Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 581: New discovery


It's so comfortable!

This feeling of infinite improvement of power is really an unparalleled feeling of comfort.

Even if it's just an incomplete Pioneer Law, it is hard to imagine the improvement of one's own strength. This kind of improvement is really too important for Lin Feng.

why would you said this?

This is because Lin Feng will almost 100% break through the realm of the Creator in the future.

And as we all know, the stronger the savings, the harder it is to break through. If Lin Feng hadn't practiced the great free magic passed down by his father Lin Baitian, it would be extremely difficult for him to break through.

Shouldn't continue to settle, continue to accumulate, that is not necessarily a good thing for him, and may even hinder his further promotion.

Like the quasi-creator-level existence, even if they were given the Pioneer Law, they would not dare to refining, mainly because after refining, there is basically no hope of breakthrough.

They will choose to refining after the breakthrough. This choice is the best choice. Lin Feng is different from them, with great freedom and magic, which completely changed Lin Feng's cultivation method. Lin Feng can deposit and save without limit. , No matter how huge his precipitation and savings are, Lin Feng won't worry about it.

The strength in Lin Feng's body is still constantly improving. After the Pioneer Law is refined by him, he is in the main position, and the Quasi-Creator Law in his body is hovering around the Pioneer Law.

"Sixty percent of the pioneer rule!". Lin Feng couldn't help thinking slightly.

This Pioneer Law is incomplete. Lin Feng knew about this early, but Lin Feng didn’t know exactly how much the Pioneer Law was. Now he can figure out this matter thoroughly. It is about 60% of the Pioneer Law.

The incomplete Pioneer Laws are so powerful, how terrifying are the complete Pioneer Laws?

It is unimaginable!

Then I thought about it, if it were a complete law of pioneers, with his ability, it might not be possible to refine that complete law of pioneers at all. Therefore, at this stage, for Lin Feng, the incomplete pioneer in front of him The law is the most perfect pioneer law.

The increase in strength is continuous and lasted for about two days. Lin Feng discovered that after refining this pioneer law, his own mana is even stronger than that of the outer incarnation of the Creator realm. The level of strength, a monk who has not broken through the realm of the creator, and even more powerful than a monk of the creator level, this kind of improvement is absolutely unimaginable.

Originally, Lin Feng felt that after refining the Pioneer’s Law, his realm would be improved accordingly. However, the ideal is very beautiful, the reality is cruel, and the Pioneer Law does not help much to improve the realm, so Lin Feng’s realm has not been achieved Improve, but from another angle, it doesn’t seem to be a bad thing.

Because the realm is not improved, but the combat power has increased crazily, which is also considered a disguised form. It has increased Lin Feng's potential. This is a very important thing. The increase in potential means that Lin Feng will go further in the future.

Obviously, Lin Feng is extremely satisfied with the benefits brought by the law of refining pioneers. Now he has the power to fight against many creator-level powerhouses. This feeling is really cool, Lin Feng He even couldn't wait to fight against some creator-level powerhouses to test his own strength and how.

"Let's go!"

Lin Feng said.

When a group of people were about to leave this place, suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he noticed something strange.

"Wait!" Lin Feng continued.

Poison Ancestor asked, "What's wrong?"

"Come with me!" Lin Feng said.

He flew towards the depths. If he remembers correctly, that place should be where the Pioneer Law was before. When Lin Feng planned to leave, he felt some slight fluctuations from that place. Although the fluctuations were extremely extreme Weak, but extremely extraordinary.

The Poison Ancestor and the others followed, and quickly flew towards that place. Soon Lin Feng and the others came to the area where the Pioneer Law was before, but after they came here, they found nothing.

Lin Feng felt a little strange. Although the feeling just now was faint, he did feel it. Lin Feng would never doubt his own induction, but when he came here, there was nothing. What does this mean?

"Everyone look carefully! I feel like something is hidden here!" Lin Feng said.

The crowd was scattered everywhere, even exploring the underground space, but still nothing was found.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, could it really be that he felt wrong?

Maybe it's because after going through a series of battles, the body is already extremely tired.

So, when the body is extremely exhausted, it is easy to have some hallucinations?

Although this possibility is unlikely, it seems to be explained.

"Let's go, I may be wrong!" Lin Feng said.

When everyone was about to leave, Beibei suddenly babbled, this little guy seems to have discovered something?

Beibei is different!

His perception of space is a racial talent. This racial talent is too powerful. Many people, even if they work harder the day after tomorrow, can hardly surpass Beibei in this regard.

This involves a somewhat pessimistic topic. Although success is 99% perspiration plus 1% talent, in many cases, without that 1% talent, it often fails.

"Did Beibei find anything?" Xia Donghuang said.

Everyone looked at Beibei. Everyone knew how powerful Beibei's talent was. Perhaps Beibei could discover some things that others could not discover. It would be great if there is a real chance here.

People don't think about things like Pioneer's Law. This is Lin Feng's opportunity. Of course, even if they get it, they can't refining it, and they can't support their own refining Pioneer Law.

Forcibly refining, there is only one dead end.

But other opportunities are opportunities that everyone can digest.

Soon, everyone came to Beibei. Lin Feng looked at Beibei and asked, "Babe, have you found anything?".

Beibei nodded hurriedly, and then saw Beibei waving her small paws, playing a series of magic tricks, a series of runes condensed, these runes merged into the void.

Soon after, the dark power escaped from nothingness. After seeing the dark power that escaped, everyone was a little surprised. Before, everyone did not find anything, but Beibei discovered it. The little guy is really amazing.

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