Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 682: Liu Yanzhi’s little thoughts

Lin Feng and Liu Yanzhi walked towards Liu Yanzhi talking and laughing. They met several monks on the way. Liu Yanzhi stopped and greeted a few of them.

Among these people, there was one person whom Lin Feng knew. This person was none other than the peerless young master Lei Jueshi. He had seen this person before in the Flower House.

This man is known as one of the top ten young masters of Alcatraz Island, and he is a top-ranked being. He has the destiny of heaven and earth. He is young and has unfathomable strength. He is the most promising being in the Lei family to break through to the realm of the Creator.

Such a person is naturally an extraordinary being. Every move he makes is secretly watched by countless people.

The status of the other few people who can be with this person is probably not simple, and they are probably descendants of aristocratic families.

Seeing Liu Yanzhi greeting them, several people stopped and responded to Liu Yanzhi.

"Who is this?".

The peerless young master glanced at Lin Feng beside Liu Yanzhi, and then asked.

He did have some understanding of Liu Yanzhi. Liu Yanzhi seemed to be easy to talk to, but in fact, he was an extremely proud person deep down.

Moreover, she is very talented and powerful, and with the Hualou behind her, she also has very strong influence and connections. How can an ordinary person like this be able to catch her eye?

In private, he rarely has too many close connections with other people.

Even though his peerless young master once hinted that Liu Yanzhi could take her as his concubine, Liu Yanzhi didn't seem to understand. Did he really not understand?

It's just a polite rejection.

Now, seeing Liu Yanzhi talking and laughing with a young monk, although he knew that Liu Yanzhi and the young monk probably did not have a close relationship, the peerless young master felt quite uncomfortable in his heart.

His strength, his origin, his talent, etc., destined him to be a proud person as well.

Someone he had spied on.

You can refuse him.

But he cannot accept others.

Of course, Peerless Young Master is not the kind of person who does impulsive things because of certain emotions. Since he is known as one of the top ten young masters, he is not only talented, but also powerful and has a high IQ.

This monk looks young, but he is definitely not simple. Otherwise, how could Liu Yanzhi be so attentive?

Therefore, when Master Peerless asked Liu Rouge about Lin Feng's identity, it was definitely not just that he was interested in Lin Feng. He also had many thoughts and calculations.

Liu Yanzhi said, "This is Mr. Lin, my friend!".

Liu Yanzhi had no intention of leaking Lin Feng's information.

It was just a brief introduction to Lin Feng.

The peerless young master looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "Brother Lin looks very strange. I wonder which force he is from?".

Lin Feng said, "I'm just a casual cultivator!".

"A casual cultivator?" The peerless young master had a smile on his lips.

He didn't really believe what Lin Feng said, but he didn't say much else.

Because he can see it.

No matter what else he says.

There seems to be no way to find out more content. In this case, why bother yourself?

Liu Yanzhi said, "Young Masters, I still have some things to discuss with Young Master Lin, so I'm leaving now. I hope you all have a good time in the Flower House!".


The peerless young master nodded and said.

Lin Feng and Liu Yanzhi left immediately. They came to Liu Yanzhi's room. Liu Yanzhi's boudoir was decorated very simply. No men would come here on weekdays. Liu Yanzhi specially brought Lin Feng here to create a This ambiguous atmosphere gave Lin Feng some different thoughts.

It's not that Liu Yanzhi is interested in Lin Feng.

How is this possible?

How long have they known each other?

We haven't experienced anything special together, so it's not as simple as just one sentence to arouse interest.

She mainly wanted to get the Demon Stone, and she was a little worried that her side would not have an advantage. Although there were some favors on Lin Feng's side, Lin Feng might also sell some favors to her.

But it's hard to say how big the favor here is, and whether it's big enough for her to get the Demon Stone.

That's why Liu Yanzhi thought of a new idea.

Lin Feng is young and must be a vigorous man.

Have a little ambiguity.

It stirred up waves in Lin Feng's heart, and made Lin Feng unable to eat.

Hanging Lin Feng like this.

Maybe your wishes will come true.

Although this was Liu Yanzhi's first time doing this kind of thing, some things seemed to come easily to women.

It doesn't require much experience at all, you can learn it by yourself without any teacher.

Liu Yanzhi said, "When I have nothing to do, I like to delve into the tea ceremony. My favorite is scented tea. Master, please wait for a moment. I will make a cup of scented tea for you. Let me taste it!"

"Of course!". Lin Feng said with a smile.

Liu Yanzhi’s tea table is a low table that requires sitting cross-legged or kneeling.

Lin Feng sat cross-legged on the cushion. Liu Yanzhi was not opposite Lin Feng, but to the right of Lin Feng, kneeling with his legs in front of the low table.

Warming the pot; setting the tea; brewing; waking up the tea; brewing; delivering tea, etc.

One step after another.

That graceful and delicate body appeared in front of her in a kneeling position.

It seems to be more and more beautiful and moving.

After brewing the tea, Liu Yanzhi said, "Sir, please taste it!".

She was very close to Lin Feng, and when she spoke, Lin Feng could even smell the fragrant scent emanating from her body.

Her eyelashes are long, her eyes are big, and her face is small, making her look very beautiful.

Being able to become a goddess-level figure naturally has its characteristics, but Lin Feng has seen too many beauties, and his mentality is very stable, and he will not have any special thoughts.

Lin Feng took a sip of fragrant tea.

The taste is very fragrant and has a soft texture. In fact, when you taste this texture, it will form an extremely strong taste that hits your taste buds. It is like entering a world of flowers. Here, you can enjoy it to your heart's content. The world of flowers.

"Good tea! Fairy's scented tea is unique!". Lin Feng said.

Liu Yanzhi smiled and said, "As long as the young master likes it!".

Lin Feng then chatted with Liu Yanzhi about many things. Liu Yanzhi seemed to be very curious about Lin Feng and asked some questions that Lin Feng didn't know how to answer. Some of the questions were so ambiguous that Lin Feng thought Liu Yanzhi was the best. Rouge isn't really interested in me, is she?

But Lin Feng soon gave up this idea, it was just an illusion.

It was the illusion Liu Yanzhi created for herself.

However, another thing Liu Yanzhi mentioned aroused Lin Feng's interest. This matter was related to the peerless young master he had met before.

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