Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 537: Nine things (part one)

Forty times the flow speed of time and space ensures that even if Lin Feng is closed for a period of time within time and space, the real world will not pass too long.

When familiar with the power of the Creator Realm, Lin Feng was also thinking about some things to do next.

Going to the world behind the scenes to rescue the turtle is something Lin Feng needs to do, but Lin Feng is still waiting for some news over there.

Aragorn, who is in the strongest heaven group, is a person in the world behind the scenes. He was in the opposite of Lin Feng, but was conquered by Lin Feng. To go to the world behind the scenes to rescue the Turtle Lord, he needs a lot of information and needs him Contact some important people.

Therefore, Lin Feng is still patiently waiting for the news to come back. These things can't be anxious, because even if it's anxious, it's useless.

In addition to this matter, there are many things that Lin Feng needs to accomplish in the wasteland world.

The first thing.

In the early years, Lin Feng learned something about his grandfather Ji Yun. He knew that his grandfather was not dead, so he wanted to find his grandfather. This would also allow his mother to reunite with his grandfather's parents, which is also a family happiness.

Lin Feng sent many people to inquire about the news in private. For a long time, there was not much news feedback, but in the past few years, Lin Feng received some important news.

Grandpa Era is on Alcatraz Island in the wasteland.

Knowing these news seems to mean that grandpa's whereabouts can be found through these news, but in fact it is not like this, because the wasteland Alcatraz Island, as early as many years ago, has disappeared, occasionally appear, but no one Knowing when it will appear. Similarly, no one knows how the Wasteland Alcatraz Island disappeared. When the Wasteland Alcatraz Island disappeared, where it was hidden is also a mystery.

Lin Feng has been paying attention to the changes in the wasteland world, to see if the mysterious place of the wasteland Alcatraz island will appear.

The second thing.

Refining and refining the tiger python swallows the sky fire. As the fifth powerful sky fire among the sky fires, the tiger python swallows the sky fire, but it is extremely terrifying. Among them, it was just that Lin Feng did not have the ability to refine the tiger python to swallow the sky fire.

Later, Lin Feng made a deal with the tiger python swallowing the sky fire? The flame spirit who helped the tiger python swallow the sky fire found a body of the stone holy spirit and reshaped him, and he would get the tiger python swallow the sky fire.

The flame spirit of the tiger python swallowing the sky fire is extremely demanding? Ordinary stone holy spirit body? Doesn't get into its eyes at all? This time, someone said that he found a powerful stone holy spirit body and brought it to Lin Feng Are you here? Lin Feng was quite satisfied after reading it? But this matter has not been discussed with Huo Ling who swallows the sky fire.

Find an opportunity to talk to him about this matter.

At that time, the two parties will conclude this transaction. If Lin Feng refining such a high-ranking Skyfire, even if Lin Feng's current realm is already very advanced? But Lin Feng feels that "breaking through a realm?" It might not be difficult.

And the cultivator of Lin Feng's level? Breaking through a realm? The improvement brought to him? It is absolutely unimaginable.

The third thing is that Lin Feng had previously obtained two special materials from the master of Haotianling. To be precise, these two special materials can be forged into a master-level magic weapon.

Lin Feng has now forged many magic weapons of life? As Lin Feng’s cultivation level continues to improve? The realm of these magic weapons of Lin Feng? Is also constantly improving? Now they have reached the realm of quasi-creator, but after reaching this realm, basically There is no potential for breakthrough.

If you smelt the materials he got? Then blend them into your own natal magic weapons, maybe they will complete the transformation of these natal magic weapons, and then, one day in the future, there will be a chance to become a treasure of the creator level.

Of course, there is another way to deal with it, which is to use two materials to forge a new magic weapon.

Lin Feng will probably break through to the realm of the Creator soon.

Once it breaks.

Then, a magic weapon forged from this precious material may very well be quickly transformed into a magic weapon of the Creator realm.

pick one of two.

Lin Feng intends to choose the second one, because the first one is just Lin Feng's speculation. It is really not easy to say whether those magic weapons will be able to break through in the future after fusing these materials.

At the very least, Lin Feng didn't have any confidence in this matter.

If so!

You must treat this matter carefully!

It's better to get a treasure of the creator level first.

Other natal magic weapons, you can look for other opportunities.

A creator-level natal magic weapon is really too important for a monk.

No need to say more about this.

Everyone understands.

The fourth thing.

Before, Lin Feng discovered the Law of the Pioneers in the Demon Caverns of the Deep Sea in the West Sea. At that time, the cultivation level was not enough and there was no chance to receive the Law of the Pioneers. Now the external incarnation has broken through to the realm of the creator, and Lin Feng also has the power of the creator. So, if you return to the West Sea World, is there a chance to refine the law of pioneers?

Pioneer's Law, what an extraordinary thing, if a Pioneer's Law is really refined, then the increase in combat power will be unimaginable at all. This kind of improvement is even as good as Lin Feng's external incarnation breakthrough. Upgrading to the realm of the Creator.

There is no exaggeration here.

The law of pioneers does have such a powerful force.

The fifth thing.

When I went to the West Sea World before, although the main thing was looking for the fifth stone Buddha, in fact, Lin Feng was still looking for another thing, that is, the Taixu God Armor.

Taixu God A is known as the most powerful and mysterious defensive magic weapon in human history, the first defensive magic weapon of the heavens. It is the most precious treasure bred from heaven and earth when the universe was born. It is also the only human race that can withstand the attack of pioneer weapons. A magic weapon for defense.

From these descriptions, we can know how terrifying the Supreme Void God Armor is. The clue to the Supreme Void God Armor was obtained by Lin Feng from Dayu's disciple Wuchen.

Wuchen’s family was trapped for many years. He was old and weak, and had little lifespan. At that time, Lin Feng was unable to help Wuchen’s get out of trouble, and Wuchen asked Lin Feng to go to Wuchen when he came to the wasteland one day in the future. Island, take a look at his wife and children, but Wuchendao has long been a deserted island. It is said that it was a disaster many years ago. Now, there are different opinions on who was responsible for Wuchendao.

Taixu God Armor has a deep relationship with Wuchen Clan. To find Taixu God Armor, you need to find members of Wuchen Clan.

Lin Feng also ordered someone to visit the news secretly.

This matter also needs to wait for the accurate feedback to come back before we can make the next decision!

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