Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 633: Pioneer era! Twelve ancestor demons!

"Book of Undead!".

The existence in the seventh hanging coffin said.

Lin Feng was still a little surprised that this existence could recognize the Book of the Dead.

Because Lin Feng felt that their age should be far earlier than the time when the Book of the Dead existed. In theory, they should not know the Book of the Dead, but now it seems that this idea is wrong.

Lin Feng changed his mind to think about when did the Book of the Dead appear? It's really hard to tell. Although I have heard some rumors, who knows if these rumors are true?

Everything is just audible.

It's not true.

Therefore, the era when the Book of the Dead appeared is a mystery.

It is understandable that these powerful beings have seen or heard of the Book of the Dead at some point in the past.

Of course, these do not affect the current situation.

What about the Book of Undead?

What if you don't know?

The woman said, "So this is your trump card? It seems that within your Book of the Undead, you should have cultivated a very powerful army of undead!".

Lin Feng sneered, but did not answer the woman.

The woman was not angry, and said, "But if you think that we only have these powers in front of you, then you are very wrong. Look at what's going on outside!".

As the woman said, her right hand swept lightly in the void, and a picture appeared.

This is the outside picture.

I saw that the densely packed skeletons all stood up at this moment.

These bones, unexpectedly all awakened.

Become a group of skeletal creatures.

This change made Lin Feng and the others a bit surprised, because when Lin Feng and the others passed through these bone groups, they discovered that many of the bones were basically decayed.

How can a decayed skeleton turn into a skeleton creature?

There is not much power in the body at all!

But what is the current situation?

The energy fluctuations transmitted by those skeletal creatures are not like decayed skeletal bones. Lin Feng doesn't know exactly what happened, but Lin Feng estimates that it is directly related to the existence of the nine horrors in front of him.

"It's a big deal! I'm curious, how do you call it?". Lin Feng looked at the woman and asked.

"Pioneering era! Twelve ancestor demons!". The woman said.

The Twelve Ancestral Demons?

Lin Feng has never heard of their names, but it is estimated that they are similar to the twelve earthly branch kings.

Needless to say, the twelve earthly branch kings are powerful.

If they were at the same level as them, then the twelve ancestor demons would be scary enough.

It's just that most of the twelve earthly branch kings have lived until now, and the twelve ancestor demons have returned after a tribulation, and there is no small difference in strength from the twelve earthly branch kings who are still alive, right?

As for where the other three ancestor demons were, Lin Feng didn't know, nor was he interested in knowing.

Lin Feng said, “Now it’s a good time to return from the catastrophe. In a few years later, the cycle of reincarnation will be destroyed. At that time, it is not wise to try to return from the catastrophe, or to be born at that time. I have no intention of working with you. I never die, I just want to get back the soul of my friend. Do you want to make a friend or an enemy?".

The horror being walked out of the eighth hanging coffin said coldly, “I said it a long time ago. You don’t know the true identity of your friend. If you know, you know how important he is to this seat. So, I want It is simply impossible to let this seat give you his soul!".

Seeing the attitude of the other party, Lin Feng knew that it was impossible to negotiate conditions with them. These people are powerful and their cards are strong enough, so they are not afraid of him at all. If you really start, what will happen? It's really hard to say, but even if the result is not good, Lin Feng has to take action against these people, he can't just watch the immeasurable Taoist priest die like this.

"Then let's fight!"

Lin Feng said coldly.

His voice fell!

A large number of undead in the book of the dead quickly rushed out of the book of the dead, and the breath of these undead was extremely terrifying.

The most important thing is that the undead who rushed out first were wearing mechas. These mecha undeads are the most terrifying group of existence. The protection and blessing of the mechas are extremely terrifying!

These undead killed the nine horror existences, but at this time, the nine horror existences were imperial hanging coffins, soaring to the sky, the mountainside was instantly destroyed, and the nine horror existences rushed out from the mountainside.

Lin Feng and others quickly rushed out of the cave. Lin Feng temporarily sent the body of the Taoist immeasurable into the great world. In order to **** the soul of the Taoist immeasurable priest, there must be an extremely fierce battle next. Sending into the big world can protect his body from harm.

After coming outside, the Undead Legion stood behind Lin Feng and others, while the Skeleton Legion stood behind the nine horrible existences. The number of skeleton creatures behind them seemed to be more than Lin Feng’s side, but It's not too much, at most it will be more than a thousand.

The woman looked at Lin Feng and said, "It seems that you should have a very uncomplicated identity, and you should have come to Alcatraz Island from outside. Since I am about to be born, there is a lack of a spokesperson role outside. I think you are quite In order to fit this role, that’s good, today I will suppress you, let you become a slave to me, and then let you be our spokesperson in the outside world!”.

"good idea!". The other eight horrible beings nodded one after another, and they agreed with what the woman said!

Because they haven’t been out for too many years, and Lin Feng has an extremely uncomplicated identity. In the outside world, it is estimated that he is also a figure with great power. It is natural for them to have a powerful existence like Lin Feng as their slave and be driven by them. A pretty good thing.

When doing something, they can save them a lot of trouble.

"You are too whimsical. I think you haven’t been out for too long and you can’t keep up with the changes in the world. Why don’t you let me conquer you? Let you follow me and be driven by me. You should It can still be useful!". Lin Feng sneered.

The woman stepped towards Lin Feng and said, "Dare to say such things, it can only show that you are too ignorant, let me try your methods!".

Obviously, the woman knew that the existence in the eighth hanging coffin was not Lin Feng’s opponent, and that existence was the one with the top strength besides her. Such a powerful existence was not Lin Feng’s opponent. , Others estimated the same result, therefore, she planned to take action personally to suppress Lin Feng.

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