Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 542: The secret of alliance?

Lin Feng said, "To be honest, it is difficult for me to understand your inner thoughts!".

The Lord of the Wasteland said, "Do you think we will go to the opposite side?".

Lin Feng said, "At least from the current point of view, it is more likely to be on the opposite side!"

It's not bad for Lin Feng to say that. In all respects, the two sides seem to have no possibility of cooperation.

Lin Feng had to wonder whether this time the Lord of the Wasteland came to find and proposed to form an alliance, whether it was a secret fraud.

This kind of thing is not impossible, even in Lin Feng's view, the probability of this kind of thing happening is quite large.

In many cases, you can't believe what others say.

I have to have a heart.

The Lord of the Wasteland said, "The reason why he chose to form an alliance with Pavilion Master Lin, or to form an alliance with the forces behind Pavilion Master Lin, is naturally for a reason. Pavilion Master Ji Yunlin should know who it is?".

"My grandpa!" Lin Feng said in surprise that he had never expected that the Lord of the Wasteland would mention his grandfather at this time. It seems that he knew his own details and knew too well, and even knew who his grandfather was.

The Lord of the Wasteland said, "I owe your grandfather's favor, so I choose to form an alliance with you, and I will pay your grandfather's favor!"

"Owed my grandpa for favor? You know my grandpa? What is the relationship between you?". Lin Feng looked at the Lord of the Wasteland and asked.

Lin Feng has always wanted to find Grandpa, but the rumored wasteland Alcatraz has no news. Therefore, Lin Feng is still powerless to find Grandpa.

But now I heard some news about Grandpa from the Lord of the Wasteland. Does that mean that I hope to get more news about Grandpa? If so, that would be great.

The Lord of the Wasteland said, "In fact, after I broke through the realm of the Creator, my body suffered a very serious backlash. The situation has been very bad. I need to use some special things to make my body recover? Time, I met your Grandpa Era!".

"Our relationship is pretty good, he is also a very good person? Knowing that I was going to Alcatraz Island to find something important? So he accompanied me to Alcatraz Island!".

"Alcatraz is a terrible place? It's a place of exile. Even if a strong creator of the Creator level goes to that place, he will encounter some very dangerous things! What's more? I was backlashed? I can't play the creator at all. Although he has worked hard to find what he was looking for, he has also alarmed some terrifying existence? I had to choose to escape from Alcatraz Island quickly!"

"And in the process of escaping from Alcatraz Island? We were surrounded? At that time, my old illness relapsed? The situation was terrible? Your grandfather asked me to go first? After he was responsible for the termination, my condition was really bad at the time, and staying behind also drags you Grandpa, he left Alcatraz first, and then waited outside for your grandpa to come out? But I didn’t expect that? Not long after I came out? Alcatraz became illusory again? Your grandpa did not rush out of Alcatraz in time and was trapped in In Alcatraz!".

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Wasteland, Lin Feng pondered slightly? Whether these words of the Lord of the Wasteland were true or not, Lin Feng was not completely sure, but in his heart, he believed about six times. Around seven minutes.

There are still some content, but it is not fully believed.

If you see Grandpa in the future, you may be able to ask about it, but anyway, if the Lord of the Wasteland has sincerely formed an alliance with him, of course he would be very welcome.

After all, he is a powerhouse at the creator level. Now it seems that some of the troubles he has encountered have also been resolved. His strength is so powerful, and it is also a huge help for himself.

But Lin Feng didn't talk about the alliance directly, because he was more concerned about some things about Grandpa.

Lin Feng asked, "What's the situation with Alcatraz Island? When might it be predicted that Alcatraz Island will reappear?".

The Lord of the Wasteland said, "To be honest, even me, I don’t know much about Alcatraz Island. This place is really mysterious. As for when Alcatraz Island will appear, it’s not easy to say now. Some people think Alcatraz Island. There is a rule to appear, but in fact, there is no rule to speak of!"

"Especially now, when the end of reincarnation comes, many things will change, and many orders have also changed. Therefore, it is even more difficult to predict various things!"

The Lord of the Wasteland is not bad to say that, many things are really hard to predict.

Especially the Alcatraz island that everyone is not familiar with.

What Lin Feng can do now is still patiently waiting.

I hope Alcatraz will appear soon.

Lin Feng said, "The matter is back to the and I are in an alliance, naturally there is no problem, I don't know, do you have any requirements?".

The Lord of the Wasteland said, "I don't have too many requirements, but after the alliance, I will go to the Kunlun Universe to meet your ancestor ruler Ye Xuan and Kunlun ruler!". .

Lin Feng's eyebrows raised slightly. The Lord of the Wasteland seems to have something to ask his ancestors to dominate the ancestor and Ye Xuan. He wants to ask them for help, but if everyone has nothing to do, his ancestors dominate the ancestor and Ye Xuan. Xuan also had no reason to help him.

80% will reject him.

It seems that the main thing the wasteland does is still quite difficult and troublesome.

So this guy wanted to find himself to form an alliance first. After the alliance, the two sides became allies. Is it reasonable for him to go to Kunlun Universe to ask his allies for help?

Good calculation!

But even so, Lin Feng still wouldn't refuse the alliance.

If there is one more such ally to help him accomplish certain things, it is not impossible.

In addition, there is another point. Anyway, the person who helped is not himself, but his ancestor, who ruled the ancestor and the lord of Kunlun, Ye Xuan.

Lin Feng said, "Okay! Let's make an agreement. After the agreement is concluded, I will use the memory crystal to record a piece of content. You will bring the memory crystal to me. After seeing my ancestors, give the memory crystal to me. The ancestors will do it."

"Yes!" said the Lord of the Wasteland.

Lin Feng reminded, "But there are some things I have to say, even if the alliance is really formed, some things can be mentioned, and some things are best not mentioned! How to weigh the mention and non-mentioned degree? You must grasp it yourself!".

The Lord of the Wasteland did not speak, but nodded gently.

He also knew what Lin Feng said metaphorically.

It's just that some words don't need to be said so clearly.

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