Lin Feng's mind. He thought of a way. When he swallowed the black hole before, he had revealed his ancestors in the black hole, such as dominating the ancestor, and even his father Lin Baitian had appeared in it.

Since this black hole that devours the spiritual world can reveal such characters, as long as some powerful characters appear in the devouring black hole that I have summoned, they may be able to check and balance each other. When the time comes, the troubles they encounter can be solved. Up.

Lin Feng felt that this was a feasible solution. From this point on, Lin Feng tried to call the ancestors to appear. It is not particularly difficult to make the ancestors appear, just run the power of his own blood.

Under Lin Feng's rotation, an illusory figure appeared in the swallowing black hole. This illusory figure seemed to be Lin Feng's father, Lin Baitian.

Lin Feng tried to find the whereabouts of his father Lin Baitian, but he has never been able to find him. Before Lin Feng knew about his father being planted by a demon, he was always very worried. I don't know what happened to his father now?

The father who appeared in the black hole seemed to have appeared in a mysterious world. He was walking alone in the dark. This was not the same as the scene that appeared before. Lin Feng felt a little strange and didn't know why he appeared. Such a big change, but having said that, many times, some things are really difficult to explain clearly in words.

"Where is this?"

Lin Feng couldn't help talking to himself. He felt that this was a clue. It would be great if he could determine what kind of world this dark world was, and maybe he could find his father Lin Baitian.

But Lin Feng felt that this matter had no clue, even if he could see some scenes, he couldn't get more clues.

At this time, the mysterious phantom that appeared in the black hole that devoured the spiritual world was walking towards the outside step by step.

When he reached the entrance of the cave, he said again, "Fuck!"

When his voice came out, Lin Feng suddenly felt that his spiritual world was about to be buried in the abyss. The other party's suppression of the spirit was too strong. This method made Lin Feng feel extremely shocked. .

But at this moment, Lin Baitian, who was walking in the darkness, suddenly stopped, then turned his head, as if he had seen the situation here through the endless void world.

"You dare to do that?".

Lin Baitian spoke.

His voice is not loud, and even reveals deep fatigue, but his voice seems to contain an irresistible power, an irresistible pressure.

"you are……".

The mysterious phantom voice that appeared in the black hole that swallowed the spiritual world became trembling. He seemed to have discovered something, seemed to know something, and his body was completely shattered in the next moment, and this statue existed. After the collapse, the black hole that swallowed the spiritual world also collapsed.

Lin Baitian turned his head and continued to walk towards the darkness.


Next step.

Very slow.

His back seemed a little lonely, a little bleak, looking so tired.

No one knows where he is, no one knows what he is doing.


Lin Feng called.

But Lin Baitian did not turn around, and the engulfing black hole became more and more illusory.

It feels like it will disappear completely before long.

Seeing that his father Lin Baitian ignored his call, Lin Feng felt very sorry. Soon, the Devouring Black Hole disappeared, but Lin Feng was unwilling. He continued to summon the Devouring Black Hole, and then circulated the blood, wanting to let his father Lin Baitian's The phantom appeared again.

However, no matter what Lin Feng did.

The phantom of his father Lin Baitian didn't show up again.

Lin Feng sighed.

Some things cannot be forced after all.

Lin Feng originally thought that he wanted to wake up other people, but in fact, after that mysterious existence was defeated by his father Lin Baitian, the others also woke up one after another, but Lin Feng just swallowed the black hole and ran his blood, and wanted to summon his father. Void, so he ignored others. After the failure, Lin Feng only started to pay attention to the outside world.

Everyone is discussing the situation just now, and some people swear, because the situation just now is too dangerous.

But everything is over, isn't it?

"Look inside...". Lin Feng pointed to the depths of the Ninth Hall, where there was a pond with immortal air spitting out of it. I don't know what it was.

In addition to the pool, there are many things placed around, all placed on the ground randomly, not even tables, kitchens, cabinets and other things.

"I have made a fortune, there are a lot of things!" said Poison Ancestor joyfully.


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