Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 600: The moon lifts off

Although the strength of the Supreme Void God Armor is very powerful, the existence in the darkness is really too terrifying, they are obviously deliberate and prepared.

It is basically impossible to reverse this battle by relying solely on the help of Taixu God Armor.

As for the Wuchen family, although the strength is not weak, it really speaks.

Compared with the existence in the darkness, Wuchen's gap is still quite big.

If it weren't for the help of Taixu Shenjia.

Wuchen couldn't resist the attacks that existed in the darkness for long.

And now.

With the help of Taixu Divine Armor, Wuchen was at least entangled with the existence in the darkness for a while.

At this time Lin Feng discovered one thing.

He found that with the help of Taixu God Armor, a part of the Wuchen clan had been sent out.

The number is not too large.

About dozens of people.

Most of the people sent out are very young and have more potential.

After they were sent out, it meant that Wuchen had a fire to stay.

After seeing this scene, Lin Feng felt a little comforted. From Lin Feng's heart, he certainly did not want the Wuchen clan to be annihilated, but the current result has not moved towards the worst situation.

These surviving people can continue to spread branches and leaves, so that Wuchen's blood will be preserved, and the entire race will not be destroyed. However, where these people were sent away is unknown. Up.

After all, the time is too long, and it is more difficult to investigate their clues.

And there is one more thing.

That is.

After they were sent out that year.

These relatively young people from the dust-free clan.

How many family inheritances have been mastered, it is not known, as time goes by.

They may gradually become mediocre, and may even forget who their ancestors were.

If this is the case, then it would be even more difficult to investigate where the Wuchen clan people are, and even almost impossible.

Now Lin Feng's mind is not on those of the Wuchen clan, just know that the Wuchen clan has not been annihilated.

What he cares about now is mainly the treasure of Taixu God Armor.

Although Wuchentian always said that the Taixu God Armor was on this island, it was just a guess after all, and he did not really see the treasure of Taixu God Armor.

The existence in the darkness is so powerful, did they suppress the Void God Armor before leaving?

And then took the Taixu God Armor away?

This is also possible.

Lin Feng continued to watch these pictures, various pictures flashed quickly, and Lin Feng learned many things that happened that year.

Lin Feng learned from these pictures that Taixu God Armor wanted to take some of the still alive Wuchen clan members to break out, but failed to successfully break out of the encirclement.

As time went by, all the members of the Wuchen clan were killed on the island.

In the end, there was only the Taixu God Armor.

The strength of Taixu Divine Armor is very powerful. If he does not bring other people to break through, but he breaks through himself, the possibility of him breaking out is still very high.

The fact is that this is indeed the case. When the Void God Armor tried to break through alone, the powerful beings in the darkness were not able to quickly suppress the Void God Armor, but were torn apart by the encirclement of the Void God Armor. A gap.

Taixu God Armor rushed out from the encirclement.

After Taixu Shenjia escaped.

The existence in the darkness quickly left the island and chased out the Supreme Void God Armor.

After seeing here.

Lin Feng showed a thoughtful expression.

So to say.

Taixu Shenjia successfully escaped back then.

In that case, Taixu God Armor should not be on this island, right?

However, at this time, the picture has not completely disappeared, so you should be able to see some new pictures later.

Lin Feng continued to wait.

See if there will be some new changes?

The picture for a long time has been fixed on the clean island.

There are corpses everywhere on the clean island.

In addition to the dozens of people who fled.

All the people of Wuchen clan died on the island.

have to say.

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This is an extremely sad thing, and after a while, Lin Feng saw a pair of **** armor flying from outside the sky, and the **** armor flying from outside the sky was the one who broke out from the island before. Void God Armor.

After Taixu God Armor left the island, he returned to the island again, which surprised Lin Feng.

He hadn't thought that Taixu God Armor would come back.

After the return of Taixu Shenjia.

I don't know what kind of methods Taixu Shenjia used.

There was a loud rumbling sound from the entire island, and then, within a short time, the entire island disappeared.

It was not until this time that Lin Feng knew that the disappearance of this island had such a close relationship with the Supreme Void God Armor.

I didn't think about it before.

All the pictures came to an abrupt end here.

But Lin Feng got some things he wanted to know.

The treasure of Taixu God Armor is indeed on this island, but it is not known where the Taixu God Armor is hidden.

Although this strange stone has imprinted a lot of pictures, including the picture of the Taixu God Armor returning to this island again, but after the island disappeared, it has no more pictures that can imprint the Taixu God Armor. .

After the Taixu God Armor disappeared with this island, it never appeared again, which made Lin Feng feel extremely strange.

Why didn't Taixu God Armor appear?

Where does it hide?

In other words, is Taixu God Armor unable to retreat?

Does it want to enhance its strength through retreat?

If the Taixu Divine Armor is regarded as a tool repair, then the Taixu Divine Armor may indeed choose to retreat, because the tool repair is different from ordinary magic weapons.

It seems that you still need to wait until the night of the full moon arrives to see what changes will happen to the outside world, and then further look for clues to the Supreme Void God Armor.

by that time.

Maybe you can find the Supreme Void God Armor.

So far.

Lin Feng left this place and went to other places to check to see if he could find some special clues.

But Lin Feng couldn't find any clues, so Lin Feng returned to the place where the ruins were and waited patiently.

Two days later.

The night of the full moon has arrived.

A bright moon.

Slowly lifted into the sky.

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