Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 657: The ninety-eighth grave

Logically speaking, there should be a corpse here, but now there is no corpse. Of course Lin Feng and the others will focus on where the corpse went.

"You're not going to fake the corpse, are you? The corpse ran away? In other words, when the tombs were first built, there were no corpses at all, and these tombs were all empty!" Poison Ancestor said.

Wuliang Taoist said, "It's hard to say, look at the jade tripod on the stone table!".

Everyone looked at the jade tripod. In fact, there is nothing unusual about the jade tripod. It's just that there are wickers inserted in the jade tripod, which makes people confused. Even if it is used for sacrifice, it should be for burning incense, not wicker, right?

But I have never heard that wicker has a sacrificial function.

Lin Feng asked, "How to say?".

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "I saw a record in a Taoist scripture. It said that in an extremely ancient era, when a person died, the deceased's clansmen would insert a On the wicker, it is said that the wicker has the effect of summoning souls. These people look forward to the day when the wicker can summon the souls of the deceased scattered between heaven and earth after death!"


Lin Feng and others couldn't help but frown slightly. It was just a wicker stick, could it have such an effect?

Is this superstition?

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "Based on the various things we are exposed to now, it is difficult to judge whether this kind of rumor is true or false. But no matter whether this kind of rumor is true or false, one thing is certain. The ancient tomb is indeed too old. I am more inclined to believe that this place should have contained corpses!"

Lin Feng said, "Isn't it a bit far-fetched to judge that there is a corpse in this place simply by relying on a willow stick?"

Wuliang Taoist said, "My judgment relies on my own intuition. The role played by the wicker is not the most critical!".

Sometimes Lin Feng relies on his own intuition when judging some things.

Different people have their own unique opinions in different fields. In the field of archeology, Wuliang Taoist priest is definitely an authoritative person. Therefore, at this time, Wuliang Taoist priest said that he judged this matter based on his own intuition. In fact, it was To attract attention, not to arouse doubts.

Lin Feng said, "So, the corpse here is really resurrected? And it left the tomb?".

Xia Donghuang said, "If this is the case, then where did he go? Are other tombs in a similar situation?"

Lin Feng said, "Let's search first to see if there is anything valuable in the tomb!".

After searching, nothing was found, which made Lin Feng and others feel a little helpless. If there was any treasure, it would probably have been taken away by that guy, and he would not keep the treasure until now.

So Lin Feng and others left this tomb and opened other tombs.

One, two, three, four...ten...twenty...thirty...

Tombs were opened one after another, and the situation was exactly the same as before. The tombs were all empty, with no coffins and no corpses. The common feature of every tomb was that there was a stone table with a jade tripod placed on it. , and inside the jade tripod, there is a wicker stick inserted.

"Are they all resurrected?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

This ancient method is really scary. Can it really bring people back to life?

Even if this can really be achieved, Lin Feng feels that there should be many restrictions. It is impossible not to have any restrictions. That would be terrible.

"There's one last tomb left!".

Lin Feng and others looked at the last tomb, which was the innermost tomb of all the tombs.

It is also the ninety-eighth tomb.

Wuliang Taoist said, "Fortunately, there are only ninety-eight tombs. If there were ninety-nine tombs, even if you kill yourself, you won't be able to open the ninety-ninth tomb!".

Lin Feng knew about the saying that disasters occurred every nine days, and Wuliang Taoist priests had been engaged in archaeological work all year round, so he believed in this statement even more.

The number nine, at certain times, does represent ominousness.

Need more attention!

Of course, a single nine will represent unpredictability. If other numbers are combined with nine, then this unpredictability can be hedged. It is worth noting that the hedging numbers can only be from one, two, three, four, five, When choosing among the numbers six, seven, and eight, you cannot choose nine. It would be even more terrifying to form a number like 99.

Wuliang Taoist said, "Can't everything be empty?"

The excavation of the last tomb also began, and it didn't take long to find the tomb. Lin Feng and others entered the tomb. They saw a coffin in the tomb. It was not a stone coffin, but a coffin made of willow trees. It had a special The rune seal, so after a long time has passed, this coffin still has no sign of decay.

"Look, it's really different here. There are some things scattered around the corners. Those are things used to summon spirits!" Wuliang Taoist priest said in surprise.

Lin Feng and the others did see some things lying around. After a long time, nothing was damaged. This showed that the value of the things placed here was absolutely astonishing. Otherwise, they would have been obliterated by the power of time.

"Go and collect the things!". Lin Feng looked at Du Zu and others and said.

Poison Ancestor and the others quickly walked around and collected the things scattered around, a total of twenty-four things.

Most of them are magic weapons.

Moreover, they were extremely high-level magic weapons. Lin Feng took a look and saw that there were thirteen magic weapons in total, and all of them were quasi-creator-level magic weapons. What a generous move.

If a monk obtains a treasure of this level, it is unimaginable to improve his own strength.

In addition to the thirteen quasi-creator-level magic weapons, there are also three black stones, which seem to be demon stones.

This is what countless monks on Alcatraz Island dream of, and it is a token of their departure from Alcatraz Island.

The remaining eight items include ores, stone books, jade and other things.

They are definitely not ordinary things.

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "I want a devil's stone, a quasi-creator-level magic weapon, and I also want that ancient stone book!".

Lin Feng nodded. These things that Wuliang Taoist asked for were not too much, and he was indispensable for being able to find this place.

Poison Ancestor handed these things to Wuliang Taoist Priest, and gave the remaining things to Lin Feng. Lin Feng would definitely distribute these things later, but not now. Lin Feng and others looked at the willow tree. The completed coffin.

There were no coffins in the ninety-seven tombs before. The beings buried in them in the past seemed to have been resurrected and left. However, a coffin appeared here. Does it mean that the beings in this coffin were not able to survive? Come back to life?

You need to open the coffin and take a look to confirm!

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