Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 706: past events

Lin Feng tried to use his spiritual sense to sense this finger bone to see if he could find something special.


Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts made contact with his finger bones.

Long years passed.

Finger bones still contain amazing energy.

There are also some runes imprinted on the inside of the finger bones.

This is an innate rune.

It's like some powerful monks have bloodline memories in their blood.

Runes will also be imprinted on the bones of some creatures.

Once upon a time, in a certain era, or even in a certain era, the "way of bone repair" emerged.

What's going on with this bone repair method?

Everyone should know that because the history of the cultivation world is too long, the events of the last reincarnation are too long for now. There are not many records, so I won’t mention them anymore. Let’s just say that this reincarnation has gone through three thousand times. So many eras.

An epoch is tens of billions of years.

It is natural to experience countless ways of cultivating the Tao.

When old cultivation methods are eliminated, new methods will emerge.

The emergence of bone repairing method is not a big surprise.

It is said that when the art of bone cultivation appeared at that time, the monks' various inheritances and even memories would be turned into special runes and imprinted on the bones. If they were combined with aliens and gave birth to children, the children's bones might inherit these. runes.

Things in the world of cultivators are full of magic and unknowns, but they are also full of confusion and incomprehension. Especially, with the passage of time, many truths have been covered up.

As for the age and era of the finger bones in front of him, or even whether they were the finger bones of this reincarnation, Lin Feng was not particularly clear.

Lin Feng needed to further explore the runes imprinted on the finger bones to see if there were any new discoveries. After careful exploration, Lin Feng could not find anything special about the runes. The runes seemed to be very ordinary, without any special features. The memory is imprinted.

Or maybe it's because it takes too long.

Time has erased all memories of rune imprints.

It's really hard to say which situation it is.

This made Lin Feng's brows frown slightly.

Perhaps now is not the time to continue exploring this finger bone.

Lin Feng planned to put away the finger bone for the time being and explore what it was about later. However, at this moment, Lin Feng discovered that the runes on the finger bone had changed.

Lin Feng was slightly shocked by this sudden discovery, and he quickly made contact with the finger bones again.

After both parties get in touch.

Lin Feng felt that his mind was instantly pulled into an ancient world. In this world, the sky was gloomy and the smell of death was everywhere.

In the distance, a golden giant ape as tall as a mountain, its life came to an end, and its body collapsed to the ground.

Further away, there were giants from the giant clan, roaring. They could not stop the decay and death of their bodies. The giants were shouting, why is this happening, but no one could help them. Those giants, before they died, chanted Singing the race's war song, they gradually died amid the war song.

The most beautiful creatures live in the elven kingdom further away.

That is a race in myths and legends. Lin Feng has never seen real elves. He has only seen introductions of elves in some Taoist scriptures or ancient books. It is said that ordinary elves live in trees. They are the darlings of nature, no matter what. Whether they are male elves or female elves, they all have almost perfect looks.

And so it is.

Whether they are male elves or female elves, they are all so flawless.

Deep in the elven kingdom, a castle was built, where the elven royal family lived.

Elves love peace.

Also an advocate of peace.

They love life.

Therefore, in the kingdom of elves, everything is cheerful and positive, and you can often see many elves singing and dancing together.

But now, the elves in the Elf Kingdom are also dying.

Nothing seems to be able to prevent death.


A field of stars.

A world after another.

A universe.

Endless creatures are dying and withering.

"Are the gods and humans declining?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Lin Feng had heard the words "Five Declines of Heaven and Man" countless times. In this era, more than a hundred years ago, the Five Declines of Heaven and Man had already appeared with the great changes in the world.

Extreme prosperity, evolution and ultimate decline.


The world of cultivators is extremely prosperous.

Countless opportunities arise.

Countless monks achieved breakthroughs.

Even the realm of the Creator, which was difficult to break through in the past, has been achieved by many people.

And the ultimate decline after extreme prosperity is definitely more terrifying than imagined.

The power of the Five Deceased Heavenly Beings is not unpowerful now.

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But it didn't break out.

Currently saving up.

When the time is right, the power of the five degenerates of heaven and man will completely explode, and what Lin Feng saw will happen.

When the five degenerates of heaven and humans spread throughout the universe.

There is no need for anyone to take action against the creatures in the world. The creatures in the world will die under the power of the five powers of heaven and man.

Is there a way to counteract the five declines of heaven and man?

Lin Feng didn't know.

Because Lin Feng has not experienced the truly terrifying Five Decline of Heaven and Man yet.

Moreover, this is before the destruction of reincarnation, not before the destruction of the era. This time the five declines of heaven and man are unprecedented, and I don’t know how many times more powerful than the previous five declines of heaven and man.

It's even harder to compete.

The most terrifying thing is that some ancient existences, such as those unknown and terrifying existences, including the Creator who is involved with them, seem to have some kind of special connection, or it can be called an agreement, with the Five Declines of Heaven and Man.

This kind of people are basically not affected by the five declines of heaven and man, so they can cooperate with the five declines of heaven and man to target monks in all heavens and worlds, and then destroy countless forces and creatures one by one in epochs and reincarnations, and then start again A world of innovation.

The change of the world and the death of countless creatures.

It's like a game they play.

It sounds so cruel and sad, but it is the truth.


In the distance, terrible fluctuations were heard.

Lin Feng was alarmed.

Lin Feng rushed into the distance.

This is a broken place, and there are people who have overcome the tribulation and want to hit the realm of the Creator when disaster strikes.

That was a majestic man like a god. He was dressed in white and looked so extraordinary.

The catastrophe he overcame was much more terrifying than the catastrophe he had endured before, especially when the human catastrophe came, darkness enveloped the world, and unknown and terrifying beings descended on the place where he overcame the tribulation, trying to destroy him.

who is he?

The owner of the finger bone?

Or is there someone else?

Lin Feng couldn't help but think about it.

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