Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 14 Chapter 521: Anti-day effect

The fifth stone Buddha said, "This time the baptism of life has a comprehensive effect on the holy spirit of the stone race!".

"The first point, raise your potential again!".

"You know, among the heavens and all realms, it is extremely rare to be able to break through to the level of the creator. Once you break through the realm of the creator, there is basically no way to continue to break through, mainly because the potential is reached, it is difficult to break through the current one. Shackles continue to improve their own cultivation base!".

"If it can further increase the potential, then this creator-level monk can continue to improve his cultivation! For a creator-level powerhouse, this will be extremely important!".

"The second point, increase soul power!".

"This kind of effect is also an extremely amazing effect. It can greatly enhance the soul power, and the benefits to a creator-level powerhouse are naturally self-evident!".

"The third point, raise the level of the physical body!".

"This is also an extremely important point. Many monks may focus on the cultivation of Taoism, but for the stone holy spirit, the body is a huge advantage of the stone holy spirit. Because of the special nature of the stone holy spirit, they The advantages formed by his body are extremely amazing!".

The third point, Lin Feng strongly agrees. For example, Lin Feng’s physical body is extremely powerful, and the physical strength is unparalleled in the world. Therefore, Lin Feng pays attention to the cultivation of the physical body. In Lin Feng’s view, the key battle, the stronger side, often Will gain an advantage in the war.

Sometimes, even if this advantage is not particularly obvious, it may also be the decisive factor for the final victory.

In fact, even Lin Feng, after hearing the effects of the fifth stone Buddha, he was very surprised. You know, this world? Although there are countless kinds of rare treasures, there are some top treasures. , Often the role is relatively single.

For example? The treasure that can improve the master's cultivation.

This kind of baby is very rare and rare.

Generally, after such a treasure appears? This kind of treasure? is often a single function, and the promotion of cultivation is simply the function of improving the cultivation.

The ascension of the physical body is simply the effect of ascending the physical body.

The same is true for other functions.


The life spirit stone can play a huge role in the three aspects of potential, soul, and body. Such a baby? Is too precious? Even if Lin Feng is knowledgeable, he rarely encounters such a top treasure.

If he can get this life spirit stone? It is really important for him to incarnate outside his body.

The harvest is really good.

Lin Feng said? "Now give me the magic trick you mentioned? and the life spirit stone!".

The fifth stone Buddha passed to Lin Feng a section of tactics. It should be the kind of special tactics he said. It can help the five stone Buddhas to merge. Such tactics are very precious.

Lin Feng felt the tactics? He wanted to see if there were some problems with the tactics.

In terms of Lin Feng's current strength? Various methods? If there is really any problem? He can basically spot the problem at a glance.

Lin Feng did not find any problems with this tactic, which made Lin Feng more satisfied? It showed that the fifth stone Buddha did not deceive.

"Where is the life stone?" Lin Feng looked at the fifth stone Buddha and asked.

The fifth stone Buddha said, "It is placed in a special small space, I will take it out for you now!".

Immediately, the fifth stone Buddha tried to communicate with the small space. It should be a parallel space carried with you. This parallel space carried with you is very special and difficult for others to find.

Can store all kinds of things.

And because this kind of parallel space is outside the body, even if a certain monk is caught, others cannot detect the existence of this kind of parallel space if the monk doesn't say anything.

The fifth stone Buddha is really cautious enough. It seems that he should have gotten a lot of good things over the years.

The fifth stone Buddha took out the life stone.

Lin Feng discovered that the life spirit stone was about the size of a goose egg, crystal clear, almost transparent, and very beautiful.

After seeing the life spirit stone, Lin Feng couldn't help but move slightly.

This life spirit stone looks really unusual.

It's just that this kind of thing could have such a huge effect on the stone holy spirit who broke through the realm of the creator, and it still made him feel incredible.

But this is the fact.

In the world, there is always something that has a function that makes others unbelievable.

Lin Feng put away the things.

At this time, Poison Ancestor said, "Where are we? What can you give us?".

"Yes, what can you give us?" The Great Prison Demon, Alonso and others also shouted.

Obviously because of these guys, seeing that the fifth stone Buddha holds a lot of good things, all of them are excited and want to get some good things from the fifth stone Buddha.

The fifth stone Buddha saw that Poison Ancestor and others asked for something from him, and suddenly became a little depressed, and he cursed that these guys were all greedy ghosts.


At most, he only dared to scold the poisonous ancestor and others in his heart.

"Both, both, I also have the immortal spring spiritual liquid that has been painstakingly stored here, which is of great benefit to the cultivation base, even the cultivator at the realm of the creator can use this kind of thing!"

Said the fifth stone Buddha.

Even Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he said that this guy has a lot of good things.

Lin Feng now has plans to rob his space directly.

But after thinking about it, Lin Feng thinks it's better to forget it, this guy definitely has a back hand, and it is estimated that he can transfer something quietly.

Even if I searched his space, I might not find anything good.

There is one more point.

Be a man and stay a line.

See you later.

Lin Feng always feels that if the soul of the fifth stone Buddha is let go, they will meet again in the future, and they will even meet each other.

So, let's leave some face to the fifth stone Buddha.

The fifth stone Buddha took out the fairy spring spirit he said.

Give it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng immediately distributed it to everyone, and he also kept a part of it himself.

Since the fifth stone Buddha was amazed at this kind of thing.

Presumably the effect is still very good, right?

Lin Feng is actually looking forward to it.

Not much conference!

Everyone got good things, and they were all very happy.

The fifth stone Buddha was bloody, and he felt uncomfortable to death, but thinking that he saved a small life because of this, he was willing to bleed.

The fifth stone Buddha looked at Lin Feng and said, "I have already given everything I should give you. Can I let my soul go now?".

Lin Feng said, "Of course there is no problem, but I still have one request."

Hearing that, the fifth stone Buddha is almost so depressed that he vomits blood, Lin Feng has too many moths.

Is this the rhythm that wants to cheat him?


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