Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 568: Successful transaction

Sometimes something cannot be forced, and it is useless. After all, not everything can be developed according to one's own will.

For example, in this matter, Lin Feng wanted the plastic base liquid, including the members on his side, also yearned to get the plastic base liquid, but the key was that he couldn't get the core origin of the Creator.

Lin Feng was a little helpless.

However, what surprised Lin Feng was that the rest of the people couldn’t get the origin of the Creator’s core, including many top-level, profound powers, and they couldn’t get it. If you think about it, it’s normal that these forces can’t get the origin of the Creator’s core .

Creator, what a rare existence?

Many people may not be able to see a Creator in their lifetime.

It is a great opportunity to be able to obtain the origin of the Creator, and still want to obtain the core origin of the Creator?

Go dreaming!

Situ Ming frowned slightly, but everyone couldn't come up with the Creator's core origin. He was not without any premonitions. In fact, he had already expected it. After all, the Creator's core origin was indeed too rare.

Situ Ming said, "If you can't come up with the core origin of the Creator, then you can exchange it with another thing!".

"what?". Everyone's spirits suddenly lifted.

Including Lin Feng and others, their spirits could not help but suddenly lifted.

It seems that this is an alternative.

First throw out a plan that is difficult to complete. If it is completed, it will be better. If it cannot be completed, then throw out alternatives.

It's really old and cunning.

Situ Ming said, "Dark Magic Liquid!"

"Dark magic liquid? What is this?" Many people are puzzled, this term is too strange.

Even Lin Feng hadn't even heard the name.

But not everyone is unaware.

The Great Hell Demon Sage knows.

The Great Prison Demon Sage said, "It is rumored that the dark magic liquid is a kind of magic liquid that was born when darkness enveloped the heavens and the world, and it contains terrifying magical power!".

So, when is darkness covering the heavens and all realms?

This is a relatively vague title. It should be a certain period when the era was broken and the cycle of reincarnation collapsed. It is hard to say, but this is not the key. The key is that the dark magic liquid was born at this time. It is very rare, and there are even few Knowing this kind of thing, even if you see it, you don't necessarily know the value of this kind of thing.

"Do you guys have such a thing?" Situ Ming asked, looking at everyone in the trading hall.

Everyone frowned.

Obviously, there is no such thing.

Poison Ancestor looked at the Great Prison Demon Saint and asked, "Is this something difficult to do?"

The Great Prison Demon Sage said, "I have only heard of it, but I haven't seen it before, so it should be an extremely difficult one!"

The poisonous ancestor wailed, "This is hard for us, why are the things we want so strange?".

Lin Feng said, "It is precisely because these things are not easy to get, that the other party will exchange such precious things!".

"Since no one takes out these things, the plastic base liquid can only be reserved for the next transaction!" Situ Ming said.

Save it for next time?

How about the year of the monkey?

Moreover, the reincarnation is about to collapse.

who knows. . . Will there be a new trade fair before the reincarnation collapses?

But everyone can't get what the other party wants, so naturally they have no choice but to sigh, what else can they do?

At this time, Xiao Hei looked at Lin Feng and said, "I have dark magic liquid here!"

"Ah? You have a dark magic liquid? Brother Xiaohei, are you true?" The Poison Ancestor also heard Xiao Hei's voice and almost jumped up, looking at Xiao Hei with an extremely excited expression. black.

The rest of the people also have very surprised expressions. If Xiao Hei can really take out something like the dark magic liquid, then the plastic base liquid will be theirs. Even if Xiao Hei takes the big head, he will act like Lin Feng. The style will definitely be reconciled, and some will be shared with everyone.

How can everyone not be excited?

Lin Feng was also quite surprised. Of course, he was very clear about how extraordinary the origin of Xiao Hei was.

Now, Xiao Hei even took out things like Dark Demon Liquid.

It further proved his extraordinary.

It's just a pity that his clan has basically been annihilated, and Xiao Hei's deep hatred has not yet been reported.

Also a poor little guy.

Xiao Hei did not use words to answer Poison Ancestor, but just nodded, and then he stretched out his paws, the light flashed, a porcelain vase appeared in his paws, and he handed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng opened the seal of the porcelain bottle. He needs to see what kind of thing the dark magic liquid is. If he sees the dark magic liquid in the future, he will not make a joke about not knowing the dark magic liquid. Come.

Immediately, Lin Feng handed the porcelain bottle containing the dark magic liquid to Situ Ming.

Situ Ming checked it carefully, then nodded, and said, "Yes! This thing is indeed dark magic liquid!"

Hear the words.

Lin Feng and the others were relieved.

The two parties made a deal, Lin Feng got the plastic base liquid, and Situ Ming got the dark magic liquid, and everyone was happy.

Lin Feng wanted to hand over the plastic base liquid to Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei asked Lin Feng to distribute it.

This little guy is usually cold, but he is still very good at being a human being.

Poison Ancestor and the others are now gearing up a bit, and they want to immediately divide the plastic base liquid.

But the trade fair is still going on, wait a while.

Lin Feng smiled secretly!

Now Poison Ancestor and their minds are not at the trade fair.

Lin Feng could also understand their anxious mood.

This thing is too important to them, and it can increase their hope of breaking through the realm of the Creator.

After all, they are different from Lin Feng.

Lin Feng will break through almost 100% in the future, but what about the poisonous ancestors?

Normally, there are so many of them, and one or two of them have completed a breakthrough, which is already extremely defying.

Everyone is full of expectations.

In order to be able to make breakthroughs, they must seize all the opportunities to improve themselves. If they get enough opportunities, then one or two breakthrough places may become four or five breakthrough places, or even become Seven or eight breakthrough places.

This is the result of accumulation over time.

In the next trade fair, a lot of good things did appear.

But obviously.

It’s already difficult for everyone to put their minds on the trade fair, and the things that appeared in the trade fair later did not interest everyone. After the trade fair, Po Zu and others couldn’t wait to pull Lin Feng back. They I want to get my own plastic base liquid soon.


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