Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 575: The monk who revives the mysterious seed in the pubic pub

The Poison Ancestor said, "Apart from us, is there anyone who wants to collect the Pioneer Law of the Deep Sea Demon Lair?".

The others were also very surprised, not knowing who was doing this.

You know, the Pioneer Law of the Deep Sea Demon is only a law, but it is as huge as a mountain, and the power is unimaginable. Such a law is too powerful, and it can't be collected if you want to collect it.

Lin Feng also waited for his external avatar to break through to the realm of the Creator before he came here to collect this pioneer law. This shows how much Lin Feng attaches importance to this matter.

The opponent dared to collect the Pioneer's Law, could it be that they also have the power of the creator level?

It sounds really incredible!

after all.

The Wasteland World is very special. If you become a creator-level powerhouse outside of the Wasteland World, there is no way to come to the Wasteland World, unless, like Lin Feng, you get the approval of the Wasteland World origin before you can descend into the Wasteland World.

In the wasteland world, there are only two people with the power of the creator, one is Lin Feng, the other is the master of the wasteland.

The Lord of the Wasteland had already left and went to Kunlun Universe.

Then only Lin Feng was left.

Things are a little strange.

Lin Feng said, "Let's observe in secret first to see what is going on!".

"it is good!". The others nodded.

Everyone’s expressions are more solemn. Although the strongest heaven group is strong, the opponent dared to collect the Pioneer’s Law. It can be seen how powerful the opponent is, and the opponent is also prepared. If it is really a fight, what will happen, it’s hard to say. .

Observing the specific situation of the other party in secret, it is indeed the best choice for now.

Lin Feng waved his big hand, everyone's body disappeared, he used the space technique to hide everyone's body.

It is not easy for the other party to detect people like them. Observe in the dark. One is to check the situation of the other party, and the other is to make some countermeasures based on the specific situation, such as whether Can you be a siskin?

Soon Lin Feng and the others saw the two sides fighting together.

In the darkness, there are five monks suspended, and the five monks are extremely powerful, and they are besieging the law of pioneers in the depths.

The five monks, four men and one woman, among the four men, there is an old man, two middle-aged men, and a monk who looks rather young, but this is just a matter of face.

Their actual age is obviously already very old.

As for the woman.

It looks almost like a young woman in her thirties.

When seeing these people, Lin Feng knew that these people were not strong at the creator level, but their combat power was so powerful, it was indeed a bit strange.

"The old man, the aura is very similar to the aura of the royal monks of the Black Hand World behind the scenes, it is very likely that they are the monks of the royal family behind the Black Hand World!" said the Great Prison Demon Saint.

"Ok!". Lin Feng nodded, he also discovered this.

The Great Prison Demon Sage said, "The middle-aged monk who is holding a treasure like a sickle should be a strong man under the command of the Taishan Mansion. The treasure he is holding is the sickle of death, a treasure of the Creator level, it is Mount Tai. One of the treasures that the man has mastered!".

"Another monk who looks like a middle-aged man, the curse on his body is so powerful, he should be the Lord of the Curse!"

"As for the man who looked at the youngest male cultivator, his breath of life was so exuberant, he felt like a person from the Lord of Life."

"As for that woman, her breath is a bit special, I can't tell where she came from!"

The analysis by the Great Prison Demon Sage is not much different from the analysis by Lin Feng.

As for the woman.

It's really weird.

Lin Feng is also not very good at scrutinizing the identity of that woman, but no matter what identity she is, who she is, since she has been mingled with Prince Taishan, the people behind the black hand world royal family.

This explains.

They are in a group.

It is enough to know this.

In addition to the monk holding the death sickle who holds a creator-level magic weapon, the monk behind the black hand world royal family also holds a creator-level treasure, which is a sword with unmatched edge and sword. Cut out, it seems that everything can be destroyed.

The five masters of the two creator-level treasures are really generous, but the magic weapon does not seem to be the most critical. The most important thing is that the breath of these five is strange.

Lin Feng felt that in their dantian, if there was a steady flow of power, these people should be monks who refined the Creator's Law. Lin Feng could feel the breath of the Creator's Law from them. This would not be wrong. , But after refining the Creator's Law, it is far less powerful than it is now, and the problem lies with their Dantian.

"What do you think of the strength of these people?" Lin Feng said.

Poison Ancestor said, "These few people are a little bit unbelievable, and they haven't broken through the realm of the Creator. Even if the Creator's Law is refined, they should be far less powerful!".

Lin Feng said, "Pay attention to their Dantian position!"

After Lin Feng reminded him, Poison Ancestor and others also felt carefully.

The Great Prison Demon Saint said, "I thought of a certain legend!"

"What legend?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

The others also looked at the Great Hell Demon Saint.

The Great Prison Demon Sage said, "It is said that some extremely ancient forces seem to have a very special mysterious seed, and this mysterious seed can be planted in the monk's dantian!".

"The monk uses his own mana as the raw material to water this mysterious seed day and night. This mysterious seed may take root and germinate. Of course, the probability of this mysterious seed rooting and germinating is very low. Sometimes, many epochs. It may not be possible to see one case, but if it really takes root, then this will be a great opportunity!".

"It almost means that this monk is bound to rise! And when this mysterious seed becomes a seedling and gradually grows up, this monk can communicate with their family's ancestors through the small trees in the dantian, and through the dantian The little tree in the middle is the power to communicate with the family ancestors infinitely!".

"These ancient forces, how extraordinary the family ancestors are, don’t need me to say that everyone should be clear. Therefore, it is an extremely terrifying ability to infinitely mobilize the power of the family’s ancestral land! Such characters are indeed terrifying. It now appears that these monks are probably the monks who have revived the mysterious seeds in the pubic area according to the rumors!".


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