Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 562: Entrusted by others

Lin Feng followed the coquettish woman to a living room, which was a very luxurious living room built. From the decoration taste of the living room, it seemed that the owner's personality could be seen.

The coquettish woman greeted Lin Feng to take a seat, and a maid brought spirit tea for Lin Feng. The coquettish woman said, "The son will wait here for a while, and the slave family will go and invite the master over now!"

Lin Feng said, "Thank you!"

"The son is polite!" The coquettish woman said with a smile.

Immediately she left the living room. After waiting for a while, footsteps came from outside. Hearing the footsteps outside, Lin Feng knew that the owner of the floating boat was coming.

Soon, a monk who looked rather young entered the living room. He was not really young, but he looked younger on his face.

The monk looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "Pavilion Master Lin came to my floating boat, really let the floating boat shine!"


This monk knew Lin Feng.

The floating boat is very special and mysterious, and it is definitely more complicated than imagined. It is certain that it also has its own news channel, and Lin Feng has come to someone else's territory.

It's not a fuss to be found out about your true identity.

Lin Feng said, "This Xiongtai is polite. The floating boat is so mysterious and unpredictable. I am curious and awe about floating boats! I hope we can get along happily!".

The man said, "Naturally, I have the same idea. Let me introduce it from me. I am called "You". I have been on the floating boat for several epochs, and I have been responsible for all kinds of things on the floating boat!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but move slightly. Through the words of the tour, Lin Feng seemed to perceive some other content. For example, this tour does not seem to be a separate character. There seems to be someone on him?

If this is the case, then this inference is really amazing enough. After all, the floating boat that you control is already so extraordinary. If there are people on top of him, then, how terrifying the characters above him will be?

Lin Feng said, "I am very curious about one thing. I wonder if I can ask your Excellency?".

You said, "Of course there is no problem!"

Lin Feng looked at Xiangyou and asked, "What kind of existence is a floating boat?"

You did not answer Lin Feng's question, but looked at Lin Feng and asked, "Then Pavilion Master Lin thinks, what kind of existence does the cruise ship belong to?".

Lin Feng didn't know much about floating boats.

But it does not mean that there is no understanding. For example, after a floating boat appears once, it will disappear for a period of time. Nobody knows where it has gone. For example, there are rumors that the floating boat can be in the past, present, and future three time and space. I don’t know if it’s true or not. This kind of news is gossip, and it means to be false. Lin Feng doesn’t believe it. Of course, there are many rumors about floating boats, so I won’t repeat them here.

Lin Feng said, "I have heard some, but many news may not be accurate, so I want to hear some more accurate news!".

You said, "Even if it's me, I can't disclose too much, but I can tell Pavilion Master Lin some things!".


You continued, "Pavilion Master Lin only needs to know that the existence of a floating boat is not a bad thing. For many monks, the existence of a floating boat has huge benefits, but no harm!".

Lin Feng said, "So, what is the ultimate goal? Is it purely to help others? Such words are hard to believe!".

You said, "Maybe it can be called a mission!".

Upon hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but frowned slightly, and You were obviously jealous. Therefore, these words had some meaning in the words.

It can also be said that something is deliberately hidden.

But this does not prevent Lin Feng from speculating.

Is the mission mentioned by You similar to a curse?

Of course, this is just an analogy.

The curse is evil.

Once you are cursed, you may be forced to do something you don't want to do. If you don't do it, the result will be disastrous.

But the mission is another story.

Mission is more like a strong sense of responsibility, which is a positive and dedication spirit.

It is completely different from the coercion after being cursed.

The floating boat is more like a mission...There are some unknown reasons behind it. Although Lin Feng also wants to explore it, You are not willing to talk more about this matter.

Lin Feng also has no other channels to search for the truth. In that case, why bother to search for the truth?

No need, mediocrity!

Lin Feng asked, "Then what is your reason for inviting me over this time? It's not as simple as just wanting to get to know me, right?".

You said, "Of course not! Actually, I invited Pavilion Master Lin this time because someone asked me to hand over an item to Pavilion Master Lin. Originally, I was thinking that after the trade fair was over, I went to visit Pavilion Master Lin in the Dragon Pavilion. Yes, by the way, I handed over the things to Pavilion Master Lin, but he did not expect that Pavilion Master Lin would actually board the floating boat, which saved a lot of trouble!".

"Entrusted? Give me something?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but stunned slightly.

His guess was that You might have to find some deals or ask him for help. He really didn't expect it to be what You said.

Lin Feng asked, "Who is the person you mentioned? Can't he know me?".

You said, "I don't know if she knows Pavilion Master Lin or not. I didn't ask about the details. I just brought something to help. I don't know anything about the rest!"

Lin Feng didn't believe what You said.

Does he really know?

Lin Feng thinks, not necessarily!

He just didn't want to talk about it, Lin Feng was a little helpless, he couldn't force him to lobby, right?

Then both sides must not tear their skins?

Lin Feng said, "I can't disclose the specifics. The person who asked you to send me things is a man or a woman, old or young. You should be able to tell me?".

"This……". You hesitated.

Lin Feng saw You's look, and thought this matter was interesting.

So Lin Feng continued, "I think the other party did not deliberately avoid this matter, so it should be able to tell me!".

You said, "The other party did not mention this matter deliberately. If so, it doesn't hurt to tell you!".

"The person who asked me to bring you something is a...woman!".

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