Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 641: View the future

The name of the fifth magical power is "Viewing the Future".

Looking into the future: One of the most mysterious magical powers in the pioneering era. It is rumored that after cultivating this magical power, you will have a probability to avoid all attacks from the opponent. While avoiding the opponent's attacks, there is also a chance that the opponent's combat power will be reduced within a certain period of time. within 15 to 30 percent.

Lin Feng was extremely shocked by the introduction of the magical power of Guanfu. This magical power was similar to the Illusive Curse to a certain extent, but in reality, it was much, much better than the Illusive Curse.

Why do you say this way?


The Illusive Spell is cast once and has a three-day cooldown period.

Within three days, there was no way to cast the Illusive Spell again.

But this view will be different in the future.

Visioning the Future is a passive magical power, just like Lin Feng's Dragon Elephant Critical Strike, there is no need to use it at all.

For example, when Lin Feng uses a certain magical power, there will be a certain probability of being in the dragon-elephant critical strike state. At that time, the power of the magical power will be doubled. How terrifying?

The same is true for future viewing. It does not need to be used. After you successfully practice future viewing and fight against others, when you are attacked, the future viewing magical power may be passively activated to avoid other people's attacks, and even have a probability of reducing other people's attacks.


There is an extremely powerful aspect of Guanfu, and that is the activation rate.

The passive activation rate of Dragon Elephant Critical Strike is actually not very high. Sometimes it will not be activated for a long time. This is what makes Lin Feng feel extremely regretful. If the activation rate of Dragon Elephant Critical Strike is very high, it would be great. Every shot has the potential to hit double.

Lin Feng's strength is so powerful. Every attack may cause a critical hit. How much damage can it cause to the enemy?

That time!

The mentality of someone who is dueling with Lin Feng will probably collapse, right?

But the key point is that the activation rate of Dragon Elephant's critical strike is not high. Lin Feng has also thought about whether he can increase the activation rate of Dragon Elephant's critical strike. He feels that if any kind of magical power has flaws, there must be a way to do it. To make up for this shortcoming, Dragon Elephant's low critical strike activation rate should be able to find a way to make up for it.

It's just that this kind of thing is easier said than done!

Even though Lin Feng racked his brains, he couldn't think of a way.

On the other hand, the probability of passive activation of the magical power of "seeing the future" is very high.

So, what is the probability of activation in the future?

Follow the introduction.

The probability of activation in the future is between 30% and 60%.

This probability is already extremely high.

With luck, you might be able to dodge more than half of the ten attacks from others, and also reduce the damage of the opponent's attacks. It's like killing two birds with one stone. It's a heaven-defying magical power. Such magical power naturally makes people crazy.

but. . Is such a heaven-defying magical power so easy to cultivate?

of course not!

Among these five magical powers, the magical power of Guanfu is the most precious!

It can be said bluntly that the value of the other four magical powers combined is not even as high as the value of looking at the future.

It stands to reason.

This woman could have used other magical powers to give to her, but she used the magical power of gazing into the future. Why is this?

Could it be because this woman is kind?

Of course it's impossible!

The two sides are still in a hostile relationship, and she has no choice but to compromise. How can she be so kind?

Lin Feng felt that there was only one reason that could explain it.

That is, it is difficult to practice the magical power of seeing the future.

Lin Feng recalled the scene of the previous battle with this woman and the being in the eighth hanging coffin.

When the two sides fought, they did not passively avoid attacks. Since the probability of passive activation in the future is so high, why did they not activate it once after the battle for so long?

Could it be bad luck? Still unable to activate?

Lin Feng felt that the probability was too small.

It should be that they have not successfully cultivated this magical power, so they have not passively activated it in the future.

Needless to say, what the strength of this woman and the being in the eighth hanging coffin is. As a boss-level being in the pioneer era, there is no way to cultivate the magical power of seeing the future. You can imagine what this magical power is. How difficult it is to practice.

Perhaps in this woman's view, seeing the future is a magical power that is almost impossible to successfully cultivate. It looks like a big pie that can only be seen but not eaten.

How depressing is this?

Instead of giving Lin Feng a magical power that can be successfully cultivated to increase the strength of Lin Feng and Lin Feng's people, it is better to give him a magical power that looks very powerful but cannot be successfully cultivated, which can not only consume Lin Feng and others' time, but also can Why not disturb their mentality?

This is also the reason why this woman lists future viewing as one of her five magical powers.

Lin Feng didn't know what the specific thoughts in this woman's heart were. He knew that Guan Lai's magical power would definitely be difficult to practice. However, even if it was difficult to practice, Lin Feng planned to give it a try because this magical power was really too rebellious. Oh my god.

Without looking at the probability of achieving a 60% evasion rate and reducing the opponent's attack power in the future, it would be about 50%.

If one could really learn this magical power, the role it would play in a battle with the top powerhouses would be unimaginable.

Because in a battle between top experts, a small factor may become an important factor in determining the outcome, and the probability of Guan Lai's magical power to dodge attacks and reduce the power of the opponent's attacks is so high, and it only needs to be successful once, maybe it will be enough. Let Lin Feng take the absolute initiative in this battle.

"What a heaven-defying magical power!" Lin Feng couldn't help but feel extremely happy. In fact, with his current strength, magical powers that can really make his heart beat are relatively rare. However, these magical powers from the pioneer era made his heart flutter, especially the magical power of gazing into the future. No matter what, we must work hard to successfully cultivate this magical power.

Lin Feng even felt that if he really cultivated this magical power, he would not necessarily be incapable of fighting even against those terrifying veteran creator-level experts.

It is too common in the world of cultivators for a magical power to reverse the tide of battle.

Lin Feng put away the two jade tubes.

He then looked at the woman. Lin Feng was now thinking about how to negotiate with this woman to resolve the grievances between the two parties. After all, this woman and her companions were the ancestor demons of the pioneer era. They were powerful at this level. It was too terrifying, and it was estimated that it would recover soon. If it was still in a hostile state, Lin Feng would be equivalent to having several more powerful enemies. This was not a situation that Lin Feng wanted to see.

Of course, before trying to resolve the grievances between the two parties, Lin Feng had to get back the soul of the boundless Taoist priest from this woman.

The soul of the boundless Taoist priest needs to be integrated with the body as soon as possible. Over time, it will cause serious damage to the boundless Taoist priest.

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