Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 663: Cut off the head

A magic weapon has now turned into runes to bless this existence. This magic weapon is indeed a bit strange.

The key is that this is a creator-level magic weapon, not an ordinary magic weapon. It is unimaginable how much such a high-level magic weapon can add to one's own combat power.


Now that this statue exists, it is indeed terrifying.

"Do you feel how powerful I am?". This being looked at Lin Feng coldly. He was indeed so powerful that it shocked people. This kind of power was too shocking.

He stepped out, and a terrifying coercion filled the void. This was an invisible field. The field was very similar to the magnetic field and could form a powerful force of oppression. This force of oppression , it can cause various blows to the monks.

Like now!

The field released by this being had an all-round impact on Lin Feng. The various magic weapons Lin Feng sacrificed, the magical powers he displayed, and other methods were all severely suppressed.

And as this being got closer to Lin Feng, the field he released became more and more powerful.

The strong field means that his combat power is constantly improving.

This being did not use any other means, but used the field to deal with Lin Feng.

This is not a bad idea.

First, the domain field is a large-scale attack method.

Lin Feng used several powerful methods.

The large-scale attack method of domain field should be considered a better strategy to resolve Lin Feng's various methods.

Second, the field is very special. After it is formed, it can form a continuous attack. When forming a continuous attack, there is no need to switch to magical powers. It can form a continuous blow to your opponent.

Third, the field will have a relatively large impact on the monks' psychology. The duel between monks is not only a duel of comprehensive strength, but also a duel of wits and courage.

Psychological fluctuations will have a great impact on the outcome of the war.

Lin Feng's various methods were suppressed more and more severely. When this being stepped forward, the powerful force formed by the domain actually knocked away many of the magic weapons that Lin Feng had sacrificed. Some of the powerful magical powers he used were also knocked out by the domain. The power of the field was destroyed.

"Heavy shield blow!".

At this time, the terrifying existence that had already reached Lin Feng took action again. He used the power of the field to condense a huge shield, which was surrounded by countless runes.

Every rune seems to contain infinite power.

The characteristic of heavy shield strike is to condense the shield and runes. A strong connection and resonance will be formed between the shield and the runes, and this connection and resonance will make the shield's power reach its extreme.

The combat power of this statue itself is terrifying enough, but now he has used such a powerful skill as heavy shield strike. He obviously wants to seize this opportunity and defeat Lin Feng in one fell swoop.

It seemed that his thoughts were almost the same as Lin Feng's.

They all want a quick resolution rather than stalling for time.

Because he was not sure what would happen if he continued to delay.

While Lin Feng was fighting with this being, the fighting on the other battlefields was also extremely fierce. Members like these members of the strongest heavenly group would hold back at least one branded creature. They were trying their best to help the undead army share the pressure.

Mainly because these branded creatures are too powerful.

Although the undead army is strong, it also depends on the situation of its opponents. Without the involvement of the strongest heavenly group, it is not easy for the undead army to deal with these branded creatures.

This war has actually played a big role in training many people. For example, Beibei and others are very powerful and lack actual combat. Now is a good opportunity for actual combat. In fact, during this period, Beibei and others They participated in a lot of battles, which was extremely helpful to them.

Where did the phrase "flowers in the greenhouse" come from?

It is because some children of big families are very powerful, but because they are protected by their families, they rarely participate in life-and-death battles. As a result, they lack combat experience. Once it comes to a life-and-death battle with live ammunition, it is easy for them to fall behind. Their strength is different from that of others. The combat power is completely disproportionate. This is the origin of the saying "flowers in the greenhouse".

Earlier, Lin Feng protected Beibei and the others better. Beibei and the others were like flowers in a greenhouse. Although they were powerful, they seriously lacked practical experience. But now it is different. In order to train Beibei and others, Lin Feng has already Allowing them to participate in various life and death battles, these little guys will grow extremely fast.

Every battle on the remaining battlefields is extremely fierce!

No carelessness is allowed.

Any carelessness may result in devastating consequences.

Undead souls are constantly being wiped out, and occasionally branded creatures are wiped out, but the overall strength of the branded creatures is too strong, and being wiped out is just an isolated phenomenon.

Although some of the battles on the strongest legion's side looked dangerous, fortunately there were no major problems.

At this time, a heavy shield blow was about to hit Lin Feng. Lin Feng planned to use Mirror Flower Shadow to fight back, but he found that he failed. This existence had a way to prevent the monks from using their magical powers. Lin Feng estimated that, This method cannot be used 100%, it should also be a matter of probability.


No matter how high the probability was, Lin Feng was hit now. Jing Hua Ying failed to cast, and it seemed that he could only resist such a terrifying attack.

But Lin Feng still didn't look panicked, because Lin Feng had already been prepared.

He had experienced the inability to successfully use his magical powers before, so he had been using his spiritual thoughts to connect with his natal magic weapon, the Hunyuan Umbrella. In this way, he could sacrifice the Hunyuan Umbrella, the most precious treasure, with just one thought.

The Hunyuan Umbrella not only has strong defense, but also has the function of advanced counter-shock. The effect of advanced counter-shock is very similar to that of Jing Hua Ying. It can deflect powerful attacks back, but in theory, advanced counter shock cannot reach the level of Jing Hua Ying. With such a powerful effect, Jinghuaying almost 100% rebounds the attack, while the advanced rebound fluctuates within a range.

If it is lower, it can counterattack about 50% of the attacks.

If it is higher, it can counterattack about 80% of the attacks.

If the opponent's attack is powerful enough, the counterattack will be 50 to 80% of the attack, which is actually terrifying enough to cause extremely serious damage to the opponent.

Such as this time.

The heavy shield released by this being was about to hit Lin Feng with one blow, but Lin Feng used the advanced counterattack effect of the Hunyuan Umbrella to counterattack the attack. Lin Feng's luck was quite good. Although the counterattack power was not It reached 80 percent, but it also reached about 75 percent.

Such a violent force bombarded the being, and the being was directly blown away. The powerful force shocked his body and caused him to bleed. Before he could make a new response, Lin Feng had already quickly killed him and directly Beheaded the head of this being.

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