Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 587: Token

But the key is, who killed Wuchenshi?

Lin Feng needs to find the answer here. If he knows who killed the Wuchen Clan, he might be able to **** the Taixu God Armor back in the future.

Although this treasure is a natural treasure, it is a treasure that has been sacrificed for a long time by the human race. It is of great significance to the human race and should be in the hands of the human race.

"Go and look among the ruins to see if you can find useful clues!" Lin Feng said.

Everyone nodded and flew towards the ruins.

Soon he came to the ruins.

Then carefully search for some clues that may be left in the ruins, and see if you can find something you want to see from here.

However, after searching carefully, it seems that he could not find any clues.

Soon after, Lin Feng came to the center of the Wuchen clan.

This is the place where Wuchen’s ancestral hall is located. Of course, the ancestral hall has also been ruined and destroyed by the war. Most of the ancestral hall has collapsed, and some places have not collapsed. There are some memorial tablets placed on them, which are more important figures in the history of Wuchen family. Only after their deaths, their memorial tablets may be placed in the ancestral hall.

"This family! What a pity!". Lin Feng couldn't help sighing slightly.

The ancestors of the Human race had also created brilliance back then. They were the leaders of the Human race in difficult times. In those times, the strength of the Human race was relatively weak, and they even experienced the risk of being almost annihilated several times.

The human race is the strongest race, and it has always been strong.

Of course, it’s not to say that the ancestors of the Human race were all good. For some races, such as the Celestial Race, the Immortal Race, and other human race ancestors, they didn't even recognize that they were a human race.

They feel that they are immortal races, other races, anyway, they are more noble races, not the human races that were regarded by many races as "low races" in that era.

Not acknowledging one's roots, this kind of thing makes people angry, but what can be done?

In any era, there is no shortage of people who betray their own race.

But the Wuchen clan is not such a race. The ancestors of the Wuchen clan, Gonggong clan, Zhu Rong clan, etc., have always been on the side of the evil race.

It can be said unceremoniously.

These ancestors of the human race have made indelible contributions to the development of the human race. If these ancestors of the human race did not destroy the race, but have been passed on to the present, the influence of the human race ancestors must have developed to a very strong degree.

However, in this world, there is no if.


It's genocide!


Lin Feng displayed the secret technique and wanted to see if there was a special imprint that could reproduce some scenes of the year.

It's just that Lin Feng also knows that time is too long.

It is also extremely difficult to use the secret technique to reproduce some scenes of the year, and it is even difficult to succeed.

Lin Feng tried many times, and indeed all ended in failure.

"No clues can be found!" Lin Feng couldn't help sighing.

He planned to visit other places, but at this moment, the sound of clicking, the shrine of the ancestral hall quickly cracked.

In fact, after a long period of time, the shrines in the ancestral hall have long since cracked.

It's just not completely destroyed, but now it seems to be completely destroyed.

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Soon, the shrine cracked completely, and a lot of rubble was scattered.

"What is that?" Suddenly, Lin Feng's gaze condensed, he saw something in the ruins, and Lin Feng quickly stepped forward and took it out.

He checked it carefully and found that the thing was a special token.

On the front, there are some patterns of flowers, birds, and animals, and on the back, there are patterns of sacrificial offerings to the ancestors of the human race.

Lin Feng tried to invade this token with his spiritual mind to see if he could find the virtual reality of this token, but his spiritual mind was blocked by the token and he did not intrude into the token as he wished. .

Such a situation caused Lin Feng's brows to wrinkle slightly, and it seemed that he was a little unsatisfied.

What is the origin of this token?

Lin Feng was thinking about this issue.

Poison Ancestor and others also came over, and Poison Ancestor asked, "What is this?".

Lin Feng said, "Not very clear, very strange token!"

Aragorn said, "This seems to be an identity token!".

"Is it an identity token?" Lin Feng was surprised, and he immediately said, "It's just why I can't sense any special place?".

Aragorn said, "Some extremely ancient identity tokens have special forging methods and only allow some special presences to be sensed! For example, our clan has an identity token that can only be sensed by inheriting the position of the patriarch. That piece of identity token, even if the rest of the people get that piece of identity token, no matter how powerful his methods are, they can’t sense any useful information from that piece of identity token. I guess, this token, Probably so too!".

Aragorn is a figure from the world behind the scenes. He is well-informed. What he said sounds quite reasonable.

If it is what Aragon said, then this identity token is really unusual.

Is it an identity token passed down from Wuchenshi?

"Except for this token, there is nothing else useful. Perhaps this identity token can be used to sense something!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but say.

He has a lot of mysticism, and if this identity token is used well, it can indeed play an extremely important role.

Maybe you can really use this identity token to find some important clues.

Just do it.

Lin Feng drew some magic circles on the ground, and then displayed the deduction technique. In the deduction technique, the power of the way of destiny was incorporated.

Lin Feng doesn't deduct it very often. He thinks it will bring ambiguity, but occasionally deduction is still fine.

Using this token deduction, Lin Feng vaguely saw an ancient world.

That ancient world does not know what age the world is.

An endless ocean, an island suspended above the ocean.

There is no real contact with the ocean.

Floating island?

Lin Feng was very surprised.

If the content he sensed by relying on this token is true, then the island he sensed should be a dust-free island, right?

Through this induction, it was discovered that Wuchendao is a floating island.

But now, the dust-free island they logged on has fallen into the ocean. What is going on? Could it have something to do with the war of the year?


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