Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 713: lake in abyss

Lin Feng and the others entered the Devil's Forest.

The group of people flew towards the depths of the Demon Forest.

While on the road, Lin Feng and the others kept paying attention to the changes in the surrounding mountains and forests.

As they go deeper, they can sense it.

There seems to be a strange, indescribable power permeating the Demon Forest.

This kind of power was constantly trying to invade their bodies. Fortunately, Lin Feng and others were strong enough to resist the invasion of this kind of power.

They continued to go deeper into the Devil's Forest. Basically, there were no living creatures in this place. Even the vegetation growing here was very different from the vegetation outside.

About five days later, Lin Feng and the others saw from a distance that a blood cloud appeared deep in the Devil's Forest, covering the void. The Blood Lotus Demon Flower said, "We are almost there. The area covered by the blood cloud is where we want to go." Places to go!".

"It's finally here!". Lin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Grandpa escaped here and there was no news after that. Although there were rumors that grandpa had died long ago, judging from the clues Lin Feng got, there was still a certain probability of surviving, even if the probability was only about 1%. , but that is also a hope.

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No matter what, Lin Feng will not give up searching.

Lin Feng said, "The closer you are to your destination, the more careful you must be!".

Everyone nodded.

Ever since they entered the Devil's Forest, Lin Feng had an extremely weird feeling here, but they had never experienced any danger.

The more this happens, the more it means that things are not as simple as they appear on the surface, and the more careful you need to be.

Lin Feng and others naturally understood these truths.

It does take a lot of effort to reach the area covered by blood clouds. When Lin Feng and the others tried to enter that area, they wandered back and forth in one place, just like ordinary people encountering a ghost beating a wall.

This place forms a natural terrain that affects the monks who enter this place.

Generally speaking, powerful monks are difficult to be affected.

However, we also need to look at the specific situation.

If this place is particularly weird and this weird power is particularly strong, then even powerful monks will be affected.

Lin Feng and others decided to stop and think carefully about how to cross this area.

They planned several routes and planned to try to travel through the planned routes.

After trying several routes one by one, Lin Feng and others successfully passed through the extremely strange area through the third route. After passing through that area, they were very close to the area shrouded in blood clouds. .

Looking from a distance, the blood cloud is flowing in the void, as if it has its own life, which is really weird.

Below the blood cloud is a huge abyss area.

However, Lin Feng and the others were in an area at the bottom of the abyss. There was an entrance into the abyss, and the rock walls that formed the abyss extended to a very high position, and some places were even submerged in the blood cloud.

Lin Feng and the others continued to walk inside, and it didn't take long before they found the entrance.

The entrance is a huge cave-shaped place.

Poison Ancestor said, "It looks a bit like a monster's open mouth!".

When Poison Ancestor said this, everyone paid careful attention and found that it was exactly as Poison Ancestor said. The entrance in front of them looked like a monster, opening its mouth and trying to swallow everything. .

Lin Feng said, "Although some things are unfounded and look like superstition, at this moment, experiencing such things, it does make people feel that something is not right. This seems to be a bad omen!".

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "Have you inferred so much content from the shape of the entrance? Do you also believe in "theology" now?"

Lin Feng asked, "Then what do you think?"

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "I am a supporter of "theology". My feelings are similar to yours. There may be some surprises next!"

The surprise that Wuliang Taoist mentioned here was naturally not a real surprise. He said it in a joking way. Therefore, there will definitely be some dangers next, but the specific dangers are unknown.

However, this could not stop Lin Feng and others. They continued to walk inside. The more they walked inside, the more they could feel some changes in their surroundings. The strange power emitted here became stronger and stronger, and its influence on the monks was also constantly changing. big.

And Lin Feng always felt that after coming here, the most terrifying thing was not the impact of that weird power on various abilities of the body.

It's about the influence on thinking. To be precise, there should be a strange force dormant. This strange force has had an extremely serious impact on the monk's thinking.

The thinking ability determines how the monks act. After the thinking ability is affected, the impact on the monks is still great.

Therefore, this situation cannot be underestimated.

But overall, the situation was still under the control of Lin Feng and others. They continued to go deep into it. After about three hours, some bones appeared in front of them. This was the first time that Lin Feng and others saw them after entering the Devil's Forest. When it comes to the bones, I haven't seen any bones before, but the total number of bones here is about a dozen.

Lin Feng and others checked and found that these bones had long since decayed, but some of the bones were well preserved. Judging from some of the bones, these monks had suffered serious injuries during their lifetime, causing their bones to crack.

In other words, they probably ran out of the depths, but still failed to escape from this place and eventually died here.

There are two things that are puzzling here.

The first point is, do they have any accomplices?

The second point is, if they had an accomplice, why didn't the accomplice collect their bodies?

Lin Feng and others discussed the possible situations inside, and then they continued to walk inside. As they continued to go deeper, Lin Feng and the others could see the bones left by some dead monks from time to time. From the dozen or so they saw at the beginning So far, we have seen almost seventy or eighty corpses, which is quite a lot.

Poison Ancestor said, "The people who died here are all masters, and judging from the situation, it seems that they died here not too far apart. Could these people be the ones who surrounded and suppressed the young master's grandfather before and were killed by the young master's grandfather?" Are you here?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, "It is possible!".

An hour later, Lin Feng and the others saw a lake appearing in front of them. It was a black lake, blocking their way. Lin Feng and the others planned to fly over the lake.

But just when they flew to the middle of the lake, many pictures appeared on the water surface.

This is a scene of a big battle. Hundreds of monks are besieging a heroic man.

It's just that the picture is a bit blurry and I can't see clearly what these people look like.

Seeing these pictures, Lin Feng and others stopped quickly.

"Is it grandpa?" Lin Feng looked at the picture of the lake with a gloomy expression.

This lake looks extremely extraordinary, as shown on the surface of the lake.

It should be a battle scene imprinted on that year.

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