Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 545: The eighth magic weapon Hunyuan Umbrella!

Even characters like Lin Feng encountered a lot of trouble when studying this kind of pattern similar to the mirror flower shadow, mainly because the mirror flower shadow pattern itself is obscure, and Lin Feng still needs to create new ones. Of course, the formation pattern is not an easy task.

But fortunately, after repeated failures, Lin Feng has accumulated enough experience, and also found some formations, a good arrangement sequence, you need to experiment one by one before you can know if it can be done. Better results.

The result of the experiment made Lin Feng extremely happy, because the result of the experiment was quite good. In other words, Lin Feng’s hard work was not in vain. After his efforts, he created this special pattern similar to the mirror flower shadow pattern. It has an excellent effect.

However, the real permutation and combination have not been completely determined, it is probably about 70%.

As we all know, there are two key points in the formation of a new permutation and combination.

The first is the initial stage of the formation, which is often difficult to determine. Isn’t there a saying that everything is difficult at the beginning?

This sentence is actually very suitable when used in this place.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but once a good start is made, the next journey will be smoother. Lin Feng studied this kind of formation similar to the mirror flower shadow pattern, and the situation is the same.

Then, after a relatively smooth journey, more difficult things followed.

The more difficult thing is the later stage.

There is a reason why it is more difficult in the later stage.

Need to close in the later stage? The finishing process is very complicated. It is not clear in a few words? And it is necessary to integrate many aspects to finish? It is easy to go wrong.

So? Lin Feng spent a lot of energy and effort in this last stage. I don't know how many times I tried it? Anyway, Lin Feng didn't know how many times he tried.




Although he has been failing? But Lin Feng did not mean to be discouraged. He has always believed that failure is the mother of success.

Failure is not terrible.

The terrible thing is not knowing how to fail.

The meaning of this sentence actually tells us? When we fail? We have to sum up the experience of failure? Learn enough experience from failure? Then? Can failure? Turn into success.

Lin Feng did just that.

Failure again and again.

Summary again and again.

In the end, Lin Feng created a complete set of formations, but the effect is still not easy to say.

Anyway, Lin Feng felt that the problem should not be big.

The formation is completed, which is a good start.

So next? It is time to forge a new magic weapon.

Lin Feng named the new magic weapon "Hunyuan Umbrella".

You can see some characteristics of Hunyuan umbrella from the name.

Defense is the first feature.

Anti-shock is the second feature.

In addition, it can release powerful attacks.

It is equivalent to offensive and defensive integration? But it is much more advanced than some traditional offensive and defensive magic weapons? It is mainly the material, and the formation is too advanced.

The smelting of some precious materials is actually quite difficult. The more precious the materials, the more difficult it is to smelt. However, for Lin Feng, smelting materials is a very easy task, because Lin Feng masters There is a powerful sky fire, and there are still so many sky fires.

Any material, he can basically smelt it successfully.

Lin Feng spent three days smelting the two precious materials, and then let the two materials complete the fusion. After the fusion, the strength of the material is stronger.

Immediately Lin Feng began to forge the Hunyuan Umbrella.

The shape of the Hunyuan umbrella is not very different from the shape of ordinary umbrella magic weapons.

Lin Feng's appearance requirements for this magic weapon are actually not high.

The key is!

How is the formation?

After successfully shaping the embryonic form of the Hunyuan Umbrella, Lin Feng began to arrange the formation for the treasure of Hunyuan Umbrella.

Of course, the formation that Lin Feng studied before was just one of many formations.

The formation that Lin Feng wants to set up is not just this one.

Including some attack-type formations, defensive-type formations, various auxiliary formations, etc., when added together, there are a total of sixty-three types, counting the formations similar to the mirror flower shadow formation.

There are sixty-four kinds in total.

The reason for the arrangement of so many formations is because the Sixty-Four is in line with the art of the acquired gossip, and in harmony with the heavens, it can maximize the power of the Hunyuan Umbrella.

Of course, if you want to arrange more formations, you can.

But where is the combination formation so easy to arrange?

Every time an array is stacked, the degree of difficulty will be greatly increased.

When arranging a combination formation, you can't just simply add multiple formations, but also take into account many aspects, such as whether it conforms to the Zhoutian Art, whether it is in harmony with each other, and so on.

In theory, the number better than sixty-four is one hundred and eight.


Sixty-four formations and 108 formations are totally different from forty-four formations.

The difference is less.

So much difference.

It is too difficult to arrange.

Anyway, Lin Feng didn't have the ability to arrange 108 formations.

That being the case, it is the second best thing.

Lin Feng named the formation similar to the mirror flower shadow formation as "Advanced Countershock Formation!".

As the name suggests, the function of this formation is to counter the shock.

So, how much force can it counter the shock?

If calculated according to Lin Fengjing and Huaying, it should be able to counter shock 100% of the force.

But the key point is that the array that Lin Feng arranged was independently created according to the magical power of Jinghuaying. It should be a relatively difficult thing to achieve the effect of Jinghuaying.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, the high-level anti-seismic formation method should not achieve a 100% anti-seismic effect.

But the specific effect that can be achieved will not be known until Lin Feng has completely forged this magic weapon.

Lin Feng arranged one formation after another on the Hunyuan Umbrella. The previous formations are not particularly difficult to arrange. For a top-level formation mage like Lin Feng, as long as he is serious and not careless, Blindly self-confident, you can successfully complete the stacking of these formations.

The actual situation is also the same. Lin Feng has always concentrated his energy and dared not to neglect. If something goes wrong, it will be too late to regret. After all, materials of this level are not easy to find. Lin Feng has successfully branded the sixty-three formations in front. Above the Hunyuan umbrella.

Now there is the last formation method, that is, the advanced anti-shock formation method is not branded on the Hunyuan umbrella.


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