Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 579: Persuasion fails, the law of pioneers who fight to the death!

Inside the Pioneer Law, there is a very special force resisting the refining of Lin Feng's power.

This situation caused Lin Feng's brows to frown slightly.

Lin Feng knew that it was definitely not an easy task to refine the Pioneer Law.

This has just entered the mana into the Pioneer Law, and has already encountered some more troublesome things.

It seems that the matter of refining the Pioneer Law may be more difficult than imagined.

But this is something Lin Feng must face.

And Lin Feng is very confident in himself.

Even the law of pioneers is extremely difficult to refine.

He believed that if he wanted to spend a certain amount of time with his powerful ability, he would definitely be able to refine the law of pioneers.

Lin Feng also has enough patience.

Poison Ancestor and others are guarding the surroundings, watching the surrounding situation very vigilantly. Although the five powerful monks have already left, no one can guarantee whether they will return, or Say, are there other terrible existences lurking in the dark?

Also want to **** the law of pioneers, so you still have to be vigilant at this time.

In order to avoid some unexpected changes.

But fortunately, such a thing has never happened.

With the passage of time, the connection between Lin Feng and the pioneers has continued to strengthen.

Such a situation.

Lin Feng's face couldn't help showing joy.

It seems that it shouldn't take too long to refine this pioneer's law.

Although this Pioneer Law is not a complete Pioneer Law, even if it is not complete, the level of the Pioneer Law is placed here. Once this law is refined, then Lin Feng's comprehensive combat effectiveness will be Will get an unimaginable improvement.


Without the help of his external avatar, Lin Feng can have the ability to fight against some creators. This is the huge improvement that the Pioneer Law brings to a monk.


What if Lin Feng used the power of his external avatar?

Can imagine, after double stacking, Lin Feng's combat power will increase to what amazing extent?

Even Lin Feng.

I also look forward to it.

He hopes to see this situation emerge soon.

The breath and brand that Lin Feng left on this Pioneer Law is getting stronger and stronger, and he can clearly feel the emotions and fluctuations that this Pioneer Law exudes.

Lin Feng estimated.

In a few hours, it will be possible to refine this pioneer rule.


From the beginning to the present, about three days have passed.

The time spent is not too long.

If you change to another monk, don't talk about three days. Even if you give them three years, they may not be able to leave any brand and breath on the Pioneer Law.

Maybe it was already anti-controlled by the Law of the Pioneers. This is not alarmist. The Law of the Pioneers does have such a terrible ability to control many monks.

But obviously.

The Pioneer Law had no way to control a powerful monk like Lin Feng.

and so.

Lin Feng was able to gradually refine the Pioneer Law.

But at this moment, a voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind, and the voice said, "I have to admit that you are indeed an extremely powerful character. At a young age, you have such a terrifying ability. In the long years, even if it was me, I rarely saw a person as enchanting as you."

"So I don’t want to have too much conflict with a powerful existence like you. Although you seem to be able to refine me now, it is because I have not fully released my power. When I release these powers After it is completely released, the impact formed is beyond your imagination."

"For you, or for me, it is an extremely bad thing, and it will even hurt us both. Such a situation should be a situation you don't want to see, right?".

Lin Feng sneered and said, "What do you mean by saying such a thing at this time? Do you want me to give up halfway? Do you think that if you threaten me by saying this, I will give up the law of refining pioneers? No? No matter how you threaten me, today I must refine the law of pioneers!".

"Because I need to use the Law of Expanders to improve my own strength. I think you should be very clear about this, and you don't need to say anything to me."

The voice in my mind continued, "Of course I understand everything, but the situation I just mentioned is also the situation you have to face. Of course, if you can take a step back, then I can help you find Other pioneer laws, if I help, then it will be much easier for you to refine other pioneer laws. What do you think of this deal?".

Lin Feng said, "Did you draw a pie for me? There may be some pioneer laws between heaven and earth, but who knows where? Of course, if you cooperate with you, in the future, it is very possible to find With these pioneer laws, if I really find more refining of the pioneer laws, it will really help me improve my cultivation level."

"However, this is only what will happen in the future, not what is happening now. No one knows what changes will happen in the future, and I obviously cannot entrust everything to the future, so even The big pie you drew for me is very beautiful and moving. It is still difficult to change my mind. Let's fight a battle. I also want to see how powerful your accumulated power is."

This voice just said coldly, "You are too stubborn, and soon you will regret the decision you made."

Lin Feng said, "Really? If you want me to regret it, then show your own strength."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he didn't say anything else.

Instead, continue to refine the law of pioneers.

And this time.

The Pioneer Law seems to have to fight Lin Feng desperately.

An extremely terrifying force emerged from the Law of the Pioneers.

This extremely terrifying power is like an ordinary person suddenly facing a tsunami.

An ordinary person in front of the tsunami.

You will feel how terrible the power of nature is.

I will feel how small I am.

This feeling is extremely bad.

But this is what Lin Feng really feels now.

Lin Feng's brows wrinkled slightly.

The Pioneer Law does not lie.

The power he has accumulated is indeed terrifying enough.

It is even enough to destroy a powerful creator at the level of the creator.

It also brought great pressure to Lin Feng.

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