Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 560: The secret of autumn mountain map

"I burn my life's strength, condense and seal runes, and seal you a piece of time!".

The final voice of Qiu Shantu still resounded in his ears.

The pioneer suddenly stood up, his fists were clenched tightly, and even blue veins appeared on his face.

Anger, pain.

All kinds of emotions all emerged at that moment.

He was wrong.

Until now, he didn't know he was wrong.

Qiu Shantu's departure was not a betrayal of their friendship, but to guard their friendship and guard him.

For a long time, he has been brooding about this matter.

I have always hated Qiu Shantu because of this.

But he did not expect that the truth of the matter turned out to be like this. Qiu Shantu's departure was to sacrifice it and make him perfect.

"Why do you... why do... such a thing?".

"I... don't deserve to make you pay like this! You know what, my friend, I don't deserve!". The pioneer murmured to himself, he hated the existence that was born in Kunlun, because it was that existence that killed his best friend Qiushan Tuzhi.

However, he also hated himself extremely, because he did not choose to believe in his best friend, but has been misunderstanding him and hated him, if he had come back to his mind earlier and investigated the truth of the matter.

Did you mean?

His best friend, the spirit of Qiushan Tu, will not die?

He hates it.

He hates it.

However, he can't do anything now, even if he is supernatural, even if he is king.

However, he still couldn't resurrect an existence that had died for endless years.

Tears slipped down.

He doesn't even know when the last time he cried.

Many people in the Hanshan Snow Clan heard the crying from the depths, and they were very puzzled. The adults are so powerful, and they rule the heavens. There is nothing that can't be done.

Why do you cry?

Moreover, crying so sad and moving!

How can outsiders know that the pioneers and Qiu Shantu grew up together and supported each other?

"It's my fault, it's my fault!".

He kept muttering these words.

"I want revenge! I want to kill the existence of Kunlun Mountain!" He gritted his teeth hatefully.

Although in this era, the pioneers are very powerful, but in addition to the pioneers, there are also some big brothers. Their strength may not be as powerful as the pioneers, but the existence of those big brothers is definitely not to be small. The existence of scowling, if anyone dares to underestimate the existence of those big brothers, it is definitely an extremely bad thing.

Generally speaking, the existence of the big boss level is the existence bred in the famous mountains and rivers. The existence bred in the Kunlun Mountains is naturally among them, not only among them, but even the existence of the leader level.

And don’t forget, Kunlun, the center of the universe!

It is impossible to imagine how important such a place is.

Imagine how extraordinary is Kunlun itself in such an important place?

Those so-called restricted areas of life, death Jedi, may be far from Kunlun.

And those life restricted areas, death Jedi, can form a powerful blessing effect on the creatures inside. After receiving this blessing, the fighting power of those lives inside will be improved by leaps and bounds. What about Kunlun?

Is it greater blessing to the creatures bred in Kunlun Mountain?

This is the high probability.

Therefore, in that era, even pioneers did not do whatever they wanted.

In fact, this is the case in any era, and perhaps there is a strongest person, that is, the supreme powerhouse of an era, and no one is his opponent.

This is a situation on the surface.

But in fact, all kinds of insidious tricks will be displayed in the real life and death fight, such as the help of the terrain, such as siege, sneak attack and so on.

Winning is the most important thing.

Does the strong win every time?

Of course not.

If every time the strong wins, in this world, countless top strong men who have created history may have been obliterated by some strong men who have targeted them before they have grown up.

This is true including Lin Feng.

"I sealed part of the Tao and Dharma in it, hoping to make these contents resonate with the map of Autumn Mountain, and then let the map of Autumn Mountain breed a new spirit, and hope that the new spirit can remember the past!".

The pioneers looked at Qiushantu and said.

Immediately he sealed many important Dao and Dharma in it, and the key to unlocking the seal was the sacred stone of the Hanshan Snow Clan.

This is a race that has followed the pioneers for many years, and it is also the most trusted race by the pioneers, because even the pioneers’ wives are from the Hanshan Snow Race.

The pioneers buried the sealed map of Autumn Mountain in the Holy Land of the Hanshan Snow Clan. Apart from him, only a few big figures of the Hanshan Snow Clan knew about this matter.


The pioneer left the Hanshan Snow Clan, and he went to Kunlun.


All the scenes have disappeared here!

Lin Feng got a lot of amazing content from these pictures, and even got the secret of the autumn mountain picture.

It turned out that the pioneers sealed some of their most powerful Taoism in the map of Autumn Mountain.

The heritage of the pioneers is definitely one of the most terrifying in the world.

Some of his simplest inheritances even far surpass those of the creator-level powerhouses, not to mention the most top-level inheritances?

Mastering the top inheritance of the pioneers is not just a matter of greatly improving combat power, the key is the suppression of Taoism.

Once the suppression of Taoism is formed, the impact on the monks is extremely huge, and the restrictions on the formation of the opposite side are also extremely severe. The combat power of the opposite side will be restricted more severely. Once such restrictions are encountered, it will be difficult to exert combat power Come out, then, the balance of victory will have a huge deviation.

The most top inheritance is naturally everyone's dream of.

But the secret of Qiu Shantu is obviously not only these.

These are just some of the content left by the pioneers. The Akiyama map itself is also extraordinary. For example, the pioneers hadn’t noticed that anyone was unfavorable to him before, but the Akiyama map did. For example, the various formations inside the map of Akiyama.

They are all the initial formations composed of Tiandi Dadao, and the value of these formations is unimaginable.

Etc., etc.

And obviously!

Whether it is inheritance, formation, or other abilities, they are all things Lin Feng needs, and the help to Lin Feng will be extremely huge.


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